Configuring the Toolflow

If you have successully installed the toolflow and its dependencies, it is now time to configure the flow to suit your specific environment. The toolflow needs to know where dependencies like MATLAB and Xilinx tools have been installed. Other site-dependent parameters may also need to be defined.

The startsg script

A startup script – startsg – is provided as part of the toolflow repository. This script can be used in two ways:

  • If executed (i.e. /path/to/mlib_devel/startsg): start MATLAB with the correctly defined library paths.
  • If sourced (i.e. source /path/to/mlib_devel/startsg): configure software paths without starting MATLAB.

The former method is what you should do if you want to start a Simulink design, or open an existing one.

The latter method is useful if you want to run parts of the toolflow outside of MATLAB (eg. or run Xilinx tools (eg. vivado) directly from the command line.

Specifying local details

The startsg script is generic. You should not need to modify it. The script does not require that the Matlab and Xilinx tools be installed in specific locations, but it does require that you provide it with a few details about your local installation. This is done by creating a startsg.local file that defines a few key variables needed by startsg. Two essential variables are:

  • MATLAB_PATH - the path to the directory where MATLAB was installed
  • XILINX_PATH - the path to the directory where Xilinx tools were installed

Optional variables:

  • PLATFORM - Used by the Xilinx tools to select suitable runtime binaries for your system. If not specified, it will be defaulted to lin64, indicating a 64-bit Linux operating system. This is the only configuration the collaboration tests.
  • XILINXD_LICENCE_FILE - The path to your Xilinx software license if it exists in a non-standard location.
  • JASPER_BACKEND - the type of Xilinx tools you want to use to implement your design. Supported options are vivado or ise. The default is vivado, which is correct for all CASPER-supported platforms. (Note: ise is the Xilinx tool used for ROACH1/ROACH2 designs, however official support for ROACH platforms is no longer provided).
  • CASPER_PYTHON_VENV_ON_START - The path to your Python virtual environment (if one is being used). This will activate the virtual environment on load.

Other variables: Depending on your operating system, and MATLAB / Xilinx quirks, you may need to specify other generic OS variables. For example, with MATLAB 2018a and Ubuntu 16.04, it is necessary to over-ride the default MATLAB libexpat library to a newer version. To do this you can set the LD_PRELOAD variable.

Here is a sample startsg.local file:

    export XILINX_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1
    export MATLAB_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a
    export PLATFORM=lin64
    export JASPER_BACKEND=vivado

    # over-ride the MATLAB libexpat version with the OS's one.
    # Using LD_PRELOAD=${LD_PRELOAD}:"..." rather than just LD_PRELOAD="..."
    # ensures that we preserve any other settings already configured
    export LD_PRELOAD=${LD_PRELOAD}:"/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"

    # Activate a custom python environment on load
    export CASPER_PYTHON_VENV_ON_START=/home/user/work/casper_venv

Since this configuration refers to your specific installation environment, in general it shouldn’t be commited to the mlib_devel repository. In fact, the repository is configured to ignore changes to any files with names beginning startsg.. If you really want to commit your local configuration file, you can do this, but it’s helpful to call it something other than startsg.local, (eg. startsg.local.example or so as not to conflict with other users, all of whom will have similar files with different contents.

Using startsg

By default, executing (or sourcing) the startsg script will use variables defined in the configuration file startsg.local residing in the same directory as startsg. However, you can use a specific configuration by specifying one as an argument to startsg. This can be useful if you want to store configurations for multiple versions of MATLAB / Xilinx tools.

For example:

    $ ./startsg                       # Uses startsg.local if one exists in the current directory

    $ ./mlib_devel/startsg            # Uses startsg.local if one exists in ./mlib_devel/
    $ ./startsg startsg.local.use_vivado_2016  # Uses the startsg.local.use_vivado_16 configuration file