Source code for utils

from __future__ import print_function
import threading
import Queue
import time
import logging

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CheckCounter(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, must_change=True, required=False): """ :param name: the name of the counter :param must_change: this counter should be changing :param required: is this counter required? """ = name self.must_change = must_change self.required = required = None self.changed = False
[docs]def create_meta_dictionary(metalist): """ Build a meta information dictionary from a provided raw meta info list. :param metalist: a list of all meta information about the system :return: a dictionary of device info, keyed by unique device name """ meta_items = {} try: for name, tag, param, value in metalist: if name not in meta_items: meta_items[name] = {} try: if meta_items[name]['tag'] != tag: raise ValueError( 'Different tags - %s, %s - for the same item %s' % ( meta_items[name]['tag'], tag, name)) except KeyError: meta_items[name]['tag'] = tag meta_items[name][param] = value except ValueError as e: for ctr, contents in enumerate(metalist): print(ctr, end='') print(contents) raise e return meta_items
[docs]def get_kwarg(field, kwargs, default=None): try: return kwargs[field] except KeyError: return default
[docs]def get_hostname(**kwargs): """ :param kwargs: """ host = kwargs['host'] bitstream = get_kwarg('bitstream', kwargs) if ',' in host: host, bitstream = host.split(',') return host, bitstream
[docs]def parse_fpg(filename): """ Read the meta information from the FPG file. :param filename: the name of the fpg file to parse :return: device info dictionary, memory map info ( dictionary """ LOGGER.debug('Parsing file %s for system information' % filename) if filename is not None: fptr = open(filename, 'r') firstline = fptr.readline().strip().rstrip('\n') if firstline != '#!/bin/kcpfpg': fptr.close() raise RuntimeError('%s does not look like an fpg file we can ' 'parse.' % filename) else: raise IOError('No such file %s' % filename) memorydict = {} metalist = [] while True: line = fptr.readline().strip().rstrip('\n') if line.lstrip().rstrip() == '?quit': break elif line.startswith('?meta'): # some versions of mlib_devel may mistakenly have put spaces # as delimiters where tabs should have been used. Rectify that # here. if line.startswith('?meta '): LOGGER.warn('An old version of mlib_devel generated %s. Please ' 'update. Meta fields are seperated by spaces, ' 'should be tabs.' % filename) line = line.replace(' ', '\t') # and carry on as usual. line = line.replace('\_', ' ').replace('?meta', '') line = line.replace('\n', '').lstrip().rstrip() #line_split = line.split('\t') # Rather split on any space line_split = line.split() name = line_split[0] tag = line_split[1] param = line_split[2] if len(line_split[3:]) == 1: value = line_split[3:][0] else: value = ' '.join(line_split[3:]) # name, tag, param, value = line.split('\t') name = name.replace('/', '_') metalist.append((name, tag, param, value)) elif line.startswith('?register'): if line.startswith('?register '): register = line.replace('\_', ' ').replace('?register ', '') register = register.replace('\n', '').lstrip().rstrip() name, address, size_bytes = register.split(' ') elif line.startswith('?register\t'): register = line.replace('\_', ' ').replace('?register\t', '') register = register.replace('\n', '').lstrip().rstrip() name, address, size_bytes = register.split('\t') else: raise ValueError('Cannot find ?register entries in ' 'correct format.') address = int(address, 16) size_bytes = int(size_bytes, 16) if name in memorydict.keys(): raise RuntimeError('%s: mem device %s already in ' 'dictionary' % (filename, name)) memorydict[name] = {'address': address, 'bytes': size_bytes} fptr.close() return create_meta_dictionary(metalist), memorydict
[docs]def get_git_info_from_fpg(fpg_file): """ Method to get git info from an fpg-file's header :param fpg_file: filename as string :return: Dictionary of git_info - key = git-repo - value = git-version """ git_tag = '77777_git' git_info_dict = None # This returns a tuple of dictionaries, # - device info dict, memory map info ( dict # - Git info is meta-data, and should only ever be in the # first dictionary of the tuple fpg_header = parse_fpg(fpg_file) fpg_metadata = fpg_header[0] git_info_dict = fpg_metadata.get(git_tag, None) try: git_info_dict.pop('tag') return git_info_dict except KeyError: # tag: rcs entry isn't there, no worries return git_info_dict
[docs]def pull_info_from_fpg(fpg_file, parameter): """ Pull available parameters about x-engine or f-engine from .fpg file. Available options for x-engine: 'x_fpga_clock', 'xeng_outbits', 'xeng_accumulation_len' Available options for f-engine: 'n_chans', 'quant_format', 'spead_flavour' :param fpg_file: bit file path :param parameter: parameter string :return: pattern value (string) """ match = [] fpg_dict = parse_fpg(fpg_file) if parameter == 'x_fpga_clock': match = str(int(fpg_dict[0]['XSG_core_config']['clk_rate'])*10**6) if parameter == 'xeng_outbits': match = fpg_dict[0]['sys0_vacc']['n_bits'] if parameter == 'xeng_accumulation_len': match = fpg_dict[0]['sys0_xeng']['acc_len'] if parameter == 'spead_flavour': match1 = fpg_dict[0]['pack_spead_pack0']['spead_msw'] match2 = fpg_dict[0]['pack_spead_pack0']['spead_lsw'] s = ',' match = s.join([match1, match2]) if parameter == 'quant_format': match1 = fpg_dict[0]['snap_quant0']['io_widths'] match2 = fpg_dict[0]['snap_quant0']['io_bps'] s = '.' match = s.join([match1[1], match2[1]]) if parameter == 'n_chans': pfb_dict = fpg_dict[0]['pfb_fft_wideband_real_fft_biplex_real_4x'] match1 = int(pfb_dict['fftsize']) match2 = int(pfb_dict['n_inputs']) match = match2*2**match1 if match is []: errstr = 'Parameter %s does not match any field in fpg ' \ 'file.' % parameter LOGGER.error(errstr) raise RuntimeError(errstr) return match
[docs]def check_changing_status(counters, data_function, wait_time, num_checks): """ Check a changing set of status fields. :param counters: a list of CheckCounters :param data_function: a function that will return a single value for the fields from field_dict :param wait_time: seconds to wait between calls to data_function :param num_checks: times to run data_function """ # fields = [ # CheckCounter('test_required_diff', False, True), # CheckCounter('test_required_same', True, True), # CheckCounter('test_diff', False, True), # CheckCounter('test_same', True, True), # ] # # def get_data(): # res = {} # res['test_required_diff'] = time.time() # res['test_required_same'] = 123456 # res['test_diff'] = time.time() # res['test_same'] = 654321 # return res if num_checks < 2: raise ValueError('num_checks of less than two makes no sense') # check that required data fields are returned by the data function change_required = {} d = data_function() to_remove = [] for checkctr in counters: if not in d: if checkctr.required: return False, 'required field %s not found' % to_remove.append( else: = d[] for name in to_remove: for idx, checkctr in enumerate(counters): if == name: counters.pop(idx) break time.sleep(wait_time) for loop in range(num_checks - 1): dnew = data_function() for checkctr in counters: ctrnew = dnew[] if checkctr.must_change: # must change if ctrnew != checkctr.changed = True else: # must stay the same if ctrnew != return False, '%s changing: %.3f > %.3f' % (,, ctrnew) time.sleep(wait_time) for checkctr in counters: if checkctr.must_change and (not checkctr.changed): return False, '%s is not changing: %.3f' % (, return True, ''
[docs]def program_fpgas(fpga_list, progfile, timeout=10): """ Program more than one FPGA at the same time. :param fpga_list: a list of objects for the FPGAs to be programmed :param progfile: string, the file used to program the FPGAs :param timeout: how long to wait for a response, in seconds """ stime = time.time() if progfile is None: for fpga in fpga_list: try: tuplen = len(fpga) fpga[0].bitstream = fpga[1] except TypeError: pass else: for fpga in fpga_list: fpga.bitstream = progfile threaded_fpga_function(fpga_list, 60, 'upload_to_ram_and_program')'Programming %d FPGAs took %.3f seconds.' % ( len(fpga_list), time.time() - stime))
[docs]def threaded_create_fpgas_from_hosts(host_list, fpga_class=None, port=7147, timeout=10, best_effort=False, **kwargs): """ Create KatcpClientFpga objects in many threads, Moar FASTAAA! :param fpga_class: the class to insantiate, usually CasperFpga :param host_list: a comma-seperated list of hosts :param port: the port on which to do network comms :param timeout: how long to wait, in seconds :param best_effort: return as many hosts as it was possible to make """ if fpga_class is None: from casperfpga import CasperFpga fpga_class = CasperFpga num_hosts = len(host_list) result_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=num_hosts) thread_list = [] def makehost(hostname): result_queue.put_nowait(fpga_class(hostname, port, **kwargs)) for host_ in host_list: thread = threading.Thread(target=makehost, args=(host_,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() thread_list.append(thread) for thread_ in thread_list: thread_.join(timeout) fpgas = [None] * num_hosts hosts_missing = host_list[:] while True: try: result = result_queue.get_nowait() host_pos = host_list.index( fpgas[host_pos] = result hosts_missing.pop(hosts_missing.index( except Queue.Empty: break if hosts_missing: for host in hosts_missing: LOGGER.error('Could not create host %s.' % host) errstr = 'Given %d hosts, only made %d CasperFpgas.' % ( num_hosts, num_hosts-len(hosts_missing)) LOGGER.error(errstr) if best_effort: rv = [] for fpga in fpgas: if fpga is not None: rv.append(fpga) return rv raise RuntimeError(errstr) return fpgas
def _check_target_func(target_function): """ :param target_function: """ if isinstance(target_function, basestring): return target_function, (), {} try: len(target_function) except TypeError: return target_function, (), {} if len(target_function) == 3: return target_function elif len(target_function) == 1: target_function = (target_function[0], (), {}) elif len(target_function) == 2: target_function = (target_function[0], target_function[1], {}) else: raise RuntimeError('target_function tuple too long? - (name, (), {})') return target_function
[docs]def threaded_fpga_function(fpga_list, timeout, target_function): """ Thread the running of any CasperFpga function on a list of CasperFpga objects. Much faster. :param fpga_list: list of KatcpClientFpga objects :param timeout: how long to wait before timing out :param target_function: a tuple with three parts: 1. string, the KatcpClientFpga function to run e.g. 'disconnect' for fpgaobj.disconnect() 2. tuple, the arguments to the function 3. dict, the keyword arguments to the function e.g. (func_name, (1,2,), {'another_arg': 3}) :return: a dictionary of the results, keyed on hostname """ target_function = _check_target_func(target_function) def dofunc(fpga, *args, **kwargs): try: rv = getattr(fpga, target_function[0])(*args, **kwargs) return rv except AttributeError: LOGGER.error('FPGA %s has no such function: %s' % (, target_function[0])) raise return threaded_fpga_operation( fpga_list, timeout, (dofunc, target_function[1], target_function[2]))
[docs]def threaded_fpga_operation(fpga_list, timeout, target_function): """ Thread any operation against many FPGA objects :param fpga_list: list of KatcpClientFpga objects :param timeout: how long to wait before timing out :param target_function: a tuple with three parts: 1. reference, the function object that must be run - MUST take FPGA object as first argument 2. tuple, the arguments to the function 3. dict, the keyword arguments to the function e.g. (func_name, (1,2,), {'another_arg': 3}) :return: a dictionary of the results, keyed on hostname """ target_function = _check_target_func(target_function) def jobfunc(resultq, fpga): rv = target_function[0](fpga, *target_function[1], **target_function[2]) resultq.put_nowait((, rv)) num_fpgas = len(fpga_list) result_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=num_fpgas) thread_list = [] for fpga_ in fpga_list: thread = threading.Thread(target=jobfunc, args=(result_queue, fpga_)) thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() thread_list.append(thread) for thread_ in thread_list: thread_.join(timeout) if thread_.isAlive(): break returnval = {} hosts_missing = [ for fpga in fpga_list] while True: try: result = result_queue.get_nowait() returnval[result[0]] = result[1] hosts_missing.pop(hosts_missing.index(result[0])) except Queue.Empty: break if hosts_missing: errmsg = 'Ran \'%s\' on hosts. Did not get a response ' \ 'from %s.' % (target_function[0].__name__, hosts_missing) LOGGER.error(errmsg) return returnval
[docs]def threaded_non_blocking_request(fpga_list, timeout, request, request_args): """ Make a non-blocking KatCP request to a list of KatcpClientFpgas, using the Asynchronous client. :param fpga_list: list of KatcpClientFpga objects :param timeout: the request timeout :param request: the request string :param request_args: the arguments to the request, as a list :return: a dictionary, keyed by hostname, of result dictionaries containing reply and informs """ raise DeprecationWarning num_fpgas = len(fpga_list) reply_queue = Queue.Queue(maxsize=num_fpgas) requests = {} replies = {} # reply callback def reply_cb(host, req_id): LOGGER.debug('Reply(%s) from host(%s)' % (req_id, host)) reply_queue.put_nowait([host, req_id]) # start the requests LOGGER.debug('Send request(%s) to %i hosts.' % (request, num_fpgas)) lock = threading.Lock() for fpga_ in fpga_list: lock.acquire() req = fpga_.nb_request(request, None, reply_cb, *request_args) requests[req['host']] = [req['request'], req['id']] lock.release() LOGGER.debug('Request \'%s\' id(%s) to host(%s)' % ( req['request'], req['id'], req['host'])) # wait for replies from the requests timedout = False done = False while (not timedout) and (not done): try: it = reply_queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout) except: timedout = True break replies[it[0]] = it[1] if len(replies) == num_fpgas: done = True if timedout: LOGGER.error('non_blocking_request timeout after %is.' % timeout) LOGGER.error(replies) raise RuntimeError('non_blocking_request timeout after %is.' % timeout) # process the replies returnval = {} for fpga_ in fpga_list: try: request_id = replies[] except KeyError: LOGGER.error(replies) raise KeyError( 'Didn\'t get a reply for FPGA \'%s\' so the request \'%s\' ' 'probably didn\'t complete.' % (, request)) reply, informs = fpga_.nb_get_request_result(request_id) frv = {'request': requests[][0], 'reply': reply.arguments[0], 'reply_args': reply.arguments} informlist = [] for inf in informs: informlist.append(inf.arguments) frv['informs'] = informlist returnval[] = frv fpga_.nb_pop_request_by_id(request_id) return returnval
[docs]def hosts_from_dhcp_leases(host_pref=None, leases_file='/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases'): """ Get a list of hosts from a leases file. :param host_pref: the prefix of the hosts in which we're interested :param leases_file: the file to read """ hosts = [] if host_pref is None: host_pref = ['roach', 'skarab'] if not isinstance(host_pref, list): host_pref = [host_pref] with open(leases_file) as masqfile: masqlines = masqfile.readlines() for line in masqlines: (leasetime, mac, ip, host, mac2) = line.replace('\n', '').split(' ') for host_prefix in host_pref: if host.startswith(host_prefix): hosts.append(host if host != '*' else ip) break return hosts, leases_file
[docs]def deprogram_hosts(host_list): """ :param host_list: """ if len(host_list) == 0: raise RuntimeError('No good carrying on without hosts.') fpgas = threaded_create_fpgas_from_hosts(host_list) running = threaded_fpga_function(fpgas, 10, 'is_running') deprogrammed = [] to_deprogram = [] already_deprogrammed = [] for fpga in fpgas: if running[]: deprogrammed.append( to_deprogram.append(fpga) else: already_deprogrammed.append( running = threaded_fpga_function(to_deprogram, 10, 'deprogram') if len(deprogrammed) != 0: print('%s: deprogrammed okay.' % deprogrammed) if len(already_deprogrammed) != 0: print('%s: already deprogrammed.' % already_deprogrammed) threaded_fpga_function(fpgas, 10, 'disconnect')
# end