Source code for gbe

import logging

from network import Mac, IpAddress
from utils import check_changing_status, CheckCounter

[docs]class Gbe(object): """ A (multi)gigabit network interface on a device. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, name, address, length_bytes, device_info=None): """ Most of initialised from_device_info in child classes :param parent: :param name: :param device_info: """ self.parent = parent = name self.address = address self.length_bytes = length_bytes self.fullname = + ':' + self.block_info = device_info self.process_device_info(device_info) self.core_details = None self.snaps = {'tx': None, 'rx': None} self.registers = {'tx': [], 'rx': []} self.multicast_subscriptions = []
# TODO # if self.parent.is_connected(): # self._check() @property def mac(self): return None @property def ip_address(self): return None @property def port(self): return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_device_info(cls, parent, device_name, device_info, memorymap_dict, **kwargs): """ Process device info and the memory map to get all necessary info and return a Gbe instance. :param parent: the parent device, normally an FPGA instance :param device_name: the unique device name :param device_info: information about this device :param memorymap_dict: a dictionary containing the device memory map :return: a Gbe object """ address, length_bytes = -1, -1 for mem_name in memorymap_dict.keys(): if mem_name == device_name: address = memorymap_dict[mem_name]['address'] length_bytes = memorymap_dict[mem_name]['bytes'] break if address == -1 or length_bytes == -1: raise RuntimeError('Could not find address or length ' 'for Gbe device %s' % device_name) return cls(parent, device_name, address, length_bytes, device_info)
def __repr__(self): return '%s:%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, def __str__(self): """ String representation of this GbE interface. """ return '%s: MAC(%s) IP(%s) Port(%s)' % (, str(self.mac), str(self.ip_address), str(self.port))
[docs] def process_device_info(self, device_info): """ Process device info to setup GbE object :param device_info: Dictionary including: * IP Address * Mac Address * Port number """ if device_info is None: return fabric_ip = device_info['fab_ip'] if fabric_ip.find('(2^24) + ') != -1: device_info['fab_ip'] = (fabric_ip.replace('*(2^24) + ', '.') .replace('*(2^16) + ', '.') .replace('*(2^8) + ', '.') .replace('*(2^0)', '')) fabric_mac = device_info['fab_mac'] if fabric_mac.find('hex2dec') != -1: fabric_mac = fabric_mac.replace('hex2dec(\'', '') fabric_mac = fabric_mac.replace('\')', '') device_info['fab_mac'] = ( fabric_mac[0:2] + ':' + fabric_mac[2:4] + ':' + fabric_mac[4:6] + ':' + fabric_mac[6:8] + ':' + fabric_mac[8:10] + ':' + fabric_mac[10:]) mac = device_info['fab_mac'] ip_address = device_info['fab_ip'] port = device_info['fab_udp'] if mac is None or ip_address is None or port is None: raise ValueError('%s: 10Gbe interface must ' 'have mac, ip and port.' % self.fullname)
[docs] def setup(self, mac, ipaddress, port, gateway=None, subnet_mask=None): """ Set up the MAC, IP and port for this interface :param mac: String or Integer input, MAC address (e.g. '02:00:00:00:00:01') :param ipaddress: String or Integer input, IP address (eg '') :param port: String or Integer input """ raise NotImplementedError('This is no longer required as the mac, ' 'ip_address and port are no longer stored ' 'as attributes. These values are retrieved ' 'from the processing node when required.')
[docs] def post_create_update(self, raw_device_info): """ Update the device with information not available at creation. :param raw_device_info: info about this block that may be useful """ self.registers = {'tx': [], 'rx': []} for register in self.parent.registers: if + '_') == 0: name = + '_', '') if name[0:2] == 'tx' and name.find('txs_') == -1: self.registers['tx'].append( elif name[0:2] == 'rx' and name.find('rxs_') == -1: self.registers['rx'].append( else: if not (name.find('txs_') == 0 or name.find('rxs_') == 0): self.parent.logger.warn('%s: odd register name %s under Gbe ' 'block' % (self.fullname,
def _check(self): """ Does this device exist on the parent and it is accessible? """, 1)
[docs] def read_txsnap(self): """ Read the TX snapshot embedded in this GbE yellow block """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_rxsnap(self): """ Read the RX snapshot embedded in this GbE yellow block """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read_rx_counters(self): """ Read all RX counters embedded in this TenGBE yellow block """ results = {} for reg in self.registers['rx']: results[reg] = self.parent.memory_devices[reg].read()['data']['reg'] return results
[docs] def read_tx_counters(self): """ Read all TX counters embedded in this TenGBE yellow block """ results = {} for reg in self.registers['tx']: results[reg] = self.parent.memory_devices[reg].read()['data']['reg'] return results
[docs] def read_counters(self): """ Read all the counters embedded in this TenGBE yellow block """ results = {} for direction in ['tx', 'rx']: for reg in self.registers[direction]: tmp = self.parent.memory_devices[reg].read() results[reg] = tmp['data']['reg'] return results
[docs] def rx_okay(self, wait_time=0.2, checks=10): """ Is this gbe core receiving okay? i.e. _rxctr incrementing and _rxerrctr not incrementing :param wait_time: seconds to wait between checks :param checks: times to run check :return: True/False """ if checks < 2: raise RuntimeError('Cannot check less often than twice?') fields = [ CheckCounter( + '_rxctr', True, True), CheckCounter( + '_rxfullctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_rxofctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_rxerrctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_rxbadctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_rxvldctr'), ] result, message = check_changing_status( fields, self.read_rx_counters, wait_time, checks) if not result: self.parent.logger.error('%s: %s' % (self.fullname, message)) return False return True
[docs] def tx_okay(self, wait_time=0.2, checks=10): """ Is this gbe core transmitting okay? i.e. _txctr incrementing and _txerrctr not incrementing :param wait_time: seconds to wait between checks :param checks: times to run check :return: True/False """ if checks < 2: raise RuntimeError('Cannot check less often than twice?') fields = { CheckCounter( + '_txctr', True, True), CheckCounter( + '_txfullctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_txofctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_txerrctr', False), CheckCounter( + '_txvldctr'), } result, message = check_changing_status( fields, self.read_tx_counters, wait_time, checks) if not result: self.parent.logger.error('%s: %s' % (self.fullname, message)) return False return True
[docs] def fabric_enable(self): """ Enable the core fabric """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fabric_disable(self): """ Enable the core fabric """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def multicast_receive(self, ip_str, group_size): """ Send a multicast group join request. :param ip_str: A dotted decimal string representation of the base mcast IP address. :param group_size: An integer for how many mcast addresses from base to respond to. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def multicast_remove(self, ip_str): """ Send a request to be removed from a multicast group. :param ip_str: A dotted decimal string representation of the base mcast IP address. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_gbe_core_details(self, read_arp=False, read_cpu=False): """ :param read_arp: :param read_cpu: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_arp_details(self, port_dump=None): """ Get ARP details from this interface. :param port_dump: A list of raw bytes from interface memory. :type port_dump: list """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_cpu_details(self, port_dump=None): """ Read details of the CPU buffers. :param port_dump: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def print_gbe_core_details(self, arp=False, cpu=False, refresh=True): """ Prints 10GbE core details. :param arp: include the ARP table :type arp: boolean :param cpu: include the CPU packet buffers :type cpu: boolean :param refresh: read the 10gbe details first """ if refresh or (self.core_details is None): self.get_gbe_core_details(arp, cpu) details = self.core_details print('------------------------') print('%s configuration:' % self.fullname) print('MAC: ', Mac.mac2str(int(details['mac']))) print('Gateway: ', details['gateway_ip']) print('IP: ', details['ip']) print('Fabric port: ',) print('%5d' % details['fabric_port']) print('Fabric interface is currently: %s' % 'Enabled' if details['fabric_en'] else 'Disabled') print('XAUI Status: ', details['xaui_status']) for ctr in range(0, 4): print('\tlane sync %i: %i' % (ctr, details['xaui_lane_sync'][ctr])) print('\tChannel bond: %i' % details['xaui_chan_bond']) print('XAUI PHY config: ') print('\tRX_eq_mix: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['rx_eq_mix']) print('\tRX_eq_pol: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['rx_eq_pol']) print('\tTX_pre-emph: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['tx_preemph']) print('\tTX_diff_ctrl: %2X' % details['xaui_phy']['tx_swing']) print('Multicast:') for k in details['multicast']: print('\t%s: %s' % (k, details['multicast'][k])) if arp: self.print_arp_details(refresh=refresh, only_hits=True) if cpu: self.print_cpu_details(refresh=refresh)
[docs] def print_arp_details(self, refresh=False, only_hits=False): """ Print nicely formatted ARP info. :param refresh: :param only_hits: """ details = self.core_details if details is None: refresh = True elif 'arp' not in details.keys(): refresh = True if refresh: self.get_gbe_core_details(read_arp=True) print('ARP Table: ') for ip_address in range(256): all_fs = True if only_hits: for mac in range(0, 6): if details['arp'][ip_address][mac] != 255: all_fs = False break printmac = True if only_hits and all_fs: printmac = False if printmac: print('IP: %s%3d: MAC:' % (details['ip_prefix'], ip_address),) for mac in range(0, 6): print('%02X' % details['arp'][ip_address][mac],) print('')
[docs] def print_cpu_details(self, refresh=False): """ Print nicely formatted CPU details info. :param refresh: """ details = self.core_details if details is None: refresh = True elif 'cpu_rx' not in details.keys(): refresh = True if refresh: self.get_gbe_core_details(read_cpu=True) print('CPU TX Interface (at offset 4096 bytes):') print('Byte offset: Contents (Hex)') for key, value in details['cpu_tx'].iteritems(): print('%04i: ' % key,) for val in value: print('%02x' % val,) print('') print('------------------------') print('CPU RX Interface (at offset 8192bytes):') print('CPU packet RX buffer unacknowledged data: %i' % details['cpu_rx_buf_unack_data']) print('Byte offset: Contents (Hex)') for key, value in details['cpu_rx'].iteritems(): print('%04i: ' % key,) for val in value: print('%02x' % val,) print('') print('------------------------')
# end