Source code for transport_katcp

import logging
import katcp
import time
import os
import threading
import Queue
import random
import socket
import struct
import contextlib

from transport import Transport
from utils import create_meta_dictionary, get_hostname, get_kwarg

# monkey-patch the maximum katcp message size
if hasattr(katcp.CallbackClient, 'MAX_MSG_SIZE'):
    setattr(katcp.CallbackClient, 'MAX_MSG_SIZE',
            katcp.CallbackClient.MAX_MSG_SIZE * 10)

if hasattr(katcp.CallbackClient, 'MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE'):
    setattr(katcp.CallbackClient, 'MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE',
            katcp.CallbackClient.MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE * 10)

[docs]class KatcpConnectionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class KatcpRequestError(RuntimeError): """An error occurred processing a KATCP request.""" pass
[docs]class KatcpRequestInvalid(RuntimeError): """An invalid KATCP request was made.""" pass
[docs]class KatcpRequestFail(RuntimeError): """A valid KATCP request failed.""" pass
# Moved to inside the KatcpTransport class to make use of the logger passed through from # def sendfile(filename, targethost, port, result_queue, timeout=2): # """ # Send a file to a host using sockets. Place the result of the # action in a Queue.Queue # :param filename: the file to send # :param targethost: the host to which it must be sent # :param port: the port the host should open # :param result_queue: the result of the upload, nothing '' indicates success # :param timeout: # :return: # """ # with contextlib.closing(socket.socket()) as upload_socket: # stime = time.time() # connected = False # while (not connected) and (time.time() - stime < timeout): # try: # upload_socket.connect((targethost, port)) # connected = True # except socket.error: # time.sleep(0.1) # if not connected: # result_queue.put('Could not connect to upload port.') # try: # upload_socket.send(open(filename).read()) # result_queue.put('') # except Exception as e: # result_queue.put('Could not send file to upload port(%i): ' # '%s' % (port, e.message)) # finally: #'%s: upload thread complete at %.3f' % # (targethost, time.time()))
[docs]class KatcpTransport(Transport, katcp.CallbackClient): """ A katcp transport client for a casperfpga object """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param host: :param port: :param timeout: :param connect: """ port = get_kwarg('port', kwargs, 7147) timeout = get_kwarg('timeout', kwargs, 10) Transport.__init__(self, **kwargs) # Create instance of self.logger # try: # self.logger = kwargs['logger'] # except KeyError: # self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: self.parent = kwargs['parent_fpga'] self.logger = self.parent.logger except KeyError: errmsg = 'parent_fpga argument not supplied when creating katcp device' raise RuntimeError(errmsg) new_connection_msg = '*** NEW CONNECTION MADE TO {} ***'.format( katcp.CallbackClient.__init__( self,, port, tb_limit=20, timeout=timeout, logger=self.logger, auto_reconnect=True) self.system_info = {} self.unhandled_inform_handler = None self._timeout = timeout self.connect()'%s: port(%s) created and connected.' % (, port))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_host_type(host_ip, timeout=5): """ Is this host_ip assigned to a Katcp board? :param host_ip: as a String :param timeout: as an Integer """ try: board = katcp.CallbackClient(host=host_ip, port=7147, timeout=timeout, auto_reconnect=False) board.setDaemon(True) board.start() connected = board.wait_connected(timeout) board.stop() if not connected: return False else: return True except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("Please ensure that katcp-python >=v0.6.3 is being used") except Exception: return False
[docs] def sendfile(self, filename, targethost, port, result_queue, timeout=2): """ Send a file to a host using sockets. Place the result of the action in a Queue.Queue :param filename: the file to send :param targethost: the host to which it must be sent :param port: the port the host should open :param result_queue: the result of the upload, nothing '' indicates success :param timeout: """ with contextlib.closing(socket.socket()) as upload_socket: stime = time.time() connected = False while (not connected) and (time.time() - stime < timeout): try: upload_socket.connect((targethost, port)) connected = True except socket.error: time.sleep(0.1) if not connected: result_queue.put('Could not connect to upload port.') try: upload_socket.send(open(filename).read()) result_queue.put('') except Exception as e: result_queue.put('Could not send file to upload port(%i): ' '%s' % (port, e.message)) finally:'%s: upload thread complete at %.3f' % (targethost, time.time()))
[docs] def is_connected(self): return katcp.CallbackClient.is_connected(self)
[docs] def connect(self, timeout=None): """ Establish a connection to the KATCP server on the device. :param timeout: How many seconds should we wait? Use instance default if None. """ if timeout is None: timeout = self._timeout if not self.is_connected(): # Implement backward / forwards compatibility for change in # daemonization APIs in upstream katcp package. try: # new style self.setDaemon(True) self.start() except AttributeError: # old style katcp-python # self.start(daemon=True) raise RuntimeError("Please ensure that katcp-python >=v0.6.3 is being used") connected = self.wait_connected(timeout) if not connected: err_msg = 'Connection to {} not established within {}s'.format(, timeout) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # check that an actual katcp command gets through got_ping = False _stime = time.time() while time.time() < _stime + timeout: if got_ping = True break if not got_ping: err_msg = 'Could not connect to KATCP server %s' % self.logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # set a higher write buffer size than standard try: if self._stream.max_write_buffer_size <= 262144: self._stream.max_buffer_size *= 2 self._stream.max_write_buffer_size *= 2 except AttributeError: self.logger.warn('%s: no ._stream instance found.' %'%s: connection established' %
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from the device server. :return: """ self.join(timeout=self._timeout)'%s: disconnected' %
[docs] def katcprequest(self, name, request_timeout=-1.0, require_ok=True, request_args=(), max_retries=3, retry_delay_s=0.5): """ Make a blocking request to the KATCP server and check the result. Raise an error if the reply indicates a request failure. :param name: request message to send. :param request_timeout: number of seconds after which the request must time out :param require_ok: will we raise an exception on a response != ok :param request_args: request arguments. :param max_retries: maximum number of retries in the case of errors (3). :param retry_delay_s: the delay between retries in the case of errors (0.5 seconds). :return: tuple of reply and informs """ # TODO raise sensible errors if request_timeout == -1: request_timeout = self._timeout request = katcp.Message.request(name, *request_args) reply = None retries = 0 while retries == 0 or (require_ok and retries < max_retries and (reply.arguments[0] != katcp.Message.OK)): if retries > 0: time.sleep(retry_delay_s) reply, informs = self.blocking_request(request, timeout=request_timeout) retries += 1 if (reply.arguments[0] != katcp.Message.OK) and require_ok: if reply.arguments[0] == katcp.Message.FAIL: raise KatcpRequestFail( 'Request %s on host %s failed.\n\t' 'Request: %s\n\tReply: %s' % (,, request, reply)) elif reply.arguments[0] == katcp.Message.INVALID: raise KatcpRequestInvalid( 'Invalid katcp request %s on host %s.\n\t' 'Request: %s\n\tReply: %s' % (,, request, reply)) else: raise KatcpRequestError( 'Unknown error processing request %s on host ' '%s.\n\tRequest: %s\n\tReply: %s' % (,, request, reply)) return reply, informs
[docs] def listdev(self, getsize=False, getaddress=False): """ Get a list of the memory bus items in this design. :return: a list of memory devices """ if getsize: _, informs = self.katcprequest(name='listdev', request_timeout=self._timeout, request_args=('size',)) return [(i.arguments[0], i.arguments[1]) for i in informs] elif getaddress: _, informs = self.katcprequest(name='listdev', request_timeout=self._timeout, request_args=('detail',)) return [(i.arguments[0], i.arguments[1]) for i in informs] else: _, informs = self.katcprequest(name='listdev', request_timeout=self._timeout) return [i.arguments[0] for i in informs]
[docs] def listbof(self): """ :return: a list of binary files stored on the host device. """ _, informs = self.katcprequest(name='listbof', request_timeout=self._timeout) return [i.arguments[0] for i in informs]
[docs] def status(self): """ :return: FPGA status """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='status', request_timeout=self._timeout) return reply.arguments[1]
[docs] def ping(self): """ Use the 'watchdog' request to ping the FPGA host. :return: True or False """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='watchdog', request_timeout=self._timeout) if reply.arguments[0] == 'ok':'%s: katcp ping okay' % return True else: self.logger.error('%s: katcp ping fail' % return False
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Is the FPGA programmed and running? :return: True or False """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest( name='fpgastatus', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=False) return reply.arguments[0] == 'ok'
[docs] def test_connection(self): """ Write to and read from the scratchpad to test the connection to the FPGA """ for val in [0xa5a5a5, 0x000000]: data = struct.pack('>i' if val < 0 else '>I', val) self.blindwrite('sys_scratchpad', data, 0) val2 ='sys_scratchpad', 4, 0) val2 = struct.unpack('>L', val2[0:4])[0] if val != val2: raise RuntimeError('%s: cannot write scratchpad? %i != %i' % (, val, val2)) return True
[docs] def read(self, device_name, size, offset=0): """ Read size-bytes of binary data with carriage-return escape-sequenced. :param device_name: name of memory device from which to read :param size: how many bytes to read :param offset: start at this offset :return: binary data string """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest( name='read', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(device_name, str(offset), str(size))) return reply.arguments[1]
[docs] def wordread(self, device_name, size=1, word_offset=0, bit_offset=0): """ :param device_name: name of memory device from which to read :param word_count: how many words to read :param word_offset: start at this word offset :param bit_offset: start at this bit offset :return: value in hexadecimal """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest( name='wordread', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(device_name, str(word_offset)+':'+str(bit_offset), str(size)) ) return reply.arguments[1]
[docs] def blindwrite(self, device_name, data, offset=0): """ Unchecked data write. :param device_name: the memory device to which to write :param data: the byte string to write :param offset: the offset, in bytes, at which to write :return: <nothing> """ assert(type(data) == str), 'You need to supply binary packed ' \ 'string data!' assert(len(data) % 4) == 0, 'You must write 32-bit-bounded words!' assert((offset % 4) == 0), 'You must write 32-bit-bounded words!' self.katcprequest(name='write', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(device_name, str(offset), data))
[docs] def bulkread(self, device_name, size, offset=0): """ Read size-bytes of binary data with carriage-return escape-sequenced. Uses much faster bulkread katcp command which returns data in pages using informs rather than one read reply, which has significant buffering overhead on the ROACH. :param device_name: name of the memory device from which to read :param size: how many bytes to read :param offset: the offset at which to read :return: binary data string """ _, informs = self.katcprequest( name='bulkread', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(device_name, str(offset), str(size))) return ''.join([i.arguments[0] for i in informs])
[docs] def program(self, filename=None): """ Program the FPGA with the specified binary file. :param filename: name of file to program, can vary depending on the formats supported by the device. e.g. fpg, bof, bin """ # raise DeprecationWarning('This does not seem to be used anymore.' # 'Use upload_to_ram_and_program') if 'program_filename' in self.system_info.keys(): if filename is None: filename = self.system_info['program_filename'] elif filename != self.system_info['program_filename']: self.logger.error('%s: programming filename %s, configured ' 'programming filename %s' % (, filename, self.system_info['program_filename'])) # This doesn't seem as though it should really be an error... if filename is None: self.logger.error('%s: cannot program with no filename given. ' 'Exiting.' % raise RuntimeError('Cannot program with no filename given. ' 'Exiting.') unhandled_informs = [] # set the unhandled informs callback self.unhandled_inform_handler = \ lambda msg: unhandled_informs.append(msg) reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='progdev', request_timeout=10, request_args=(filename, )) self.unhandled_inform_handler = None if reply.arguments[0] == 'ok': complete_okay = False for inf in unhandled_informs: if ( == 'fpga') and (inf.arguments[0] == 'ready'): complete_okay = True if not complete_okay: # Modify to do an extra check reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='status', request_timeout=1) # Not sure whether 1 second is a good timeout here if reply.arguments[0] == 'ok': complete_okay = True else: self.logger.error('%s: programming %s failed.' % (, filename)) for inf in unhandled_informs: self.logger.debug(inf) raise RuntimeError('%s: programming %s failed.' % (, filename)) self.system_info['last_programmed'] = filename else: self.logger.error('%s: progdev request %s failed.' % (, filename)) raise RuntimeError('%s: progdev request %s failed.' % (, filename)) if filename[-3:] == 'fpg': #TODO: fix this # self.get_system_information() pass else:'%s: %s is not an fpg file, could not parse ' 'system information.' % (, filename))'%s: programmed %s okay.' % (, filename)) self.prog_info['last_programmed'] = filename self.prog_info['last_uploaded'] = ''
[docs] def deprogram(self): """ Deprogram the FPGA. Unsubscribes all active tap devices from any multicast groups to avoid confusing switch IGMP snoop tables. """ try: self._unsubscribe_all_taps() # Sleep a little to give roach kernel time to send IGMP multicast # unsubscibe message(s) before deprogramming which would kill the # tap devices time.sleep(0.05) reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='progdev', require_ok=True)'%s: deprogrammed okay' % self.prog_info['last_programmed'] = '' except KatcpRequestError as exc: self.logger.exception('{}: could not deprogram FPGA, katcp request ' 'failed:'.format( raise RuntimeError('{}: could not deprogram ' 'FPGA - {}'.format(, exc))
def _unsubscribe_all_taps(self): """ Remove all multicast subscriptions before deprogramming the ROACH """ reply, informs = self.katcprequest(name='tap-info', require_ok=True) taps = [inform.arguments[0] for inform in informs] for tap in taps: reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='tap-multicast-remove', request_args=(tap,)) if not reply.reply_ok(): self.logger.warn('{}: could not unsubscribe tap {} from multicast ' 'groups on FPGA'.format(, tap))
[docs] def set_igmp_version(self, version): """ Sets version of IGMP multicast protocol to use :param version: IGMP protocol version, 0 for kernel default, 1, 2 or 3 Note: won't work if config keep file is present since the needed ?igmp-version request won't exist on the KATCP interface. """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest(name='igmp-version', request_args=(version, ), require_ok=True)
[docs] def upload_to_ram_and_program(self, filename, port=-1, timeout=10, wait_complete=True, skip_verification=False, **kwargs): """ Upload an FPG file to RAM and then program the FPGA. :param filename: the file to upload :param port: the port to use on the rx end, -1 means a random port :param timeout: how long to wait, seconds :param wait_complete: wait for the transaction to complete, return after upload if False :param skip_verification: do not verify the uploaded file before reboot """'%s: uploading %s, programming when done' % (, filename)) # does the file that is to be uploaded exist on the local filesystem? os.path.getsize(filename) # function to make the request to the KATCP server def makerequest(result_queue): try: result = self.katcprequest( name='progremote', request_timeout=timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(port, )) if result[0].arguments[0] == katcp.Message.OK: result_queue.put('') else: result_queue.put('Request to client %s returned, but not ' 'Message.OK.' % except: result_queue.put('Request to client %s failed.' % finally: self.logger.debug('progremote thread done') if port == -1: port = random.randint(2000, 2500) # start the request thread and join request_queue = Queue.Queue() request_thread = threading.Thread(target=makerequest, args=(request_queue, )) old_timeout = self._timeout self._timeout = timeout request_thread.start() request_thread.join() request_result = request_queue.get() if request_result != '': raise RuntimeError('progremote request(%s) on host %s failed' % (request_result, # start the upload thread and join upload_queue = Queue.Queue() unhandled_informs_queue = Queue.Queue() upload_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendfile, args=( filename,, port, upload_queue, )) self.unhandled_inform_handler = \ lambda msg: unhandled_informs_queue.put(msg) upload_thread.start() if not wait_complete: self.unhandled_inform_handler = None self._timeout = old_timeout return True upload_thread.join() # wait for the file upload to complete upload_result = upload_queue.get() if upload_result != '': raise RuntimeError('upload(%s)' % upload_result) # wait for the '#fpga ready' inform done = False while not done: try: inf = unhandled_informs_queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) except Queue.Empty: self.logger.error('%s: no programming informs yet. Odd?' % raise RuntimeError('%s: no programming informs yet. ' 'Odd?' % if ( == 'fpga') and (inf.arguments[0] == 'ready'): done = True'%s: programming done.' % self.unhandled_inform_handler = None self._timeout = old_timeout self.prog_info['last_programmed'] = filename self.prog_info['last_uploaded'] = filename return True
[docs] def upload_to_flash(self, binary_file, port=-1, force_upload=False, timeout=30, wait_complete=True): """ Upload the provided binary file to the flash filesystem. :param binary_file: filename of the binary file to upload :param port: host-side port, -1 means a random port will be used :param force_upload: upload the binary even if it already exists on the host :param timeout: upload timeout, in seconds :param wait_complete: wait for the upload to complete, or just kick it off """ # does the bof file exist? os.path.getsize(binary_file) # is it on the FPGA already? filename = binary_file.split('/')[-1] if not force_upload: bofs = self.listbof() if bofs.count(filename) == 1: return # function to make the request to the KATCP server def makerequest(result_queue): try: result = self.katcprequest(name='saveremote', request_timeout=timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(port, filename, )) if result[0].arguments[0] == katcp.Message.OK: result_queue.put('') else: result_queue.put('Request to client returned, but not ' 'Message.OK.') except: result_queue.put('Request to client failed.') if port == -1: port = random.randint(2000, 2500) # request thread request_queue = Queue.Queue() request_thread = threading.Thread(target=makerequest, args=(request_queue, )) # upload thread upload_queue = Queue.Queue() upload_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.sendfile, args=( binary_file,, port, upload_queue, )) # start the threads and join old_timeout = self._timeout self._timeout = timeout request_thread.start() upload_thread.start() if not wait_complete: self._timeout = old_timeout return request_thread.join() self._timeout = old_timeout request_result = request_queue.get() upload_result = upload_queue.get() if (request_result != '') or (upload_result != ''): raise Exception('Error: request(%s), upload(%s)' % (request_result, upload_result)) self.prog_info['last_uploaded'] = filename return
def _delete_bof(self, filename): """ Delete a binary file from the device. :param filename: the file to delete """ if filename == 'all': bofs = self.listbof() else: bofs = [filename] for bof in bofs: result = self.katcprequest( name='delbof', request_timeout=self._timeout, require_ok=True, request_args=(bof, )) if result[0].arguments[0] != katcp.Message.OK: raise RuntimeError('Failed to delete bof file %s' % bof)
[docs] def tap_arp_reload(self): """ Have the tap driver reload its ARP table right now. """ reply, _ = self.katcprequest( name='tap-arp-reload', request_timeout=-1, require_ok=True) if reply.arguments[0] != 'ok': raise RuntimeError('%s: failure requesting ARP reload.' %
def __str__(self): return 'KatcpTransport(%s):%i - %s' % \ (, self._bindaddr[1], 'connected' if self.is_connected() else 'disconnected') @staticmethod def _process_git_info(metalist): """ Git information in the FPG must be processed. :param metalist: """ got_git = {} time_pref = str(int(time.time())).replace('.', '_') + '_' for ctr, parms in enumerate(metalist): name, tag, param, value = parms if name == '77777_git': assert tag == 'rcs' newname = name + '_' + time_pref + param if newname not in got_git: got_git[newname] = (newname, tag, 'file-name', param) param = value[0] value = value[1:] metalist[ctr] = (newname, tag, param, value) metalist.extend(got_git.values()) def _read_design_info_from_host(self, device=None): """ Katcp request for extra system information embedded in the bitstream. :param device: can specify a device name if you don't want everything :return: a dictionary of metadata """ self.logger.debug('%s: reading designinfo' % if device is None: reply, informs = self.katcprequest( name='meta', request_timeout=10.0, require_ok=True) else: reply, informs = self.katcprequest( name='meta', request_timeout=10.0, require_ok=True, request_args=(device, )) if reply.arguments[0] != 'ok': raise RuntimeError('Could not read meta information ' 'from %s' % metalist = [] for inform in informs: if len(inform.arguments) < 4: if len(inform.arguments) == 3: self.logger.warn('Incorrect number of meta inform ' 'arguments, missing value ' 'field: %s' % str(inform.arguments)) inform.arguments.append('-1') else: self.logger.error('FEWER than THREE meta inform ' 'arguments: %s' % str(inform.arguments)) continue for arg in inform.arguments: arg = arg.replace('\_', ' ') name = inform.arguments[0] tag = inform.arguments[1] param = inform.arguments[2] value = inform.arguments[3:] if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] name = name.replace('/', '_') metalist.append((name, tag, param, value)) self._process_git_info(metalist) return create_meta_dictionary(metalist) def _read_coreinfo_from_host(self): """ Get the equivalent of from the host using KATCP listdev commands. """ self.logger.debug('%s: reading coreinfo' % memorymap_dict = {} listdev_size = self.listdev(getsize=True) listdev_address = self.listdev(getaddress=True) if len(listdev_address) != len(listdev_size): raise RuntimeError('Different length listdev(size) and ' 'listdev(detail)') for byte_dev, byte_size in listdev_size: matched = False for addrdev, address in listdev_address: if addrdev == byte_dev: byte_size = int(byte_size.split(':')[0]) address = int(address.split(':')[0], 16) memorymap_dict[byte_dev] = { 'address': address, 'bytes': byte_size } matched = True continue if not matched: raise RuntimeError('No matching listdev address for ' 'device %s' % byte_dev) return memorymap_dict
[docs] def get_system_information_from_transport(self): """ """ if not self.is_running(): return self.bitstream, None device_dict = self._read_design_info_from_host() memorymap_dict = self._read_coreinfo_from_host() return self.bitstream, (device_dict, memorymap_dict)
[docs] def unhandled_inform(self, msg): """ Overloaded from CallbackClient What do we do with unhandled KATCP inform messages that this device receives? Pass it onto the registered function, if it's not None """ if self.unhandled_inform_handler is not None: self.unhandled_inform_handler(msg)
[docs] def check_phy_counter(self): """ """ request_args = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)) for arg in request_args: result0 = self.katcprequest('phywatch', request_args=arg) time.sleep(1) result1 = self.katcprequest('phywatch', request_args=arg) if (int(result1[0].arguments[1].replace('0x', ''), base=16) - int(result0[0].arguments[1].replace('0x', ''), base=16)) != 0:'%s: check_phy_counter - TRUE.' % return True else: self.logger.error('%s: check_phy_counter failed on PHY %s - ' 'FALSE.' % (, arg)) return False
# end