Source code for network

import struct
import socket

[docs]class Mac(object): """ A MAC address. Can either be initialised with a IP-string or 32-bit integer. """
[docs] @staticmethod def mac2str(mac): """ Convert a MAC in integer form to a human-readable string. """ mac_pieces = [(mac & ((1 << 48) - (1 << 40))) >> 40, (mac & ((1 << 40) - (1 << 32))) >> 32, (mac & ((1 << 32) - (1 << 24))) >> 24, (mac & ((1 << 24) - (1 << 16))) >> 16, (mac & ((1 << 16) - (1 << 8))) >> 8, (mac & ((1 << 8) - (1 << 0))) >> 0] return '%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X' % (mac_pieces[0], mac_pieces[1], mac_pieces[2], mac_pieces[3], mac_pieces[4], mac_pieces[5])
[docs] @staticmethod def str2mac(mac_str): """ Convert a human-readable MAC string to an integer. """ mac = 0 if mac_str.count(':') != 5: raise RuntimeError('A MAC address must be of the' ' form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, got %s' % mac_str) offset = 40 for byte_str in mac_str.split(':'): value = int(byte_str, base=16) mac += value << offset offset -= 8 return mac
[docs] def __init__(self, mac): mac_str = None mac_int = None if isinstance(mac, Mac): mac_str = str(mac) elif isinstance(mac, basestring): mac_str = mac elif isinstance(mac, int): mac_int = mac if mac_str is not None: if mac_str.find(':') == -1: mac_int = int(mac_str) mac_str = None if (mac_str is None) and (mac_int is None): raise ValueError('Cannot make a MAC with no value.') elif mac_str is not None: self.mac_int = self.str2mac(mac_str) self.mac_str = self.mac2str(self.mac_int) elif mac_int is not None: self.mac_str = self.mac2str(mac_int) self.mac_int = mac_int
[docs] @classmethod def from_roach_hostname(cls, hostname, port_num): """ Make a MAC address object from a ROACH hostname """ # HACK if hostname.startswith('cbf_oach') or hostname.startswith('dsim'): hostname = hostname.replace('cbf_oach', 'roach') hostname = hostname.replace('dsim', 'roach') # /HACK if not (hostname.startswith('roach') or hostname.startswith('skarab')): raise RuntimeError('Only hostnames beginning with ' 'roach or skarab supported: %s' % hostname) if hostname.startswith('roach'): digits = hostname.replace('roach', '') else: digits = hostname.replace('skarab', '') for intsuffix in ['-01', '-02']: if digits.endswith(intsuffix): digits = digits.replace(intsuffix, '') serial = [int(digits[ctr:ctr+2], 16) for ctr in range(0, 6, 2)] mac_str = 'fe:00:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' % (serial[0], serial[1], serial[2], port_num) return cls(mac_str)
[docs] @classmethod def from_hostname(cls, hostname, port_num): return Mac.from_roach_hostname(hostname, port_num)
[docs] def packed(self): mac = [0, 0] for byte in self.mac_str.split(':'): mac.extend([int(byte, base=16)]) return struct.pack('>8B', *mac)
def __int__(self): return self.mac_int def __str__(self): return self.mac_str def __repr__(self): return 'Mac(%s)' % self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Mac): return int(self) == int(other) elif isinstance(other, basestring): return int(self) == self.str2mac(other) elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) == other raise TypeError('Don\'t know what to do with other: %s' % other)
[docs]class IpAddress(object): """ An IP address. """
[docs] @staticmethod def ip2str(ip_addr): """ Convert an IP in integer form to a human-readable string. """ ip_pieces = [ip_addr / (2 ** 24), ip_addr % (2 ** 24) / (2 ** 16), ip_addr % (2 ** 16) / (2 ** 8), ip_addr % (2 ** 8)] return '%i.%i.%i.%i' % (ip_pieces[0], ip_pieces[1], ip_pieces[2], ip_pieces[3])
[docs] @staticmethod def str2ip(ip_str): """ Convert a human-readable IP string to an integer. """ ip_addr = 0 if ip_str.count('.') != 3: raise RuntimeError('An IP address must be of ' 'the form') offset = 24 for octet in ip_str.split('.'): value = int(octet) ip_addr += value << offset offset -= 8 return ip_addr
[docs] def __init__(self, ip): ip_str = None ip_int = None if isinstance(ip, IpAddress): ip_str = str(ip) elif isinstance(ip, basestring): ip_str = ip elif isinstance(ip, int): ip_int = ip if ip_str is not None: try: ip_str = socket.gethostbyname(ip_str) except Exception as exc: ip_int = int(ip_str) ip_str = None if (ip_str is None) and (ip_int is None): raise ValueError('Cannot make an IP with no value.') elif ip_str is not None: self.ip_int = self.str2ip(ip_str) self.ip_str = ip_str elif ip_int is not None: self.ip_str = self.ip2str(ip_int) self.ip_int = ip_int
[docs] def packed(self): ip = [] for byte in self.ip_str.split('.'): ip.extend([int(byte, base=10)]) return struct.pack('>4B', *ip)
[docs] def is_multicast(self): """ Does the data source's IP address begin with 239? """ return (self.ip_int >> 24) == 239
def __int__(self): return self.ip_int def __str__(self): return self.ip_str def __repr__(self): return 'IpAddress(%s)' % self.__str__() def __gt__(self, other): return int(self) > int(other) def __lt__(self, other): return int(self) < int(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, IpAddress): return int(self) == int(other) elif isinstance(other, basestring): return int(self) == self.str2ip(other) elif isinstance(other, int): return int(self) == other raise TypeError('Don\'t know what to do with other: %s' % other)