Source code for memory

The base class for all things memory. More or less everything on the
FPGA is accessed by reading and writing memory addresses on the EPB/OPB
busses. Normally via KATCP.

import logging
import bitfield
import struct

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def bin2fp(raw_word, bitwidth, bin_pt, signed): """ Convert a raw number based on supplied characteristics. :param raw_word: the number to convert :param bitwidth: its width in bits :param bin_pt: the location of the binary point :param signed: whether it is signed or not :return: the formatted number, long, float or int """ word_masked = raw_word & ((2**bitwidth)-1) if signed and (word_masked >= 2**(bitwidth-1)): word_masked -= 2**bitwidth if bin_pt == 0: if bitwidth <= 63: return int(word_masked) else: return long(word_masked) else: quotient = word_masked / (2**bin_pt) rem = word_masked - (quotient * (2**bin_pt)) return quotient + (float(rem) / (2**bin_pt)) raise RuntimeError
[docs]def fp2fixed(num, bitwidth, bin_pt, signed): """ Convert a floating point number to its fixed point equivalent. :param num: :param bitwidth: :param bin_pt: :param signed: """ _format = '%s%i.%i' % ('fix' if signed else 'ufix', bitwidth, bin_pt) if bin_pt > bitwidth: raise ValueError('Cannot have bin_pt > bitwidth') if bin_pt < 0: raise ValueError('bin_pt < 0 makes no sense') if (not signed) and (num < 0): raise ValueError('Cannot represent negative number (%f) in %s' % ( num, _format)) if num == 0: return 0 scaled = num * (2**bin_pt) scaled = round(scaled) if signed: _nbits = bitwidth - 1 limits = [-1 * (2**_nbits), (2**_nbits) - 1] else: limits = [0, (2**bitwidth) - 1] scaled = min(limits[1], max(limits[0], scaled)) unscaled = scaled / ((2**bin_pt) * 1.0) return unscaled
[docs]def cast_fixed(fpnum, bitwidth, bin_pt): """ Represent a fixed point number as an unsigned number, like the Xilinx reinterpret block. :param fpnum: :param bitwidth: :param bin_pt: """ if fpnum == 0: return 0 val = int(fpnum * (2**bin_pt)) if fpnum < 0: val += 2**bitwidth return val
[docs]def fp2fixed_int(num, bitwidth, bin_pt, signed): """ Compatability function, rather use the other functions explicitly. """ val = fp2fixed(num, bitwidth, bin_pt, signed) return cast_fixed(val, bitwidth, bin_pt)
[docs]class Memory(bitfield.Bitfield): """ Memory on an FPGA. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, width_bits, address, length_bytes): """ A chunk of memory on a device. :param name: a name for this memory :param width_bits: the width, in BITS, PER WORD :param address: the start address in device memory :param length_bytes: length, in BYTES e.g. a Register has width_bits=32, length_bytes=4 e.g.2. a Snapblock could have width_bits=128, length_bytes=32768 """ bitfield.Bitfield.__init__(self, name=name, width_bits=width_bits) self.address = address self.length_bytes = length_bytes self.block_info = {} LOGGER.debug('New Memory %s' % str(self))
def __str__(self): return '%s%s: %ibits * %i, fields[%s]' % (, '' if self.address == -1 else '@0x%08x' % self.address, self.width_bits, self.length_in_words(), self.fields_string_get())
[docs] def length_in_words(self): """ :return: the memory block's length, in Words """ return self.length_bytes / (self.width_bits / 8)
# def __setattr__(self, name, value): # try: # if name in self._fields.keys(): # self.write(**{name: value}) # except AttributeError: # pass # object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
[docs] def read_raw(self, **kwargs): """ Placeholder for child classes. :return: (rawdata, timestamp) """ raise RuntimeError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
[docs] def read(self, **kwargs): """ Read raw binary data and convert it using the bitfield description for this memory. :return: (data dictionary, read time) """ # read the data raw, passing necessary arguments through rawdata, rawtime = self.read_raw(**kwargs) # and convert using our bitstruct return {'data': self._process_data(rawdata), 'timestamp': rawtime}
[docs] def write(self, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
[docs] def write_raw(self, uintvalue): raise RuntimeError('Must be implemented by subclass.')
def _process_data(self, rawdata): """ Process raw data according to this memory's bitfield setup. Does not use construct, just struct and iterate through. Faster than construct. Who knew? """ if not(isinstance(rawdata, str) or isinstance(rawdata, buffer)): raise TypeError('self.read_raw returning incorrect datatype. ' 'Must be str or buffer.') fbytes = struct.unpack('%iB' % self.length_bytes, rawdata) width_bytes = self.width_bits / 8 memory_words = [] for wordctr in range(0, len(fbytes) / width_bytes): startindex = wordctr * width_bytes wordl = 0 for bytectr in range(0, width_bytes): byte = fbytes[startindex + width_bytes - (bytectr + 1)] wordl |= byte << (bytectr * 8) # print('\t%d: bytel: 0x%02X, wordl: 0x%X' % ( # bytectr, byte, wordl)) memory_words.append(wordl) # now we have all the words as longs, so carry on processed = {} for field in self._fields.itervalues(): processed[] = [] for ctr, word in enumerate(memory_words): for field in self._fields.itervalues(): word_shift = word >> field.offset word_done = bin2fp(word_shift, field.width_bits, field.binary_pt, field.numtype == 1) processed[].append(word_done) return processed