Source code for fortygbe

import logging
import time

from network import IpAddress, Mac
from gbe import Gbe

[docs]class FortyGbe(Gbe): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name, address, length_bytes, device_info=None, position=None): """ Implements the Gbe class. This is normally initialised from_device_info. :param parent: The parent object, normally a CasperFpga instance :param name: The name of the device :param position: Optional - defaulted to None :param address: Integer :param length_bytes: Integer :param device_info: Information about the device """ super(FortyGbe, self).__init__( parent, name, address, length_bytes, device_info) self.position = position self.logger = parent.logger self.reg_map = {'mac' : 0x0E, 'ip' : 0x14, 'fabric_port' : 0x30, 'fabric_en' : 0x2C, 'subnet_mask' : 0x1C, 'gateway_ip' : 0x18, 'multicast_ip' : 0x20, 'multicast_mask' : 0x24}
@property def ip_address(self): ip = self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['ip']) ip_address = IpAddress(ip) return ip_address @property def mac(self): gbedata = [] for ctr in range(0xC, 0x14, 4): gbedata.append(self._wbone_rd(self.address + ctr)) gbebytes = [] for d in gbedata: gbebytes.append((d >> 24) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 16) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 8) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 0) & 0xff) pd = gbebytes return Mac('{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}'.format( *pd[2:])) @property def port(self): en_port = self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_port']) port = en_port & (2 ** 16 - 1) return port
[docs] def post_create_update(self, raw_device_info): """ Update the device with information not available at creation. :param raw_device_info: info about this block that may be useful """ super(FortyGbe, self).post_create_update(raw_device_info) self.snaps = {'tx': [], 'rx': []} snapnames = self.parent.snapshots.names() for txrx in ['r', 't']: snapshot_index=0 snapshot_found=True while snapshot_found: name = + '_%sxs%i_ss' %(txrx,snapshot_index) if name in snapnames: self.snaps['%sx' % txrx].append(self.parent.snapshots[name]) snapshot_index+=1 else: snapshot_found=False self.get_gbe_core_details()
[docs] @classmethod def from_device_info(cls, parent, device_name, device_info, memorymap_dict, **kwargs): """ Process device info and the memory map to get all necessary info and return a TenGbe instance. :param parent: the parent device, normally an FPGA instance :param device_name: the unique device name :param device_info: information about this device :param memorymap_dict: a dictionary containing the device memory map :return: a TenGbe object """ try: address = memorymap_dict[device_name]['address'] & 0xfffff length_bytes = memorymap_dict[device_name]['bytes'] except KeyError as e: # TODO: move away from this hard coding. Requires modification to in mlib_devel address = 0x54000 length_bytes = 0x4000 return cls(parent, device_name, address, length_bytes, device_info, 0)
def _wbone_rd(self, addr): """ :param addr: """ return self.parent.transport.read_wishbone(addr) def _wbone_wr(self, addr, val): """ :param addr: :param val: """ return self.parent.transport.write_wishbone(addr, val)
[docs] def fabric_enable(self): """ Enables 40G core fabric interface. :return: """ en_port = self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en']) if en_port & 0xF == 1: return en_port_new = en_port | 0x1 self._wbone_wr(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en'], en_port_new) if self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en']) != en_port_new: errmsg = 'Error enabling 40gbe port' self.logger.error(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg)
[docs] def fabric_disable(self): """ Disables 40G core fabric interface. :return: """ en_port = self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en']) if en_port & 0xF == 0: return old_port = en_port >> 1 << 1 self._wbone_wr(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en'], old_port) if self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_en']) != old_port: errmsg = 'Error disabling 40gbe port' self.logger.error(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg)
[docs] def get_mac(self): """ Retrieve core's configured MAC address from HW. :return: Mac object """ return self.mac
[docs] def get_ip(self): """ Retrieve core's IP address from HW. :return: IpAddress object """ return self.ip_address
[docs] def get_port(self): """ Retrieve core's port from HW. :return: int """ return self.port
[docs] def set_port(self, port): """ :param port: """ en_port = self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_port']) if en_port & (2 ** 16 - 1) == port: return en_port_new = ((en_port >> 16) << 16) + port self._wbone_wr(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_port'], en_port_new) if self._wbone_rd(self.address + self.reg_map['fabric_port']) != en_port_new: errmsg = 'Error setting 40gbe port to 0x%04x' % port self.logger.error(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg)
[docs] def get_gbe_core_details(self, read_arp=False, read_cpu=False): """ Get the details of the ethernet core from the device memory map. Updates local variables as well. """ gbebase = self.address gbedata = [] for ctr in range(0, 0x40, 4): gbedata.append(self._wbone_rd(gbebase + ctr)) gbebytes = [] for d in gbedata: gbebytes.append((d >> 24) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 16) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 8) & 0xff) gbebytes.append((d >> 0) & 0xff) pd = gbebytes returnval = { 'ip': IpAddress('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['ip']:])), 'subnet_mask': IpAddress('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['subnet_mask']:])), 'mac': Mac('{}:{}:{}:{}:{}:{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['mac']:])), 'gateway_ip': IpAddress('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['gateway_ip']:])), # idx 0 and 1 are the mask so access idx 2 and 3 'fabric_port': ((pd[self.reg_map['fabric_port']+2] << 8) + pd[self.reg_map['fabric_port']+3]), # idx 3 is the enable bit 'fabric_en': bool(pd[self.reg_map['fabric_en']+3] & 1), 'multicast': { 'base_ip': IpAddress('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['multicast_ip']:])), 'ip_mask': IpAddress('{}.{}.{}.{}'.format( *pd[self.reg_map['multicast_mask']:]))} } possible_addresses = [int(returnval['multicast']['base_ip'])] mask_int = int(returnval['multicast']['ip_mask']) for ctr in range(32): mask_bit = (mask_int >> ctr) & 1 if not mask_bit: new_ips = [] for ip in possible_addresses: new_ips.append(ip & (~(1 << ctr))) new_ips.append(new_ips[-1] | (1 << ctr)) possible_addresses.extend(new_ips) returnval['multicast']['rx_ips'] = [] tmp = list(set(possible_addresses)) for ip in tmp: returnval['multicast']['rx_ips'].append(IpAddress(ip)) if read_arp: returnval['arp'] = self.get_arp_details() if read_cpu: # returnval.update(self.get_cpu_details(gbedata)) self.logger.warn('Retrieving CPU packet buffers not yet implemented.') return returnval
[docs] def get_arp_details(self, port_dump=None): """ Get ARP details from this interface. :param port_dump: A list of raw bytes from interface memory; if not supplied, fetch from hardware. :type port_dump: list """ # TODO self.logger.error('Retrieving ARP buffers not yet implemented.') return None
[docs] def multicast_receive(self, ip_str, group_size, port=7148): """ Send a request to KATCP to have this tap instance send a multicast group join request. :param ip_str: A dotted decimal string representation of the base mcast IP address. :param group_size: An integer for how many additional mcast addresses (from base) to subscribe to. Must be (2^N-1), ie 0, 1, 3, 7, 15 etc. :param port: The UDP port on which you want to receive. Note that only one port is possible per interface (ie it's global and will override any other port you may have configured). """ ip = IpAddress(ip_str) if (group_size < 0): raise RuntimeError("Can't subscribe to a negative number of addresses!") elif (group_size==0): mask = "" else: import numpy if ((numpy.log2(group_size+1)%1)!=0): raise RuntimeError("You tried to subscribe to {}+{}. Must subscribe to a binary multiple of addresses.".format(ip_str,group_size)) if ((group_size+1)>256): raise RuntimeError("You tried to subscribe to {}+{}. Can't subscribe to more than 256 addresses.".format(ip_str,group_size)) mask = IpAddress('255.255.255.%i' % (255 - group_size)) self.parent.transport.multicast_receive(, ip, mask) self.set_port(port)
[docs] def print_gbe_core_details(self, arp=False, cpu=False, refresh=True): """ Prints 40GbE core details. """ details = self.get_gbe_core_details() print('------------------------') print('%s configuration:' % print('MAC: ', Mac.mac2str(int(details['mac']))) print('Gateway: ', details['gateway_ip'].__str__()) print('IP: ', details['ip'].__str__()) print('Fabric port: %5d' % details['fabric_port']) print('Fabric interface is currently: %s' % 'Enabled' if details['fabric_en'] else 'Disabled') # print('XAUI Status: ', details['xaui_status']) # for ctr in range(0, 4): # print('\tlane sync %i: %i' % (ctr, details['xaui_lane_sync'][ctr])) # print('\tChannel bond: %i' % details['xaui_chan_bond']) # print('XAUI PHY config: ') # print('\tRX_eq_mix: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['rx_eq_mix']) # print('\tRX_eq_pol: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['rx_eq_pol']) # print('\tTX_pre-emph: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['tx_preemph']) # print('\tTX_diff_ctrl: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['tx_swing']) print('Multicast:') for k in details['multicast']: print('\t%s: %s' % (k, details['multicast'][k].__str__()))
[docs] def print_arp_details(self, refresh=False, only_hits=False): """ Print nicely formatted ARP info. :param refresh: :param only_hits: """ self.logger.warn("Retrieving ARP details not yet implemented.") raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_stats(self): """ Retrieves some statistics for this core. Needs to have the debug registers compiled-in to the core at 32b. """ rv = {} first = self.read_counters() time.sleep(0.5) second = self.read_counters() name = txvldcnt = '%s_txvldctr' % name rxvldcnt = '%s_rxvldctr' % name txcnt = '%s_txctr' % name rxcnt = '%s_rxctr' % name txofcnt = '%s_txofctr' % name rxofcnt = '%s_rxofctr' % name rxbadcnt = '%s_rxbadctr' % name if int(self.block_info['debug_ctr_width']) != 32: raise RuntimeError("Please recompile your design with larger,"\ " >28b, debug registers to use this function.") return if txvldcnt in first: if second[txvldcnt] >= first[txvldcnt]: rv['tx_gbps'] = 2 * 256 / 1e9 * (second[txvldcnt] - first[txvldcnt]) else: rv['tx_gbps'] = 2 * 256 / 1e9 * ( second[txvldcnt] - first[txvldcnt] + (2 ** 32)) if rxvldcnt in first: if second[rxvldcnt] >= first[rxvldcnt]: rv['rx_gbps'] = 2 * 256 / 1e9 * (second[rxvldcnt] - first[rxvldcnt]) else: rv['rx_gbps'] = 2 * 256 / 1e9 * ( second[rxvldcnt] - first[rxvldcnt] + (2 ** 32)) if txcnt in first: rv['tx_pkt_cnt'] = second[txcnt] if second[txcnt] >= first[txcnt]: rv['tx_pps'] = 2 * (second[txcnt] - first[txcnt]) else: rv['tx_pps'] = 2 * (second[txcnt] - first[txcnt]) + (2 ** 32) if rxcnt in first: rv['rx_pkt_cnt'] = second[rxcnt] if second[rxcnt] >= first[rxcnt]: rv['rx_pps'] = 2 * (second[rxcnt] - first[rxcnt]) else: rv['rx_pps'] = 2 * (second[rxcnt] - first[rxcnt]) + (2 ** 32) if txofcnt in second: rv['tx_over'] = second['%s_txofctr' % name] if rxofcnt in second: rv['rx_over'] = second['%s_rxofctr' % name] if rxbadcnt in second: rv['rx_bad_pkts'] = second['%s_rxbadctr' % name] return rv
[docs] def get_hw_gbe_stats(self, rst_counters=False): """ Get the traffic statistics of the ethernet core from the device memory map. ::param:: rst_counters: reset the counters after reading them. :return: """ gbebase = self.address gbedata = [] for ctr in range(0x48, 0x74 + 4, 4): gbedata.append(self._wbone_rd(gbebase + ctr)) rv = {} rv['tx_pps'] = gbedata[0] rv['tx_pkt_cnt'] = gbedata[1] rv['tx_gbps'] = gbedata[2] * (256 / 1.0e9) # convert words to Gbps rv['tx_byte_cnt'] = gbedata[3] * (256 / 8) # convert words to bytes rv['tx_over_err_cnt'] = gbedata[4] rv['tx_afull_cnt'] = gbedata[5] rv['rx_pps'] = gbedata[6] rv['rx_pkt_cnt'] = gbedata[7] rv['rx_gbps'] = gbedata[8] * (256 / 1.0e9) # convert words to Gbps rv['rx_byte_cnt'] = gbedata[9] * (256 / 8) # convert words to bytes rv['rx_over_err_cnt'] = gbedata[10] rv['rx_bad_pkt_cnt'] = gbedata[11] if rst_counters: # writing 0x1 resets the counters and holds them at 0 self._wbone_wr(gbebase + 0x78, 0x1) time.sleep(0.01) # writing 0x0 restarts the counters self._wbone_wr(gbebase + 0x78, 0x0) return rv
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_128_to_64(w128): return [(w128 >> (64-(ctr*64))) & (2 ** 64 - 1) for ctr in range(2)]
[docs] @staticmethod def process_snap_data(d): # convert the 256-bit data to 64-bit data d64 = {k: [] for k in d.keys()} d64['data'] = [] for ctr in range(len(d['data_msw'])): d64['data'].extend(FortyGbe.convert_128_to_64(d['data_msw'][ctr])) d64['data'].extend(FortyGbe.convert_128_to_64(d['data_lsw'][ctr])) for k in d.keys(): if k == 'eof': d64[k].extend([0] * 3) d64[k].append(d[k][ctr]) elif ((k!='data_msw') and (k!='data_lsw') and (k!='data')): for ctr4 in range(4): d64[k].append(d[k][ctr]) return d64
[docs] def read_txsnap(self): """ Read the TX snapshot embedded in this GbE yellow block """ d = self.snaps['tx'][0].read()['data'] for snap in self.snaps['tx'][1:]: d.update(['data']) return FortyGbe.process_snap_data(d)
[docs] def read_rxsnap(self): """ Read the RX snapshot embedded in this GbE yellow block """ d = self.snaps['rx'][0].read()['data'] for snap in self.snaps['rx'][1:]: d.update(['data']) for key in ['eof_in', 'valid_in', 'ip_in', ]: if key in d: d[key.replace('_in', '')] = d[key] d.pop(key) return FortyGbe.process_snap_data(d)
# end