Source code for castro

import yaml

[docs]class Castro(object): ''' Stores complete generic structure design information '''
[docs] def __init__(self, design_name, src_files, ips=[], mm_slaves=[], temp_fpga_model=''): # the version of this class self.version = '0.0.0' # the name of the design self.design_name = design_name # a list of all hdl files used in the design self.src_files = src_files # a list of all IPs, a list of {path, name, vendor, library, version} dictionaries pairs self.ips = ips # a list of mm_slave objects self.mm_slaves = mm_slaves
[docs] def dump(self, filename): ''' saves this class object to a yaml file ''' with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(yaml.dump(self))
[docs] @staticmethod def load(filename): ''' loads this class object from a yaml file and assert that it is of type Castro ''' with open(filename, 'r') as fh: c = yaml.load(fh) assert isinstance(c, Castro) return c
[docs]class Synthesis(object): ''' A class to specify all the synthesis specific attributes of the design '''
[docs] def __init__(self, platform_name='', fpga_manufacturer='', fpga_model='', synth_tool='', pin_map=[], vendor_constraints_files='', pin_constraints=[], clk_constraints=[], gen_clk_constraints=[], clk_grp_constraints=[], input_delay_constraints = [], output_delay_constraints=[], max_delay_constraints=[], min_delay_constraints=[], multi_cycle_constraints =[], false_path_constraints=[], raw_constraints=[], temp_fpga_model='', temp_quartus_qsf_files=[]): # name of the platform Roach, Snap, Uniboard, .. self.platform_name = platform_name # Roach, Snap, UniBoard, .. # name of the fpga manufacturer Xilinx/Altera self.fpga_manufacturer = fpga_manufacturer # model number of the fpga including speed grade? self.fpga_model = fpga_model # tool to use for synthesis self.synth_tool = synth_tool # symbolic names for the FPGA pins self.pin_map = pin_map # Symbolic names for the FPGA pins # a list of vendor specific constraints files (timing, area or pin) self.vendor_constraints_files = vendor_constraints_files # a list of pin constraint objects self.pin_constraints = pin_constraints # The top level entity I/O ports (note: @ASTRON these match the symbolic FPGA pin names) # a list of clock constraint objects self.clk_constraints = clk_constraints # a list of generate clock constraint objects self.gen_clk_constraints = gen_clk_constraints # a list of clock group constraint objects self.clk_grp_constraints = clk_grp_constraints # a list of input delay constraint objects self.input_delay_constraints = input_delay_constraints # a list of output delay constraint objects self.output_delay_constraints = output_delay_constraints # a list of output delay constraint objects self.max_delay_constraints = max_delay_constraints # a list of output delay constraint objects self.min_delay_constraints = min_delay_constraints # a list of false path constraint objects self.false_path_constraints = false_path_constraints # a list of multi cycle constraint objects self.multi_cycle_constraints = multi_cycle_constraints # a list of raw_constraint objects self.raw_constraints = raw_constraints # Temporary attribs required for RadioHDL backend. self.temp_fpga_model = temp_fpga_model self.temp_quartus_qsf_files = temp_quartus_qsf_files
[docs] def resolve_constraint(self, constraint): """ Ensure constraint targets existing platform constraints """ pass
[docs]class mm_slave(object): """ JASPER: A list of elements of this class gets merged with the bitsream """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, mode, base_address, span): = name self.mode = mode # Two bits indicate RD,WR self.base_address = base_address # Bytes self.span = span # Bytes self.high_address = base_address+span
[docs]class PinConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a pin constraint '''
[docs] def __init__(self, portname, symbolic_name, portname_indices=None, symbolic_indices=None, location='', drive_strength=0, slew_rate=0, io_standard='', termination=''): # toplevel portname self.portname = portname # HDL Top level entity port name # symbolic name for a pin self.symbolic_name = symbolic_name # Symbolic FPGA pint name (@ASTRON this matches self.portname) # port indice/s, if the port is a vector self.portname_indices = portname_indices # sybolic name indice/s, if the port is a vector self.symbolic_indices = symbolic_indices # pin physical location e.g. YE33 self.location = location # pin drive strength self.drive_strength = drive_strength # pin slew rate self.slew_rate = slew_rate # pin io standard self.io_standard = io_standard # pin termination self.termination = termination
[docs]class ClkConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a clock constraint '''
[docs] def __init__(self, portname, period_ns, freq_mhz=100, clkname=None, waveform_min_ns=None, waveform_max_ns=None, port_en=True, virtual_en=False): # clock port name self.portname = portname # clock frequency in MHz self.freq_mhz = freq_mhz # clock period in nano seconds self.period_ns = period_ns # Clock name self.clkname = clkname # Duty Cycle Waveform minimum in nano seconds self.waveform_min_ns = waveform_min_ns # Duty Cycle Waveform maximum in nano seconds self.waveform_max_ns = waveform_max_ns # Parameter to determine if clock source is get_ports or get_pins self.port_en = port_en # Parameter to determine if virtual clock is being used self.virtual_en = virtual_en
[docs]class GenClkConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a generated clock constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, pinname, clkname=None, divide_by=None, clksource=None): # generated clock signal self.pinname = pinname # clock name self.clkname = clkname # clock division value based on clock source (self.signal = self.clksource/self.divide_by) self.divide_by = divide_by # clock source self.clksource = clksource
[docs]class ClkGrpConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a clock group constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, clknamegrp1=None, clknamegrp2=None, clkdomaintype=None): #Clock name group 1 self.clknamegrp1 = clknamegrp1 #Clock name group 2 self.clknamegrp2 = clknamegrp2 #Clock domain relationship e.g. asynchronous self.clkdomaintype = clkdomaintype
[docs]class InDelayConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold an Input Delay constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, clkname=None, consttype=None, constdelay_ns=None, add_delay_en=None, portname=None ): #Clock reference name self.clkname = clkname #constraint type - setup/hold (max/min) self.consttype = consttype #constraint input delay in ns (Tco) self.constdelay_ns = constdelay_ns #determines whether another constraint needs to be added on top of an existing constraint self.add_delay_en = add_delay_en #The name of the port that the constraint is applied to self.portname = portname
[docs]class OutDelayConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold an Output Delay constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, clkname=None, consttype=None, constdelay_ns=None, add_delay_en=None, portname=None ): #Clock reference name self.clkname = clkname #constraint type - setup/hold (max/min) self.consttype = consttype #constraint output delay in ns (Tsu/Th) self.constdelay_ns = constdelay_ns #determines whether another constraint needs to be added on top of an existing constraint self.add_delay_en = add_delay_en #The name of the port that the constraint is applied to self.portname = portname
[docs]class MaxDelayConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a Max Delay constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sourcepath=None, destpath=None, constdelay_ns=None): #False path source path self.sourcepath = sourcepath #False path dest path self.destpath = destpath #constraint output delay in ns (Tsu/Th) self.constdelay_ns = constdelay_ns
[docs]class MinDelayConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a Min Delay constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sourcepath=None, destpath=None, constdelay_ns=None): #False path source path self.sourcepath = sourcepath #False path dest path self.destpath = destpath #constraint output delay in ns (Tsu/Th) self.constdelay_ns = constdelay_ns
[docs]class FalsePthConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a false path constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, sourcepath=None, destpath=None): #False path source path self.sourcepath = sourcepath #False path dest path self.destpath = destpath
[docs]class MultiCycConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold a multi cycle constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, multicycletype=None, sourcepath=None, destpath=None, multicycledelay=None): #Multi cycle type (setup or hold) self.multicycletype = multicycletype #Multi cycle source path self.sourcepath = sourcepath #Multi cycle dest path self.destpath = destpath #Multi cycle delay (cycles) self.multicycledelay = multicycledelay
[docs]class RawConstraint(object): ''' Class to hold raw constraints. These are really against the spirit of castro, since they are tool-specific. But, being pragmatic, sometimes they are necessary to encode simple constraints, for highly technology-specific features. The contents of these is not defined by castro. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, raw): # raw constraint self.raw = raw