Source code for snapadc

import numpy as np
from synth import *
from adc import *
from clockswitch import *
from wishbonedevice import WishBoneDevice
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Some codes and docstrings are copied from
[docs]class SnapAdc(object): resolution = 8 controller = None synth = None clksw = None ram = None # Current delay tap settings for all IDELAYE2 curDelay = None # Wishbone address and mask for read WB_DICT = [None] * ((0b11 << 2) + 1) WB_DICT[0b00 << 2] = { 'G_ZDOK_REV' : 0b11 << 28, 'ADC16_LOCKED' : 0b11 << 24, 'G_NUM_UNITS' : 0b1111 << 20, 'CONTROLLER_REV' : 0b11 << 18, 'G_ROACH2_REV' : 0b11 << 16, 'ADC16_ADC3WIRE_REG' : 0b1111111111111111 << 0,} WB_DICT[0b01 << 2] = {'ADC16_CTRL_REG' : 0xffffffff << 0} WB_DICT[0b10 << 2] = {'ADC16_DELAY_STROBE_REG_H' : 0xffffffff << 0} WB_DICT[0b11 << 2] = {'ADC16_DELAY_STROBE_REG_L' : 0xffffffff << 0} # Wishbone address and mask for write A_WB_W_3WIRE = 0 << 0 A_WB_W_CTRL = 1 << 0 A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_L = 2 << 0 A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_H = 3 << 0 M_WB_W_DEMUX_WRITE = 0b1 << 26 M_WB_W_DEMUX_MODE = 0b11 << 24 M_WB_W_RESET = 0b1 << 20 M_WB_W_SNAP_REQ = 0b1 << 16 M_WB_W_DELAY_TAP = 0b11111 << 0 M_WB_W_ISERDES_BITSLIP_CHIP_SEL = 0b11111111 << 8 M_WB_W_ISERDES_BITSLIP_LANE_SEL = 0b111 << 5 SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_LMX = 1 ERROR_MMCM = 2 ERROR_LINE = 3 ERROR_FRAME = 4 ERROR_RAMP = 5
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, device_name, device_info, initialise=False): """ Initialise SnapAdc Object :param parent: Parent object creating the SnapAdc Object :type parent: casperfpga.CasperFpga :param device_name: Name of SnapAdc Object :type device_name: str :param device_info: :type device_info: dict :param intialise: Trigger ADC SerDes calibration. :type initialise: Boolean - True/False :return: None example device_info = {'adc_resolution': '8', 'sample_rate': '200', 'snap_inputs': '12', 'tag': 'xps:snap_adc'} """ self.parent = parent self.logger = parent.logger = device_name self.device_info = device_info try: self.resolution = int(self.device_info['adc_resolution']) self.sample_rate = float(self.device_info['sample_rate']) self.num_channel = int(self.device_info['snap_inputs']) // 4 except: print(self.device_info) raise if self.resolution == 8: self.controller = HMCAD1511(parent,'adc16_controller') else: self.controller = HMCAD1520(parent, 'adc16_controller') self.A_WB_R_LIST = [self.WB_DICT.index(a) for a in self.WB_DICT if a != None] self.adcList = [0, 1, 2] self.ramList = ['adc16_wb_ram0', 'adc16_wb_ram1', 'adc16_wb_ram2'] self.laneList = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] if self.resolution not in [8,12,14]: logger.error("Invalid resolution parameter") raise ValueError("Invalid resolution parameter") self.curDelay = [[0]*len(self.laneList)]*len(self.adcList) # check if the design uses the on-board synthesizer -- can read from fpg 'SNAP' dict if parent.devices['SNAP']['clk_src'] == 'sys_clk': self.synth = LMX2581(parent, 'lmx_ctrl') # Use default FOSC ref setting #self.synth_clk_rate = float(parent.devices['SNAP']['clk_rate']) else: self.synth = None self.clksw = HMC922(parent,'adc16_use_synth') self.ram = [WishBoneDevice(parent, name) for name in self.ramList] # test pattern for clock aligning pats = [0b10101010,0b01010101,0b00000000,0b11111111] mask = (1 << (self.resolution / 2)) - 1 ofst = self.resolution / 2 self.p1 = ((pats[0] & mask) << ofst) + (pats[3] & mask) self.p2 = ((pats[1] & mask) << ofst) + (pats[2] & mask) if initialise: self.init(sample_rate=self.sample_rate, num_channel=self.num_channel)
[docs] @classmethod def from_device_info(cls, parent, device_name, device_info, initialise=False, **kwargs): """ Process device info and the memory map to get all the necessary info and return a SNAP ADC instance. :param parent: The parent device, normally a casperfpga instance :param device_name: :param device_info: :param initialise: :param kwargs: :return: """ return cls(parent, device_name, device_info, initialise, **kwargs)
[docs] def init(self, sample_rate=None, num_channel=None): """ Get SNAP ADCs into working condition Supported frequency range: 60MHz ~ 1000MHz. Set resolution to None to let init() automatically decide the best resolution. A run of init() takes approximatly 20 seconds, involving the following actions: 1. configuring frequency synthesizer LMX2581 2. configuring clock source switch HMC922 3. configuring ADCs HMCAD1511 (support HMCAD1520 in future) 4. configuring IDELAYE2 and ISERDESE2 inside of FPGA 5. Testing under dual pattern and ramp mode E.g. init(1000,1) 1 channel mode, 1Gsps, 8bit, since 1Gsps is only available in 8bit mode init(320,2) 2 channel mode, 320Msps, 8bit for HMCAD1511, or 12bit for HMCAD1520 init(160,4,8) 4 channel mode, 160Msps, 8bit resolution """ sample_rate = self.sample_rate if sample_rate is None else sample_rate num_channel = self.num_channel if num_channel is None else num_channel"Reseting adc_unit") self.reset() self.select_adc() if self.synth is not None:"Reseting frequency synthesizer") self.synth.init()"Configuring frequency synthesizer") self.synth.setFreq(sample_rate) if not self.synth.getDiagnoses('LD_PINSTATE'): logger.error('Frequency synthesizer configuration failed!') return self.ERROR_LMX"Configuring clock source switch") if self.synth is not None: self.clksw.setSwitch('a') else: self.clksw.setSwitch('b')"Initialising ADCs") self.controller.init() if num_channel==1 and sample_rate<240: lowClkFreq = True elif num_channel==2 and sample_rate<120: lowClkFreq = True elif num_channel==4 and sample_rate<60: lowClkFreq = True elif num_channel==4 and self.resolution==14 and sample_rate<30: lowClkFreq = True else: lowClkFreq = False"Configuring ADC operating mode") if type(self.controller) is HMCAD1511: self.controller.setOperatingMode(num_channel, 1, lowClkFreq) elif type(self.controller) is HMCAD1520: self.controller.setOperatingMode(num_channel, 1, lowClkFreq, self.resolution) self.set_demux(numChannel=1) # calibrate in full interleave mode if not self.get_word('ADC16_LOCKED'): logger.error('MMCM not locked.') return self.ERROR_MMCM if not self.align_line_clock(): logger.error('Line clock alignment failed!') return self.ERROR_LINE if not self.align_frame_clock(): logger.error('Frame clock alignment failed!') return self.ERROR_FRAME errs = self.test_patterns(mode='ramp') if not np.all(np.array([adc.values() for adc in errs.values()])==0): logger.error('ADCs failed on ramp test.') return self.ERROR_RAMP # Finally place ADC in "correct" mode self.set_demux(numChannel=num_channel) return self.SUCCESS
[docs] def select_adc(self, chipSel=None): """ Select one or multiple ADCs Select the ADC(s) to be configured. ADCs are numbered by 0, 1, 2... E.g. selectADC(0) # select the 1st ADC selectADC([0,1]) # select two ADCs selectADC() # select all ADCs """ # csn active low for HMCAD1511, but inverted in wb_adc16_controller if chipSel==None: # Select all ADC chips self.controller.csn = np.bitwise_or.reduce([0b1 << s for s in self.adcList]) elif isinstance(chipSel, list) and all(s in self.adcList for s in chipSel): csnList = [0b1 << s for s in self.adcList if s in chipSel] self.controller.csn = np.bitwise_or.reduce(csnList) elif chipSel in self.adcList: self.controller.csn = 0b1 << chipSel else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter")
[docs] def set_gain(self, gains, use_linear_step=False, fine_gains=None, fgain_cfg=False): """ Set the coarse gain of the ADC channels Args: gains (list): List of gains, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4] use_linear_step (bool): Defaults to use dB steps for values. fine_gains (list): Fine gain values to set fgain_cfg (bool): If fine gains are to be used, set this to True Notes: Coarse gain control (parameters in dB). Input gain must be a list of integers. Coarse gain range for HMCAD1511: 0dB ~ 12dB E.g. cGain([1,5,9,12]) # Quad channel mode in dB step cGain([32,50],use_linear_step=True) # Dual channel mode in x step cGain([10], fgain_cfg=True) # Single channel mode in dB # step, with fine gain enabled Coarse gain options when by default use_linear_step=False: 0 dB, 1 dB, 2 dB, 3 dB, 4 dB, 5 dB, 6 dB, 7 dB, 8 dB, 9 dB, 10 dB, 11 dB and 12 dB Coarse gain options when use_linear_step=True: 1x, 1.25x, 2x, 2.5x, 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x, 12.5x, 16x, 20x, 25x, 32x, 50x TODO: Test + improve support for fine gain control """ self.controller.cGain(gains, cgain_cfg=use_linear_step, fgain_cfg=fgain_cfg) if fine_gains is not None: n_channels = len(gains) self.controller.fGain(fine_gains, n_channels)
[docs] def set_demux(self, numChannel=1): """ when mode==0: numChannel=4 data = data[:,[0,4,1,5,2,6,3,7]] when mode==1: numChannel=2 data = data[:,[0,1,4,5,2,3,6,7]] when mode==2: numChannel=1 data = data[:,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]] """ modeMap = {4:0, 2:1, 1:2} # mapping of numChannel to mode if numChannel not in modeMap.keys(): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") mode = modeMap[numChannel] val = self._set(0x0, mode, self.M_WB_W_DEMUX_MODE) val = self._set(val, 0b1, self.M_WB_W_DEMUX_WRITE) self.controller._write(val, self.A_WB_W_CTRL)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset all adc16_interface logics inside FPGA """ val = self._set(0x0, 0x1, self.M_WB_W_RESET) self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(val, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL)
[docs] def snapshot(self): """ Save 1024 consecutive samples of each ADC into its corresponding bram """ # No way to snapshot a single ADC because the HDL code is designed so. val = self._set(0x0, 0x1, self.M_WB_W_SNAP_REQ) self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(val, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL)
[docs] def calibrate_adc_offset(self): logger.warning('Operation not supported.')
[docs] def calibration_adc_gain(self): logger.warning('Operation not supported.')
[docs] def get_register(self, rid=None): if rid==None: return [self.get_register(regId) for regId in self.A_WB_R_LIST] elif rid in self.A_WB_R_LIST: rval = self.controller._read(rid) return {name: self._get(rval,mask) for name, mask in self.WB_DICT[rid].items()} else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter")
def _get(self, data, mask): data = data & mask return data / (mask & -mask) def _set(self, d1, d2, mask=None): # Update some bits of d1 with d2, while keep other bits unchanged if mask: d1 = d1 & ~mask d2 = d2 * (mask & -mask) return d1 | d2
[docs] def get_word(self, name): rid = self.get_reg_id(name) rval = self.controller._read(rid) return self._get(rval,self.WB_DICT[rid][name])
[docs] def get_reg_id(self, name): rid = [d for d in self.A_WB_R_LIST if name in self.WB_DICT[d]] if len(rid) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") else: return rid[0]
[docs] def interleave(self,data,mode): """ Reorder the data according to the interleaving mode E.g. .. code-block:: python data = numpy.arange(1024).reshape(-1,8) interleave(data, 1) # return a one-column numpy array interleave(data, 2) # return a two-column numpy array interleave(data, 4) # return a four-column numpy array """ return self.controller.interleave(data, mode)
[docs] def read_ram(self, ram=None, signed=True): """ Read RAM(s) and return the 1024-sample data E.g. readRAM() # read all RAMs, return a list of arrays readRAM(1) # read the 2nd RAMs, return a 128X8 array readRAM([0,1]) # read 2 RAMs, return two arrays readRAM(signed=False) # return a list of arrays in unsiged format """ if ram==None: # read all RAMs return self.read_ram(self.adcList, signed) elif isinstance(ram, list) and all(r in self.adcList for r in ram): # read a list of RAMs data = [self.read_ram(r, signed) for r in ram if r in self.adcList] return dict(zip(ram,data)) elif ram in self.adcList: # read one RAM if self.resolution>8: # ADC_DATA_WIDTH == 16 fmt = '!1024' + ('h' if signed else 'H') length = 2048 else: # ADC_DATA_WIDTH == 8 fmt = '!1024' + ('b' if signed else 'B') length = 1024 vals = self.ram[ram]._read(addr=0, size=length) vals = np.array(struct.unpack(fmt,vals)).reshape(-1,8) return vals else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter")
# A lane in this method actually corresponds to a "branch" in HMCAD1511 datasheet. # But I have to follow the naming convention of signals in casper repo.
[docs] def bitslip(self, chipSel=None, laneSel=None): """ Reorder the parallelize data for word-alignment purpose Reorder the parallelized data by asserting a itslip command to the bitslip submodule of a ISERDES primitive. Each bitslip command left shift the parallelized data by one bit. HMCAD1511/HMCAD1520 lane correspondence lane number lane name in ADC datasheet 0 1a 1 1b 2 2a 3 2b 4 3a 5 3b 6 4a 7 4b E.g. .. code-block:: python bitslip() # left shift all lanes of all ADCs bitslip(0) # shift all lanes of the 1st ADC bitslip(0,3) # shift the 4th lane of the 1st ADC bitslip([0,1],[3,4]) # shift the 4th and 5th lanes of the 1st # and the 2nd ADCs """ if chipSel == None: chipSel = self.adcList elif chipSel in self.adcList: chipSel = [chipSel] if not isinstance(chipSel,list): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif isinstance(chipSel,list) and any(cs not in self.adcList for cs in chipSel): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") if laneSel == None: laneSel = self.laneList elif laneSel in self.laneList: laneSel = [laneSel] if not isinstance(laneSel,list): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif isinstance(laneSel,list) and any(cs not in self.laneList for cs in laneSel): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") logger.debug('Bitslip lane {0} of chip {1}'.format(str(laneSel),str(chipSel))) for cs in chipSel: for ls in laneSel: val = self._set(0x0, 0b1 << cs, self.M_WB_W_ISERDES_BITSLIP_CHIP_SEL) val = self._set(val, ls, self.M_WB_W_ISERDES_BITSLIP_LANE_SEL) # The registers related to reset, request, bitslip, and other # commands after being set will not be automatically cleared. # Therefore we have to clear them by ourselves. self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(val, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(0x0, self.A_WB_W_CTRL)
# The ADC16 controller word (the offset in write_int method) 2 and 3 are for delaying # taps of A and B lanes, respectively. # # Refer to the memory map word 2 and word 3 for clarification. The memory map was made # for a ROACH design so it has chips A-H. SNAP 1 design has three chips.
[docs] def delay(self, tap, chipSel=None, laneSel=None): """ Delay the serial data from ADC LVDS links Delay the serial data by Xilinx IDELAY primitives E.g. delay(0) # Set all delay tap of IDELAY to 0 delay(4, 1, 7) # set delay on the 8th lane of the 2nd ADC to 4 delay(31, [0,1,2], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) # Set all delay taps (in SNAP 1 case) to 31 """ if chipSel==None: chipSel = self.adcList elif chipSel in self.adcList: chipSel = [chipSel] elif isinstance(chipSel, list) and any(s not in self.adcList for s in chipSel): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") if laneSel==None: laneSel = self.laneList elif laneSel in self.laneList: laneSel = [laneSel] elif isinstance(laneSel,list) and any(s not in self.laneList for s in laneSel): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif laneSel not in self.laneList: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") if not isinstance(tap, int): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") strl = ','.join([str(c) for c in laneSel]) strc = ','.join([str(c) for c in chipSel]) logger.debug('Set DelayTap of lane {0} of chip {1} to {2}' .format(str(laneSel),str(chipSel),tap)) matc = np.array([(cs*4) for cs in chipSel]) matla = np.array([int(l/2) for l in laneSel if l%2==0]) if matla.size: mata = np.repeat(matc.reshape(-1,1),matla.size,1) + \ np.repeat(matla.reshape(1,-1),matc.size,0) vala = np.bitwise_or.reduce([0b1 << s for s in mata.flat]) else: vala = 0 matlb = np.array([int(l/2) for l in laneSel if l%2==1]) if matlb.size: matb = np.repeat(matc.reshape(-1,1),matlb.size,1) + \ np.repeat(matlb.reshape(1,-1),matc.size,0) valb = np.bitwise_or.reduce([0b1 << s for s in matb.flat]) else: valb = 0 valt = self._set(0x0, tap, self.M_WB_W_DELAY_TAP) # Don't be misled by the naming - "DELAY_STROBE" in casper repo. It doesn't # generate strobe at all. You have to manually clear the bits that you set. self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_L) self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_H) self.controller._write(valt, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(vala, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_L) self.controller._write(valb, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_H) self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_CTRL) self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_L) self.controller._write(0x00, self.A_WB_W_DELAY_STROBE_H) for cs in chipSel: for ls in laneSel: self.curDelay[cs][ls] = tap
[docs] def test_patterns(self, chipSel=None, taps=None, mode='std', pattern1=None, pattern2=None): """ Return a list of std/err for a given tap or a list of taps Return the lane-wise standard deviation/error of the data under a given tap setting or a list of tap settings. By default, mode='std', taps=range(32). 'err' mode with single test pattern check data against the given pattern, while 'err' mode with dual test patterns guess the counts of the mismatches. 'guess' because both patterns could come up at first. This method always returns the smaller counts. 'ramp' mode guess the total number of incorrect data. This is implemented based on the assumption that in most cases, $cur = $pre + 1. When using 'ramp' mode, taps=None E.g. .. code-block:: python testPatterns(taps=True) # Return lane-wise std of all ADCs, taps=range(32) testPatterns(0,taps=range(32)) # Return lane-wise std of the 1st ADC testPatterns([0,1],2) # Return lane-wise std of the first two ADCs # with tap = 2 testPatterns(1, taps=[0,2,3], mode='std') # Return lane-wise stds of the 2nd ADC with # three different tap settings testPatterns(2, mode='err', pattern1=0b10101010) # Check the actual data against the given test # pattern without changing current delay tap # setting and return lane-wise error counts of # the 3rd ADC, testPatterns(2, mode='err', pattern1=0b10101010, pattern2=0b01010101) # Check the actual data against the given alternate # test pattern without changing current delay tap # setting and return lane-wise error counts of # the 3rd ADC, testPatterns(mode='ramp') # Check all ADCs under ramp mode """ # The deviation looks like this: # {0: array([ 17.18963055, 17.18963055, 17.18963055, 17.18963055, # 13.05692914, 13.05692914, 13.05692914, 13.05692914]), # 1: array([ 14.08136755, 14.08136755, 14.08136755, 14.08136755, # 7.39798788, 7.39798788, 7.39798788, 7.39798788]), # 2: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 3: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 4: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 5: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 6: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 7: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 8: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 9: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 10: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 11: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 12: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 13: array([ 6.47320197, 7.39906033, 0. , 0. , 0. , # 0. , 0. , 0. ]), # 14: array([ 16.14016176, 16.63835629, 4.66368953, 1.40867846, # 75.989443 , 69.36052029, 6.92820323, 1.40867846]), # 15: array([ 49.30397384, 38.93917329, 7.96476616, 7.43487349, # 49.32813242, 49.89897448, 24.89428699, 17.29472061]), # 16: array([ 45.83336145, 44.495608 , 25.20036771, 52.85748304, # 5.63471383, 0. , 45.64965087, 40.04722554]), # 17: array([ 0. , 0. , 57.13889616, 24.2960146 , # 0. , 0. , 65.0524836 , 30.79302499]), # 18: array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , # 0. , 0. , 59.11012465, 0. ]), # 19: array([ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , # 0. , 0. , 24.79919354, 0. ]), # 20: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 21: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 22: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 23: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 24: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 25: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 26: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 27: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 28: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 29: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 30: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), # 31: array([ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])} MODE = ['std', 'err', 'ramp'] if chipSel==None: chipSel = self.adcList elif chipSel in self.adcList: chipSel = [chipSel] if not isinstance(chipSel,list): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif isinstance(chipSel,list) and any(cs not in self.adcList for cs in chipSel): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") if taps==True: taps = range(32) elif taps in self.adcList: taps = [taps] if not isinstance(taps,list) and taps!=None: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif isinstance(taps,list) and any(cs not in range(32) for cs in taps): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") if mode not in MODE: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") self.select_adc(chipSel) if mode=='ramp': # ramp mode self.controller.test('en_ramp') taps=None pattern1=None pattern2=None elif pattern1==None and pattern2==None: # synchronization mode self.controller.test('pat_sync') # pattern1 = 0b11110000 when self.RESOLUTION is 8 # pattern1 = 0b111111000000 when self.RESOLUTION is 12 pattern1 = ((2 ** (self.resolution / 2)) - 1) << (self.resolution / 2) pattern1 = self._signed(pattern1, self.resolution) elif isinstance(pattern1,int) and pattern2==None: # single pattern mode if type(self.controller) is HMCAD1520: # test patterns of HMCAD1520 need special cares ofst = 16 - self.resolution reg_p1 = pattern1 << ofst else: reg_p1 = pattern1 self.controller.test('single_custom_pat', reg_p1) pattern1 = self._signed(pattern1, self.resolution) elif isinstance(pattern1,int) and isinstance(pattern2,int): # dual pattern mode if type(self.controller) is HMCAD1520: # test patterns of HMCAD1520 need special cares ofst = 16 - self.resolution reg_p1 = pattern1 << ofst reg_p2 = pattern2 << ofst else: reg_p1 = pattern1 reg_p2 = pattern2 self.controller.test('dual_custom_pat', reg_p1, reg_p2) pattern1 = self._signed(pattern1, self.resolution) pattern2 = self._signed(pattern2, self.resolution) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") results = [] def _check(data): d = np.array(data).reshape(-1, 8) if mode=='std' and pattern2==None: # std mode, single pattern r = np.std(d,0) elif mode=='std' and pattern2!=None: # std mode, dual patterns counts = [np.unique(d[:,i],return_counts=True)[1] for i in range(d.shape[1])] r = [np.sum(np.sort(count)[::-1][2:]) for count in counts] elif mode=='err' and pattern2==None: # err mode, single pattern r = np.sum(d!=pattern1, 0) elif mode=='err' and pattern2!=None: # err mode, dual pattern # Try two patterns with different order, and return the # result m1,m2 = np.zeros(d.shape),np.zeros(d.shape) m1[0::2,:],m1[1::2,:]=pattern1,pattern2 m2[0::2,:],m2[1::2,:]=pattern2,pattern1 r=np.minimum(np.sum(d!=m1,0),np.sum(d!=m2,0)) elif mode=='ramp': # ramp mode diff = d[1:,:]-d[:-1,:] counts=[np.unique(diff[:,ls],return_counts=True)[1] for ls in self.laneList] r = [d.shape[0]-1-sum(counts[ls][:2]) for ls in self.laneList] return r if taps == None: self.snapshot() results = [_check(self.read_ram(cs)) for cs in chipSel] results = np.array(results).reshape(len(chipSel),len(self.laneList)).tolist() results = dict(zip(chipSel,results)) for cs in chipSel: results[cs] = dict(zip(self.laneList,results[cs])) else: for tap in taps: self.delay(tap, chipSel) self.snapshot() results += [_check(self.read_ram(cs)) for cs in chipSel] results = np.array(results).reshape(-1,len(chipSel),len(self.laneList)) results = np.einsum('ijk->jik',results).tolist() results = dict(zip(chipSel,results)) for cs in chipSel: results[cs] = dict(zip(taps,[np.array(row) for row in results[cs]])) self.controller.test('off') if len(chipSel) == 1: return results[chipSel[0]] else: return results
def _signed(self, data, res=8): """ Convert unsigned number to signed number adc16_interface converts ADC outputs into signed numbers by flipping MSB. Therefore we have to prepare signed-number test patterns as well. E.g. _signed(0xc0,res=8) convert 8-bit unsigned to 8-bit signed _signed(0xc10,res=12) convert 12-bit unsigned to 16-bit signed """ if res<=8: width = 8 elif res<=16: width = 16 elif res<=32: width = 32 else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") data = data & (1 << res) - 1 msb = data & (1 << res-1) if msb: return data ^ msb else: offset = (1<<width)-(1<<res-1) data = data + offset if width == 8: data = struct.pack('!B',data) data = struct.unpack('!b',data) elif width == 16: data = struct.pack('!H',data) data = struct.unpack('!h',data) else: # width == 32 data = struct.pack('!I',data) data = struct.unpack('!i',data) return data[0]
[docs] def decide_delay(self, data): """ Decide and return proper setting for delay tap Find the tap setting that has the largest margin of error, i.e. the biggest distance to borders (tap=0 and tap=31) and rows with non-zero deviations/mismatches. The parameter data is a 32 by n numpy array, in which the 1st dimension index indicates the delay tap setting """ if not isinstance(data,np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") elif data.ndim==1: data = data.reshape(-1,1) elif data.ndim>2: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") data = np.sum(data,1) if all(d != 0 for d in data): return False dist=np.zeros(data.shape) curDist = 0 for i in range(data.size): if data[i] != 0: curDist = 0 else: curDist += 1 dist[i] = curDist curDist = 0 for i in list(reversed(range(data.size))): if data[i] != 0: curDist = 0 else: curDist += 1 if dist[i] > curDist: dist[i] = curDist return np.argmax(dist)
# Line clock also known as bit clock in ADC datasheets
[docs] def align_line_clock(self, mode='dual_pat'): """ Align the rising edge of line clock with data eye And return the tap settings being using """ MODE = ['lane_wise_single_pat','chip_wise_single_pat','dual_pat'] if mode not in MODE: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter") taps = [] if mode == 'lane_wise_single_pat': # Decide lane-wise delay tap under single pattern test mode stds = self.test_patterns(taps=True) # Sweep tap settings and get std for adc in self.adcList: for lane in self.laneList: vals = np.array(stds[adc].values())[:,lane] t = self.decide_delay(vals) # Find a proper tap setting if not t: logger.error("ADC{0} lane{1} delay decision failed".format(adc,lane)) else: self.delay(t,adc,lane) # Apply the tap setting elif mode == 'chip_wise_single_pat': # This method would give all lanes of an ADC the same delay tap setting # decide chip-wise delay tap under single pattern test mode stds = self.test_patterns(taps=True) # Sweep tap settings and get std for adc in self.adcList: vals = np.array(stds[adc].values()) t = self.decide_delay(vals) # Find a proper tap setting if not t: logger.error("ADC{0} delay decision failed".format(adc)) else: self.delay(t,adc) # Apply the tap setting elif mode == 'dual_pat': # dual_pat # Fine tune delay tap under dual pattern test mode errs = self.test_patterns(taps=True, mode='std', pattern1=self.p1, pattern2=self.p2) for adc in self.adcList: for lane in self.laneList: vals = np.array(errs[adc].values())[:,lane] t = self.decide_delay(vals) # Find a proper tap setting if not t: logger.error("ADC{0} lane{1} delay decision failed".format(adc,lane)) else: self.delay(t,adc,lane) # Apply the tap setting # Check if line clock aligned errs = self.test_patterns(mode='std', pattern1=self.p1, pattern2=self.p2) if np.all(np.array([adc.values() for adc in errs.values()])==0):'Line clock of all ADCs aligned.') return True else: logger.error('Line clock NOT aligned.\n{0}'.format(str(errs))) return False
[docs] def align_frame_clock(self): """ Align the frame clock with data frame """ for u in range(self.resolution * 2): allDone = True errs = self.test_patterns(mode='err', pattern1=self.p1, pattern2=self.p2) for adc in self.adcList: for lane in self.laneList: if errs[adc][lane]!=0: self.bitslip(adc,lane) allDone = False if allDone: break; # Check if frame clock aligned errs = self.test_patterns(mode='err', pattern1=self.p1, pattern2=self.p2) if all(all(val==0 for val in adc.values()) for adc in errs.values()):'Frame clock of all ADCs aligned.') return True else: logger.error('Frame clock NOT aligned.\n{0}'.format(str(errs))) return False