Source code for scroll

Playing with ncurses in Python to scroll up and down, left and right,
through a list of data that is periodically refreshed.

    **2010-12-11:**  JRM Added concat for status line to prevent bailing on small terminals.
    Code cleanup to prevent modification of external variables. Added left, right page controls

import curses
import logging

# LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def screen_teardown(): """ Restore sensible options to the terminal upon exit """ logging.debug('Ncurses screen teardown') curses.nocbreak() curses.echo() curses.endwin()
[docs]class Screenline(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, data, xpos, ypos, cr=True, fixed=False, attributes=curses.A_NORMAL): """ :param data: A String to be placed on the screen :param xpos: x position, -1 means at current xpos :param ypos: y position, -1 means at current ypos :param ypos: if True, start a new line after this one :param fixed: if True, always at this pos from top left, scrolling makes no difference :param attributes: Curses string attributes """ assert type(data) == str = data self.xpos = xpos self.ypos = ypos = cr self.fixed = fixed if not isinstance(attributes, list): attributes = [attributes] self.line_attributes = attributes self.changed = True
def __repr__(self): return '"%s" len(%i) @ (%i,%i)%s' % (, len(, self.xpos, self.ypos, ' cr' if else '' ' fixed' if self.fixed else '' )
[docs]class Scroll(object): """ Scrollable ncurses screen. """
[docs] def __init__(self, debug=False): self._instruction_string = '' self._offset_y = 0 self._offset_x = 0 self._screen = None self._curr_y = 0 # self._curr_x = 0 self._sbuffer = [] self._xmin = 0 self._xmax = 0 self._ymin = 0 self._ymax = 0 self._debugging = debug
# LOGGER.debug('New Scroll() created.') # set up the screen
[docs] def screen_setup(self): """ Set up a curses screen object and associated options """ self._screen = curses.initscr() self._screen.keypad(1) self._screen.nodelay(1) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() height, width = self._screen.getmaxyx() self._ymax = height - 1 self._xmax = width
# LOGGER.debug('Scroll() set up - max x/y = %i/%i' % ( # self._xmax, self._ymax # ))
[docs] def on_keypress(self): """ Handle key presses. """ key = self._screen.getch() if key > 0: try: key_char = chr(key) except ValueError: key_char = '_' if key == 259: self._offset_y -= 1 # up elif key == 258: self._offset_y += 1 # down elif key == 261: self._offset_x -= 1 # right elif key == 260: self._offset_x += 1 # left elif key_char == 'q': return [-1, 'q'] elif key_char == 'u': self._offset_y -= self._ymax + 1 elif key_char == 'd': self._offset_y += self._ymax + 1 elif key_char == 'l': self._offset_x += self._xmax elif key_char == 'r': self._offset_x -= self._xmax elif key_char == 'h': self._offset_x = 0 self._offset_y = 0 # LOGGER.debug('[%i %s] keypress event' % (key, key_char)) return [key, key_char] else: return [0, '_']
[docs] def clear_screen(self): """ Clear the ncurses screen. """ self._screen.clear()
[docs] def cr(self): """ Carriage return, go to the next line """ self._curr_y += 1
[docs] def add_string(self, new_str, xpos=-1, ypos=-1, cr=False, fixed=False, attributes=curses.A_NORMAL): """ Add a string to a position on the screen. :param new_str: :param xpos: :param ypos: :param cr: :param fixed: :param attributes: """ if fixed and ((xpos == -1) or (ypos == -1)): # LOGGER.error('Cannot have a fixed string with undefined position: ' # '"%s" @ (%i, %i) fixed' % (new_str, xpos, ypos)) raise ValueError('Cannot have a fixed string with undefined ' 'position') # LOGGER.debug('Added STR len(%i) to position (%i,%i) cr(%s) ' # 'fixed(%s)' % (len(new_str), xpos, ypos, # 'yes' if cr else 'no', # 'yes' if fixed else 'no')) self._sbuffer.append( Screenline(new_str, xpos, ypos if ypos > -1 else self._curr_y, cr, fixed, attributes) ) if cr: self._curr_y += 1 return self._sbuffer[-1]
[docs] def add_line(self, new_line, attributes=curses.A_NORMAL): """ Add a text line to the screen buffer. :param new_line: :param attributes: """ # LOGGER.debug('Added LINE len(%i) to line %i' % ( # len(new_line), self._curr_y)) self._sbuffer.append( Screenline(new_line, 0, self._curr_y, True, False, attributes) ) self._curr_y += 1 return self._sbuffer[-1]
[docs] def get_current_line(self): """ Return the current y position of the internal screen buffer. """ return self._curr_y
[docs] def set_current_line(self, linenum): """ Set the current y position of the internal screen buffer. :param linenum: """ self._curr_y = linenum
def _load_buffer_from_list(self, screendata): """ Load the internal screen buffer from a given mixed list of strings and Screenlines. """ if not isinstance(screendata, list): raise TypeError('Provided screen data must be a list!') self._sbuffer = [] self._curr_y = 0 for line in screendata: if not isinstance(line, Screenline): line = Screenline(line) self._sbuffer.append(line) self._curr_y += 1 def _sbuffer_y_max(self): """ Work out how many lines the sbuffer needs. """ if len(self._sbuffer) == 0: return 0 maxy = 1 for sline in self._sbuffer: if sline.ypos == -1: # LOGGER.error('ypos of -1 makes no sense') raise RuntimeError('ypos of -1 makes no sense') maxy = max(maxy, sline.ypos) return maxy # def _calculate_screen_pos(self, sline): # """ # Calculate the current screen position of a ScreenLine, given its # properties. # :param sline: a ScreenLine # :return: (str_start, str_end), (str_xpos, str_ypos) # """ # if sline.fixed: # return (0, self._xmax), (sline.xpos, sline.ypos) # xpos_shifted = sline.xpos + self._offset_x # if xpos_shifted < 0: # xpos = 0 # strs = xpos_shifted * -1 # else: # xpos = xpos_shifted # strs = 0 # stre = min(self._xmax, strs + len( # ypos = sline.ypos + self._offset_y # return (strs, stre), (xpos, ypos)
[docs] def draw_screen(self, data=None): """ Draw the screen using the provided data TODO: ylimits, xlimits, proper line counts in the status """ self._screen.clear() if data is not None: self._load_buffer_from_list(data) height, width = self._screen.getmaxyx() self._ymax = height - 1 self._xmax = width - 1 # LOGGER.debug('draw_screen:') # LOGGER.debug('\t%i ScreenLine items to process' % len(self._sbuffer)) # # # debug, print(the lines to be drawn) # for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): # LOGGER.debug('\t%i - %s' % (sctr, sline)) # # # loop through lines, compute their new x and y pos and and write # # them to ncurses buffer # LOGGER.debug('xoff(%i) yoff(%i)' % (self._offset_x, self._offset_y)) # work out relative positions ymax = 0 curr_ypos = 0 curr_xpos = 0 positions = [] for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): if sline.fixed: # fixed position on the screen always xpos = sline.xpos ypos = sline.ypos ymax = max(ymax, ypos) positions.append((xpos, ypos)) continue if sline.xpos == -1: # tailing on from the last line xpos = curr_xpos ypos = curr_ypos if sline.ypos == -1 else sline.ypos else: # other lines xpos = sline.xpos ypos = curr_ypos if sline.ypos == -1 else sline.ypos positions.append((xpos, ypos)) ymax = max(ymax, ypos) if curr_xpos = 0 curr_ypos += 1 else: curr_xpos += len( # LOGGER.debug('Initial positions:') # for sctr, position in enumerate(positions): # LOGGER.debug('\tstr_%i: %s' % (sctr, position)) # shift them for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): if sline.fixed: continue pos = positions[sctr] newpos = ( pos[0] + self._offset_x, pos[1] + self._offset_y, ) positions[sctr] = newpos # LOGGER.debug('Shifted positions:') # for sctr, position in enumerate(positions): # LOGGER.debug('\tstr_%i: %s' % (sctr, position)) # truncate strings if necessary string_limits = [] for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): pos = positions[sctr] str_start = 0 str_end = len( if pos[0] < 0: str_start = pos[0] * -1 else: if pos[0] + str_end > self._xmax: str_end = self._xmax - pos[0] if str_end < 0: str_end = 0 string_limits.append((str_start, str_end)) # LOGGER.debug('Truncated strings:') # for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): # lims = string_limits[sctr] # dstr =[lims[0]:lims[1]] # LOGGER.debug('\tstr_%i: %s - %s' % (sctr, lims, dstr)) # correct position of truncated strings for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): pos = positions[sctr] positions[sctr] = ( max(0, pos[0]), pos[1] ) # LOGGER.debug('Corrected positions:') # for sctr, position in enumerate(positions): # LOGGER.debug('\tstr_%i: %s' % (sctr, position)) # show them got_data = False for sctr, sline in enumerate(self._sbuffer): pos = positions[sctr] if pos[1] < 0: continue if pos[1] >= self._ymax: continue if pos[0] > self._xmax: continue # are there soft min limits? if not sline.fixed: if (self._xmin > 0) and (pos[0] < self._xmin): continue if (self._ymin > 0) and (pos[1] < self._ymin): continue str_lims = string_limits[sctr] drstr =[str_lims[0]:str_lims[1]] if len(drstr) == 0: continue try: got_data = True self._screen.addstr(pos[1], pos[0], drstr, *sline.line_attributes) except Exception as e: # LOGGER.error( # 'ERROR drawing str_%i - currx_y(%i,%i) - start_stop(%i,%i)' # ' slinex_y(%i,%i) xpos_ypos(%i,%i) -> %s\n' # 'Exception: %s' % ( # sctr, curr_xpos, curr_ypos, str_lims[0], str_lims[1], # sline.xpos, sline.ypos, # pos[0], pos[1], # drstr, # e.message)) continue if not got_data: if (self._offset_x != 0) or (self._offset_y != 0): drstr = '<no data onscreen - h to rehome>' else: drstr = '<no data>' if len(drstr) > self._xmax: drstr = drstr[0:self._xmax] self._screen.addstr(0, 0, drstr) stat_line = 'Row offset %i. Column offset %i. %s Scroll with arrow keys. \ u, d, l, r = page up, down, left and right. h = home, q = quit.' %\ (self._offset_y * -1, self._offset_x, self._instruction_string) stat_line = stat_line[0:self._xmax] self._screen.addstr(self._ymax, 0, stat_line, curses.A_REVERSE) self._screen.refresh()
[docs] def clear_buffer(self): self._sbuffer = [] self._curr_y = 0
# self._curr_x = 0
[docs] def set_xlimits(self, xmin=-1, xmax=-1): if xmin == -1 and xmax == -1: return if xmin > -1: self._xmin = xmin if xmax > -1: self._xmax = xmax
[docs] def set_ylimits(self, ymin=-1, ymax=-1): if ymin == -1 and ymax == -1: return if ymin > -1: self._ymin = ymin if ymax > -1: self._ymax = ymax
# def set_ypos(self, newpos): # self._curr_y = newpos # set and get the instruction string at the bottom
[docs] def get_instruction_string(self): return self._instruction_string
[docs] def set_instruction_string(self, new_string): self._instruction_string = new_string
# def draw_string(self, new_string, **kwargs): # """ # Draw a new line to the screen, takes an argument as to whether the # screen should be immediately refreshed or not # """ # raise NotImplementedError # try: # refresh = kwargs.pop('refresh') # except KeyError: # refresh = False # self._screen.addstr(self._curr_y, self._curr_x, new_string, **kwargs) # if new_string.endswith('\n'): # self._curr_y += 1 # self._curr_x = 0 # else: # self._curr_x += len(new_string) # if refresh: # self._screen.refresh() # end of file