Source code for toolflow

A python-based toolflow to build a vivado
project from a simulink design, using the
CASPER xps library.

A work in progress.
import logging
import os
import casper_platform as platform
import yellow_blocks.yellow_block as yellow_block
import verilog
from constraints import PortConstraint, ClockConstraint, GenClockConstraint, \
    ClockGroupConstraint, InputDelayConstraint, OutputDelayConstraint, MaxDelayConstraint, \
    MinDelayConstraint, FalsePathConstraint, MultiCycleConstraint, RawConstraint
import castro
import helpers
import yaml
import glob
import time
import hashlib  # Added to calculate md5hash of .bin bitstream and add it to the .fpg header
import pickle   # Used to dump the pickle of the generated VerilogModule to the build directory for debugging
import struct   # Used to append a binary checksum to a bitstream
# For xml2vhdl generation from Oxford
import xml.dom.minidom
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

#JH: I don't know what this is, but I suspect here is a better place for it than

    from katversion import get_version as kat_get_version
except ImportError:
    kat_get_version = None

[docs]class Toolflow(object): """ A class embodying the main functionality of the toolflow. This class is responsible for generating a complete top-level verilog description of a project from a 'peripherals file' which encodes information about which IP a user wants instantiated. The toolflow class can parse such a file, and use it to generate verilog, a list of source files, and a list of constraints. These can be passed off to a toolflow backend to be turned into some vendor-specific platform and compiled. At least, that's the plan... """
[docs] def __init__(self, frontend='simulink', compile_dir='/tmp', frontend_target='/tmp/test.slx', jobs=8): """ Initialize the toolflow. :param frontend: Name of the toolflow frontend to use. Currently only ``simulink`` is supported :type frontend: str :param compile_dir: Compile directory where build files and logs should go. """ # Set up a logger (the logger named 'jasper' should already # have been configured beforehand self.logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.toolflow') = jobs'Starting Toolflow!')'Frontend is %s' % frontend) self.compile_dir = compile_dir.rstrip('/') self.output_dir = self.compile_dir + '/outputs''Setting compile directory: %s' % self.compile_dir) os.system('mkdir -p %s' % self.compile_dir) os.system('mkdir -p %s' % self.output_dir) # compile parameters which can be set straight away self.start_time = time.localtime() self.periph_file = self.compile_dir + '/jasper.per' self.git_info_file = self.compile_dir + '/' self.frontend_target = frontend_target self.modelname = frontend_target.split('/')[-1][:-4] # strip off extension self.frontend_target_base = os.path.basename(frontend_target) self.cores = None self.topfile = None = None self.periph_objs = None self.constraints = None if frontend == 'simulink': self.frontend = SimulinkFrontend(compile_dir=self.compile_dir, target=frontend_target) else: self.logger.error('Unsupported toolflow frontent: %s' % frontend) raise Exception('Unsupported toolflow frontend: %s' % frontend) self.backend = None # if backend == 'vivado': # self.backend = VivadoBackend(compile_dir=self.compile_dir) # elif backend == 'ise': # self.backend = ISEBackend(compile_dir=self.compile_dir) # else: # self.logger.error('Unsupported toolflow backend: %s'%backend) # raise Exception('Unsupported toolflow backend: %s'%backend) self.sources = [] self.ips = [] self.tcl_sources = [] self.const_files = [] # compile directories for xml2vhdl self.xml_source_dir = self.compile_dir + '/xml2vhdl_source' self.xml_output_dir = self.compile_dir + '/xml2vhdl_xml_output' self.hdl_output_dir = self.compile_dir + '/xml2vhdl_hdl_output'
[docs] def exec_flow(self, gen_per=True, frontend_compile=True): """ Execute a compile. :param gen_per: Have the toolflow frontend generate a fresh peripherals file :type gen_per: bool :param frontend_compile: Run the frontend compiler (eg. System Generator) :type frontend_compile: bool """ if gen_per: self.frontend.gen_periph_file(fname=self.periph_file) self.frontend.write_git_info_file(fname=self.git_info_file) # Have the toolflow parse the information from the # frontend and generate the YellowBlock objects'Generating peripheral objects') self.gen_periph_objs() # Copy the platforms top-level hdl file # and begin modifying it based on the yellow # block objects.'Generating HDL') self.build_top() self.generate_hdl() # Generate constraints (not yet xilinx standard) self.generate_consts() # Generate software cores file self.write_core_info() self.write_core_jam_info() # print 'Initializing backend project' # self.backend.initialize(self.plat) self.constraints_rule_check() if frontend_compile: # Run system generator (maybe flow-wise # it would make sense to run this sooner, # but since it's the longest single step # it's nice to run it at the end, so there's # an opportunity to catch toolflow errors # before waiting for it'Running frontend compile') # skip this step if you don't want to wait for sysgen in testing self.frontend.compile_user_ip(update=True)'frontend complete') self.dump_castro(self.compile_dir+'/castro.yml')
# binary = self.backend.binary_loc # os.system('cp %s %s/top.bin'%(binary, self.compile_dir)) # mkbof_cmd = '%s/jasper_library/mkbof_64 -o %s/%s -s %s/core_info.ta' \ # 'b -t 3 %s/top.bin' % (os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH'), # self.output_dir, self.output, # self.compile_dir, self.compile_dir) # os.system(mkbof_cmd) #
[docs] def check_attr_exists(self, thing, generator): """ Lots of methods in this class require that certain attributes have been set by other methods before proceeding. This is probably a symptom of the code being terribly structured. This method checks if an attribute exists and throws an error message if not. In principle it could automatically run the necessary missing steps, but that seems pretty suspect. :param thing: Attribute to check. :type thing: str :param generator: Method which can be used to set thing (used for error message only) :type generator: str """ if self.__getattribute__(thing) is None: errmsg = '%s is not defined. Have you run %s yet?' % ( thing, generator) self.logger.error(errmsg) raise AttributeError(errmsg)
def _add_external_tcl(self): """ Add tcl commands from the frontend """ raise DeprecationWarning for fname in self.tcl_sources: with open(fname, 'r') as fh: self.backend.add_tcl_cmd(
[docs] def generate_hdl(self): """ Generates a top file for the target platform based on the peripherals file. Internally, calls: * ``instantiate_periphs``: call each yellow block's mod_top method * ``instantiate_user_ip``: add ports to top module based on port entries in peripheral file * ``regenerate_top``: rewrite top.v """'instantiating user peripherals') self._instantiate_periphs()'instantiating user_ip') self._instantiate_user_ip()'regenerating top') self.regenerate_top()
def _parse_periph_file(self): """ Open the peripherals file and parse it's contents using the pyaml package. Write the resulting yellow_blocks and user_modules dictionaries to attributes """ if not os.path.exists(self.periph_file): self.logger.error('Peripherals file doesn\'t exist!') raise Exception('Peripherals file doesn\'t exist!') with open(self.periph_file, 'r') as fh: yaml_dict = yaml.load(fh) self.peripherals = yaml_dict['yellow_blocks'] self.user_modules = yaml_dict['user_modules'] def _extract_plat_info(self): """ Extract platform information from the yellow_block attributes. Use this to instantiate the appropriate device from the Platform class. """ for key in list(self.peripherals.keys()): if self.peripherals[key]['tag'] == 'xps:xsg': # self.plat = platform.Platform.get_loader( # self.peripherals[key]['hw_sys']) self.plat = platform.Platform( self.peripherals[key]['hw_sys'].split(':')[0]) # self.backend.plat = self.plat self.clk_src = self.peripherals[key]['clk_src'] # in MHz self.clk_rate = float(self.peripherals[key]['clk_rate']) return raise Exception('self.peripherals does not contain anything ' 'tagged xps:xsg') def _drc(self): """ Get the provisions of the active platform and yellow blocks and compare with the current requirements of blocks in the design. """ provisions = self._get_provisions() # check all requirements and exclusive reqs are provided for obj in self.periph_objs: for req_list in [obj.requires, obj.exc_requires]: for req in req_list: self.logger.debug('%s requires %s' % (, req)) if req not in provisions: self.logger.error('NOT SATISFIED: %s requires %s' % (, req)) raise Exception('DRC FAIL! %s (required by %s) not ' 'provided by platform or any ' 'peripheral' % (req, # check for overallocation of resources used = [] for obj in self.periph_objs: for req in obj.exc_requires: self.logger.debug('%s requires %s exclusively' % (, req)) if req in used: raise Exception('DRC FAIL! %s requires %s, but it has ' 'already been used by another block.' '' % (, req)) else: used.append(req) def _get_provisions(self): """ Get and return all the provisions of the active platform and yellow blocks. """ provisions = [] for obj in self.periph_objs: provisions += obj.provides provisions += self.plat.provides return provisions
[docs] def build_top(self): """ Copies the base top-level verilog file (which is platform dependent) to the compile directory. Constructs an associated VerilogModule instance ready to be modified. """ try: # generate multiboot, golden or tooflow image based on yaml file self.hdl_filename = '%s/infrastructure/%s_parameters.vhd' % (os.getenv('HDL_ROOT'), # check to see if parameter file exists. Some platforms may not use this. if os.path.isfile(self.hdl_filename): self._gen_hdl_version(filename_hdl=self.hdl_filename) except KeyError: s = "" # check to see if entity file exists. Some platforms may not use this. This function overwrites incorrectly # generated sysgen hdl files #if self.platform.conf['bit_reversal']==True: try: # return the sysgen entity declarations file self.hdl_sysgen_filename = '%s/sysgen/hdl_netlist/%s.srcs/sources_1/imports/sysgen/%s_entity_declarations.vhd' \ % (self.compile_dir, self.modelname, self.modelname) if os.path.isfile(self.hdl_sysgen_filename): self._gen_hdl_simulink(hdl_sysgen_filename=self.hdl_sysgen_filename) # just ignore if key is not present as only some platforms will have the key. except KeyError: s = "" self.topfile = self.compile_dir+'/top.v' # delete top.v file if it exists, otherwise synthesis will fail if os.path.exists(self.topfile): os.remove(self.topfile) # os.system('cp %s %s'%(basetopfile, self.topfile)) self.sources.append(self.topfile) for source in self.plat.sources: self.sources.append(os.getenv('HDL_ROOT')+'/'+source) for source in self.plat.consts: self.const_files.append(os.getenv('HDL_ROOT') + '/%s/%s' % (, source)) if os.path.exists(self.topfile): = verilog.VerilogModule(name='top', topfile=self.topfile) else: = verilog.VerilogModule(name='top')
[docs] def gen_periph_objs(self): """ Generate a list of yellow blocks from the current peripheral file. Internally, calls: * ``_parse_periph_file``: parses .per file * ``_extract_plat_info``: instantiates platform instance Then calls each yellow block's constructor. Runs a system-wide drc before returning. """ self._parse_periph_file() self._extract_plat_info() self.periph_objs = [] for pk in list(self.peripherals.keys()): self.logger.debug('Generating Yellow Block: %s' % pk) self.periph_objs.append(yellow_block.YellowBlock.make_block( self.peripherals[pk], self.plat)) self._expand_children(self.periph_objs) self._drc()
def _expand_children(self, population, parents=None, recursive=True): """ :param population: yellow blocks to which children will be added :type population: list :param parents: yellow blocks which will be invited to procreate. If parents = None, the population will be used as the initial parents argument :type parents: list :param recursive: if True, this method is called recursively, with children passed as the new parents argument. The population list will continue to grow until no child yellow blocks wish to procreate any further. :type recursive: bool """ parents = parents or population children = [] for parent in parents: self.logger.debug('Inviting block %r to procreate' % parent) children += parent.gen_children() if not children: return else: population += children if not recursive: return else: self._expand_children(population, children) return def _instantiate_periphs(self): """ Calls each yellow block's modify_top method against the class' top VerilogModule instance """'top: %s' % self.topfile) for obj in self.periph_objs: self.logger.debug('modifying top for obj %s' % # if '/' in obj.fullpath: obj.fullpath = obj.fullpath.partition('/')[2]'%s: %s'%(obj.tag.split(':')[1], obj.fullpath)) obj.modify_top( self.sources += obj.sources self.ips += obj.ips # add AXI4-Lite architecture specfic stuff, which must be called after all yellow blocks have modified top. if self.plat.mmbus_architecture == 'AXI4-Lite': # Make an AXI4-Lite interconnect yellow block and let it modify top axi4lite_interconnect = yellow_block.YellowBlock.make_block( {'tag': 'xps:axi4lite_interconnect', 'name': 'axi4lite_interconnect', 'fullpath': list(self.user_modules.keys())[0] +'/axi4lite_interconnect'}, self.plat) axi4lite_interconnect.modify_top( # Generate xml2vhdl self.xml2vhdl() # add the AXI4lite yellowblock to the peripherals manually self.periph_objs.append(axi4lite_interconnect) def _instantiate_user_ip(self): """ Adds VerilogInstance and ports associated with user-ip to the class' top VerilogModule instance. """ for name, usermodule in list(self.user_modules.items()): inst =, name='%s_inst' % name)'usermodule: %s'%name) # internal = False --> we assume that other yellow # blocks have set up appropriate signals in top.v # (we can't add them here anyway, because we don't # know the port widths) if 'clock' in list(usermodule.keys()): inst.add_port(name=usermodule['clock'], signal='user_clk', parent_sig=False) if 'clock_enable' in list(usermodule.keys()): inst.add_port(name=usermodule['clock_enable'], signal='1\'b1', parent_sig=False) for port in usermodule['ports']: inst.add_port(name=port, signal=port, parent_sig=False) if usermodule['sources'] is not None: for source in usermodule['sources']: self.sources += glob.glob(source) # if usermodule['tcl_sources'] is not None: # for source in usermodule['tcl_sources']: # self.tcl_sources += glob.glob(source)
[docs] def write_core_info(self): if self.plat.mmbus_architecture == 'AXI4-Lite': # get list of all axi4lite_devices in dict self.cores = [] for val in list( self.cores += val['axi4lite_devices'] else: self.cores = basefile = '%s/%s/' % (os.getenv('HDL_ROOT'), newfile = '%s/' % self.compile_dir self.logger.debug('Opening %s' % basefile) modemap = {'rw': 3, 'r': 1, 'w': 2} try: with open(basefile, 'r') as fh: s = # If there isn't a basefile, just plow on except IOError: s = '' if len(self.cores) != 0: longest_name = max([len(core.regname) for core in self.cores]) format_str = '{0:%d} {1:1} {2:<16x} {3:<16x}\n' % longest_name for core in self.cores: self.logger.debug('Adding entry for ' '%s' % core.regname) s += format_str.format(core.regname, modemap[core.mode], core.base_addr, core.nbytes) # add aliases if the WB Devices have them for reg in core.memory_map: s += format_str.format(, modemap[reg.mode], core.base_addr + reg.offset, reg.nbytes) # s += '%s\t%d\t%x\t%x\n'%(core.regname, modemap[core.mode], # core.base_addr, core.nbytes) self.logger.debug('Opening %s' % basefile) with open(newfile, 'w') as fh: fh.write(s)
[docs] def write_core_jam_info(self): if self.plat.mmbus_architecture == 'AXI4-Lite': # get list of all axi4lite_devices in dict self.cores = [] for val in list( self.cores += val['axi4lite_devices'] else: self.cores = basefile = '%s/%s/' % (os.getenv('HDL_ROOT'), newfile = '%s/' % self.compile_dir self.logger.debug('Opening %s' % basefile) modemap = {'rw': 3, 'r': 1, 'w': 2} try: with open(basefile, 'r') as fh: s = # If there isn't a basefile, just plow on except IOError: s = '' if len(self.cores) != 0: longest_name = max([len(core.regname) for core in self.cores]) format_str = '{0:%d} {1:1} {2:<16x} {3:<16x} {4:<2x}\n' % longest_name for core in self.cores: self.logger.debug('Adding entry for %s' % core.regname) s += format_str.format(core.regname, modemap[core.mode], core.base_addr, core.nbytes, core.typecode) # add aliases if the WB Devices have them for reg in core.memory_map: s += format_str.format(, modemap[reg.mode], core.base_addr + reg.offset, reg.nbytes, core.typecode) # s += '%s\t%d\t%x\t%x\n'%(core.regname, modemap[core.mode], core.base_addr, core.nbytes) self.logger.debug('Opening %s' % basefile) with open(newfile, 'w') as fh: fh.write(s) # generate the binary and xilinx-style .mem versions of this table, # using Python script [TODO convert to a callable function?]. ret = os.system('python %s/jasper_library/ -b %s > %s.bin' % (os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH'), newfile, newfile)) if ret != 0: errmsg = 'Failed to generate binary file {}.bin, error code {}.'.format(newfile,ret) self.logger.error(errmsg) raise Exception(errmsg) ret = os.system('python %s/jasper_library/ %s > %s.mem' % (os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH'), newfile, newfile)) if ret != 0: errmsg = 'Failed to generate xilinx-style file {}.mem, error code {}.'.format(newfile,ret) self.logger.error(msg) raise Exception(errmsg)
[docs] def regenerate_top(self): """ Generate the verilog for the modified top module. This involves computing the wishbone interconnect / addressing and generating new code for yellow block instances. """ # Decide if we're going to use a hierarchical arbiter. self.logger.debug("Looking for a max_devices_per_arbiter spec") if 'max_devices_per_arbiter' in self.plat.conf: = self.plat.conf['max_devices_per_arbiter'] self.logger.debug("Found max_devices_per_arbiter: %s" % # Check for memory map bus architecture, added to support AXI4-Lite if self.plat.mmbus_architecture == 'AXI4-Lite': pass else:, self.plat.dsp_wb_base_address_alignment) # Write top module file'/top.v') # Write any submodule files required for the compile. This is probably # only the hierarchical WB arbiter, or nothing at all for key, val in"Writing sub module file %s.v" % key) with open(self.compile_dir+'/%s.v'%key, 'w') as fh: fh.write(val) self.sources.append("Dumping pickle of top-level Verilog module") pickle.dump(, open('%s/top.pickle' % self.compile_dir,'wb'))
[docs] def generate_consts(self): """ Compose a list of constraints from each yellow block. Use platform information to generate the appropriate physical realisation of each constraint. """'Extracting constraints from peripherals') self.check_attr_exists('periph_objs', 'gen_periph_objs()') self.constraints = [] for obj in self.periph_objs: c = obj.gen_constraints() if c is not None: self.constraints += c'Generating physical constraints') for constraint in self.constraints: try: constraint.gen_physical_const(self.plat) except AttributeError: pass # some constraints don't have this method
# check for any funny business # used_pins = [] # for constraint in self.constraints:
[docs] def constraints_rule_check(self): """ Check pin constraints against top level signals. Warn about missing constraints. """'Carrying out constraints rule check') port_constraints = [] for const in self.constraints: if isinstance(const, PortConstraint): port_constraints += [const.portname] for key in list( for port in[key]: if port not in port_constraints: self.logger.warning('Port %s (instantiated by %s) has no constraints!' % (port, key))'Constraint rule check complete')
[docs] def dump_castro(self, filename): """ Build a 'standard' Castro object, which is the interface between the toolflow and the backends. """ import castro c = castro.Castro('top', self.sources, self.ips) # build castro standard pin constraints pin_constraints = [] clk_constraints = [] gen_clk_constraints = [] clk_grp_constraints = [] input_delay_constraints = [] output_delay_constraints = [] max_delay_constraints = [] min_delay_constraints = [] false_path_constraints = [] multi_cycle_constraints = [] raw_constraints = [] for const in self.constraints: if isinstance(const, PortConstraint): pin_constraints += [castro.PinConstraint( portname=const.portname, symbolic_name=const.iogroup, portname_indices=const.port_index, symbolic_indices=const.iogroup_index, io_standard=const.iostd, location=const.loc )] elif isinstance(const, ClockConstraint): clk_constraints += [castro.ClkConstraint( portname=const.signal, freq_mhz=const.freq, period_ns=const.period,, waveform_min_ns=const.waveform_min, waveform_max_ns=const.waveform_max, port_en=const.port_en, virtual_en=const.virtual_en )] elif isinstance(const, GenClockConstraint): gen_clk_constraints += [castro.GenClkConstraint( pinname=const.signal,, divide_by=const.divide_by, clksource=const.clock_source )] elif isinstance(const, ClockGroupConstraint): clk_grp_constraints += [castro.ClkGrpConstraint( clknamegrp1=const.clock_name_group_1, clknamegrp2=const.clock_name_group_2, clkdomaintype=const.clock_domain_relationship )] elif isinstance(const, InputDelayConstraint): input_delay_constraints += [castro.InDelayConstraint( clkname=const.clkname, consttype=const.consttype, constdelay_ns=const.constdelay_ns, add_delay_en=const.add_delay_en, portname=const.portname )] elif isinstance(const, OutputDelayConstraint): output_delay_constraints += [castro.OutDelayConstraint( clkname=const.clkname, consttype=const.consttype, constdelay_ns=const.constdelay_ns, add_delay_en=const.add_delay_en, portname=const.portname )] elif isinstance(const, MaxDelayConstraint): max_delay_constraints += [castro.MaxDelayConstraint( sourcepath=const.sourcepath, destpath=const.destpath, constdelay_ns=const.constdelay_ns )] elif isinstance(const, MinDelayConstraint): min_delay_constraints += [castro.MinDelayConstraint( sourcepath=const.sourcepath, destpath=const.destpath, constdelay_ns=const.constdelay_ns )] elif isinstance(const, FalsePathConstraint): false_path_constraints += [castro.FalsePthConstraint( sourcepath=const.sourcepath, destpath=const.destpath )] elif isinstance(const, MultiCycleConstraint): multi_cycle_constraints += [castro.MultiCycConstraint( multicycletype=const.multicycletype, sourcepath=const.sourcepath, destpath=const.destpath, multicycledelay=const.multicycledelay )] elif isinstance(const, RawConstraint): raw_constraints += [castro.RawConstraint( const.raw)] c.synthesis = castro.Synthesis() c.synthesis.pin_constraints = pin_constraints c.synthesis.clk_constraints = clk_constraints c.synthesis.gen_clk_constraints = gen_clk_constraints c.synthesis.clk_grp_constraints = clk_grp_constraints c.synthesis.input_delay_constraints = input_delay_constraints c.synthesis.output_delay_constraints = output_delay_constraints c.synthesis.max_delay_constraints = max_delay_constraints c.synthesis.min_delay_constraints = min_delay_constraints c.synthesis.false_path_constraints = false_path_constraints c.synthesis.multi_cycle_constraints = multi_cycle_constraints c.synthesis.raw_constraints = raw_constraints c.synthesis.platform_name = c.synthesis.fpga_manufacturer = self.plat.manufacturer c.synthesis.fpga_model = self.plat.fpga c.synthesis.pin_map = self.plat._pins mm_slaves = [] if self.plat.mmbus_architecture == 'AXI4-Lite': for dev in if dev.mode == 'rw': mode = 3 elif dev.mode == 'r': mode = 1 elif dev.mode == 'w': mode = 2 else: mode = 1 mm_slaves += [castro.mm_slave(dev.regname, mode, dev.base_addr, dev.nbytes)] else: for dev in if dev.mode == 'rw': mode = 3 elif dev.mode == 'r': mode = 1 elif dev.mode == 'w': mode = 2 else: mode = 1 mm_slaves += [castro.mm_slave(dev.regname, mode, dev.base_addr, dev.nbytes)] c.mm_slaves = mm_slaves with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(yaml.dump(c))
def _gen_hdl_version(self, filename_hdl): """ This function reads the existing version information from the HDL file and rewrites the version information and appends it with an "8" (golden), "4" (multiboot) or "0" (toolflow) :param filename_hdl: This is the path and hdl file that contains the original FPGA version information. This file is overwritten with new multiboot, toolflow or golden image info before being imported to the compile directory directory :type filename_bin: str """ stringToMatch = 'constant C_VERSION' lines = [] self.logger.debug('Opening Original hdl file %s' % filename_hdl) # read version info from original file and write appended version info to a new list that will be # written into a new file with open(filename_hdl, 'r') as fh1: for line in fh1: if stringToMatch in line: if self.plat.boot_image == 'golden': linesub = line[:line.find('X')+2] +'8'+ line[line.find('X')+3:] lines.append(linesub) elif self.plat.boot_image == 'multiboot': linesub = line[:line.find('X')+2] +'4'+ line[line.find('X')+3:] lines.append(linesub) else: linesub = line[:line.find('X')+2] +'0'+ line[line.find('X')+3:] lines.append(linesub) else: lines.append(line) #print (lines) fh1.close() # write new version info to the same file that will be imported to the correct folder with open(filename_hdl, 'w') as fh2: fh2.writelines(lines) fh2.close()
[docs] def generate_xml_memory_map(self, memory_map): """ Generate xml memory map files that represent each AXI4-Lite interface for Oxford's xml2vhdl. """ # Generate memory map xml file for each interface in memory_map for interface in list(memory_map.keys()): xml_root = ET.Element('node') xml_root.set('id', interface) # fill xml node with slave info from memory map for reg in memory_map[interface]['memory_map']: # add a child to parent node node = ET.SubElement(xml_root, 'node') node.set('id', node.set('address', "%s" % hex(reg.offset)) # toolflow only currently supports 32-bit registers node.set('mask', hex(0xFFFFFFFF)) # node.set('size', str(reg.nbytes)) node.set('permission', reg.mode) if reg.mode == 'r': if reg.default_val != 0: # Populate defaults of sys_block version registers node.set('hw_rst', str(reg.default_val)) else: # Basically a To Processor register (status) node.set('hw_permission', 'w') else: # Only for a From Processor register (control) node.set('hw_rst', str(reg.default_val)) # Best we can currently do for a description...? haha node.set('description', str(interface + "_" + # set bram size and if hasattr(reg, 'ram') and reg.ram==True: node.set('hw_dp_ram', 'yes') node.set('size', str(reg.nbytes//4)) # this needs to be in words not bytes!!! Dammit Janet # Need to make special mention of the bitwidth (data width) here # - Reading from - need the key 'hw_dp_ram_width' node.set('hw_dp_ram_width', str(reg.data_width)) # output xml file describing memory map as input for xml2vhdl myxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(xml_root)) xml_base_name = interface + "_memory_map.xml" xml_file_name = os.path.join(self.xml_source_dir, xml_base_name) xml_file = open(xml_file_name, "w") xml_text = myxml.toprettyxml() xml_text += "<!-- This file has been automatically generated by generate_xml_memory_map function." + " /!-->\n" xml_file.write(xml_text) xml_file.close()
[docs] def generate_xml_ic(self, memory_map): """ Generate xml interconnect file that represent top-level AXI4-Lite interconnect for Oxford's xml2vhdl. """ # loop over interfaces, sort by address, make interconnect xml_root = ET.Element('node') xml_root.set('id', 'axi4lite_top') xml_root.set('address', hex(self.plat.mmbus_base_address)) xml_root.set('hw_type', 'ic') for interface in list(memory_map.keys()): # add a child to parent node node = ET.SubElement(xml_root, 'node') node.set('id', interface) node.set('address', "%s" % memory_map[interface]['relative_address']) node.set('link', "%s" % interface + "_memory_map_output.xml") # output xml file describing interconnect as input for xml2vhdl myxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(xml_root)) xml_base_name = "axi4lite_top_ic_memory_map.xml" xml_file_name = os.path.join(self.xml_source_dir, xml_base_name) xml_file = open(xml_file_name, "w") xml_text = myxml.toprettyxml() xml_text += "<!-- This file has been automatically generated by generate_xml_memory_map function." + " /!-->\n" xml_file.write(xml_text) xml_file.close()
[docs] def xml2vhdl(self): """ Function to call Oxford's python code to generate AXI4-Lite VHDL register interfaces from an XML memory map specification. Obtained from: """ from xml2vhdl.xml2vhdl import Xml2VhdlGenerate, helper # make input and output directories if not os.path.exists(self.xml_source_dir): os.makedirs(self.xml_source_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.xml_output_dir): os.makedirs(self.xml_output_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.hdl_output_dir): os.makedirs(self.hdl_output_dir) # generate xml memory maps for input self.generate_xml_memory_map( # generate xml interconnect for input self.generate_xml_ic( # execute xml2vhdl generation try: # Xml2VhdlGenerate takes arguments as attributes of an args class args = helper.arguments.Arguments() # see the help of the script args.input_folder = [self.xml_source_dir] # Needs to be a list (can be multiple directories) args.vhdl_output = self.hdl_output_dir args.xml_output = self.xml_output_dir args.bus_library = "xil_defaultlib" args.slave_library = "xil_defaultlib""Trying to generate AXI HDL from XML")" Input directory: %s" % args.input_folder)" Output XML directory: %s" % args.xml_output)" Output directory: %s" % args.vhdl_output)" Slave library: %s" % args.slave_library)" Bus library: %s" % args.bus_library) Xml2VhdlGenerate(args) except: self.logger.error("Failed to generate AXI HDL from XML!") # Throw whatever error was caught raise
def _gen_hdl_simulink(self, hdl_sysgen_filename): """ This function replaces incorrectly generated simulink sysgen code with the proper code. In this case, the dual port ram latency is incorrectly generated when using Vivado 2018.2, 2018.2.2. The code is only replaced if the dual port ram is utilised and the 2018.2, 2018.2.2 version is detected. :param hdl_sysgen_filename: This is the path and hdl file that contains the original sysgen code. This file is overwritten with new latency info before being imported to the compile directory :type filename_bin: str """ stringToMatch_ver = '2018.2' stringToMatchS = '_xldpram' stringToMatchA = 'latency_test: if (latency > 6) generate' stringToMatchB = 'latency => latency - 6' stringToMatchC = 'latency1: if (latency <= 6) generate' lines = [] self.logger.debug('Opening Original hdl file %s' % hdl_sysgen_filename) # checks to see if Vivado version is 2018.2 before doing this change ver_exists = 'False' with open(hdl_sysgen_filename, 'r') as fh1: for line in fh1: if stringToMatch_ver in line: ver_exists = True fh1.close() # checks to see if dual port ram is instantiated before doing this change dpram_exists = 'False' with open(hdl_sysgen_filename, 'r') as fh1: for line in fh1: if stringToMatchS in line: dpram_exists = True fh1.close() # If dual port ram exists and version is 2018.2 then, read sysgen code from original file and write appended # corrected code to a new list that will be written into a new file if dpram_exists == True and ver_exists == True: with open(hdl_sysgen_filename, 'r') as fh1: for line in fh1: if stringToMatchA in line: linesub = line[:line.find('>') + 2] + '3' + line[line.find('>') + 3:] lines.append(linesub) elif stringToMatchB in line: linesub = line[:line.find('-') + 2] + '3' + line[line.find('-') + 3:] lines.append(linesub) elif stringToMatchC in line: linesub = line[:line.find('=') + 2] + '3' + line[line.find('=') + 3:] lines.append(linesub) else: lines.append(line) fh1.close() # write updated sysgen code to the same file that will be imported to the correct folder with open(hdl_sysgen_filename, 'w') as fh2: fh2.writelines(lines) fh2.close() self.logger.debug('File written. Vivado version is 2018.2: %s. Dual Port RAM exists: %s' % (ver_exists, dpram_exists)) else: self.logger.debug('File not written. Vivado version is 2018.2: %s. Dual Port RAM exists: %s' % (ver_exists, dpram_exists))
[docs]class ToolflowFrontend(object): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, compile_dir='/tmp', target='/tmp/test.slx'): """ :param compile_dir: :param target: """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.toolflow.frontend') self.compile_dir = compile_dir if not os.path.exists(target): self.logger.error('Target path %s does not exist!' % target) raise Exception('Target path %s does not exist!' % target) = target
[docs] def gen_periph_file(self, fname='jasper.per'): """ Call upon the frontend to generate a jasper-standard file defining peripherals (yellow blocks) present in a model. This method should be overridden by the specific frontend of choice, and should return the full path to the peripheral file. Use ``skip = True`` to just return the name of the file, without bothering to regenerate it (useful for debugging, and future use cases where a user only wants to run certain steps of a compile) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def write_git_info_file(self, fname=''): """ Call upon the frontend to generate a git info file, which contains the git repo information, which is used for the header for the fpg file. This function is overwritten by the SimulinkFrontEnd Class """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def compile_user_ip(self): """ Compile the user IP to a single HDL module. Return the name of this module. Should be overridden by each FrontEnd subclass. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ToolflowBackend(object): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, plat=None, compile_dir='/tmp'): """ :param plat: :param compile_dir: """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.toolflow.backend') self.compile_dir = compile_dir self.output_dir = compile_dir + '/outputs' self.plat = plat self.castro = None if plat: self.initialize(plat)
[docs] def initialize(self, plat): """ :param plat: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def compile(self, core, plat): """ :param core: :param plat: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_source(self, source, plat): """ Add a sourcefile to the project. Via a tcl incantation. In non-project mode, it is important to note that copies are not made of files. The files are read from their source directory. Project mode copies files from their source directory and adds them to the a new compile directory. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_const_file(self, constfile): """ Add a constraint file to the project. via a tcl incantation. In non-project mode, it is important to note that copies are not made of files. The files are read from their source directory. Project mode copies files from their source directory and adds them to the a new compile directory. :param constfile: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def gen_constraint_file(self, constraints): """ Pass this method a toolflow-standard list of constraints which have already had their physical parameters calculated and it will generate a constraint file and add it to the current project. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def import_from_castro(self, filename): import castro self.castro = castro.Castro.load(filename) existing_sources = [] for source in self.castro.src_files: if source not in existing_sources: existing_sources.append(source) if not os.path.exists(source): errmsg = 'sourcefile %s doesn\'t exist!' % source self.logger.error(errmsg) raise Exception(errmsg) self.add_source(source, self.plat) existing_sources = [] for source in self.castro.synthesis.vendor_constraints_files: if source not in existing_sources: existing_sources.append(source) if not os.path.exists(source): errmsg = 'sourcefile %s doesn\'t exist!' % source self.logger.error(errmsg) raise Exception(errmsg) self.add_const_file(source) for ip in self.castro.ips: self.add_library(ip['path']) if 'module_name' in ip: self.add_ip(ip) # elaborate pin constraints for const in self.castro.synthesis.pin_constraints: pins = self.plat.get_pins(const.symbolic_name, const.symbolic_indices) numindices = len(const.symbolic_indices) const.location = [pins[idx].loc for idx in range(numindices)] const.io_standard = [pins[idx].iostd for idx in range(numindices)] const.is_vector = const.portname_indices != [] self.gen_constraint_file( self.castro.synthesis.pin_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.clk_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.gen_clk_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.clk_grp_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.input_delay_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.output_delay_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.max_delay_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.min_delay_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.false_path_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.multi_cycle_constraints + self.castro.synthesis.raw_constraints)
[docs] def mkfpg(self, filename_bin, filename_fpg): """ This function makes the fpg file header and the final fpg file, which consists of the fpg file header (, and and the compressed binary file. The fpg file is used to configure the ROACH, ROACH2, MKDIG and SKARAB boards. :param filename_bin: This is the path and binary file (top.bin) that contains the FPGA programming data. :type filename_bin: str :param filename_fpg: This is the output time stamped fpg file name :type filename_fpg: str """ # files to read from (, and basefile_core = '%s/' % self.compile_dir basefile_design = '%s/' % self.compile_dir basefile_git = '%s/' % self.compile_dir # file, which represents the fpg file header only extended_info = '%s/extended_info.kcpfpg' % self.compile_dir self.logger.debug('Opening file %s' % basefile_core) self.logger.debug('Opening file %s' % basefile_design) self.logger.debug('Opening file %s' % basefile_git) # read base files and write to fpg header file in correct format with open(extended_info, 'w') as fh4: fh4.write('#!/bin/kcpfpg\n') fh4.write('?uploadbin\n') with open(basefile_core, 'r') as fh1: for row in fh1: col1, col2, col3, col4 = row.split() fh4.write('?register\t'+col1+'\t0x'+col3+'\t0x'+col4+'\n') with open(basefile_design, 'r') as fh2: line = fh2.readline() while line: fh4.write('?meta\t' + line) line = fh2.readline() with open(basefile_git, 'r') as fh3: line = fh3.readline() while line: fh4.write(line) line = fh3.readline() # add the MD5 Checksums here with open(extended_info, 'rb') as fh: md5_header = hashlib.md5( with open(filename_bin, 'rb') as fh: bitstream = # 1) Calculate MD5 Checksum on binary data md5_bitstream = hashlib.md5(bitstream).hexdigest() # 2) Calculate 'FlashWriteChecksum' to be compared to # SpartanChecksum when upload_to_ram() # - Need to give it the chunk size being used in upload_to_ram # - This alters how the SPARTAN calculates the checksum flash_write_checksum = self.calculate_checksum_using_bitstream( bitstream, packet_size=MAX_IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE) # add the md5sums, checksum and ?quit to the extended info file with open(extended_info, 'a') as fh: # Line to write must follow general format, as per Paul line = '77777\t77777\tmd5_header\t' + md5_header + '\n' fh.write("?meta\t" + line) line = '77777\t77777\tmd5_bitstream\t' + md5_bitstream + '\n' fh.write("?meta\t" + line) line = '77777\t77777\tflash_write_checksum\t' + \ str(flash_write_checksum) + '_' + str(MAX_IMAGE_CHUNK_SIZE) + '\n' fh.write("?meta\t" + line) fh.write('?quit\n') # copy binary file from binary file location and rename to system.bin mkfpg_cmd1 = 'cp %s %s/system.bin' % (filename_bin, self.compile_dir) os.system(mkfpg_cmd1) # compress binary file in new location mkfpg_cmd2 = 'gzip -c %s/system.bin > %s/system.bin.gz' % ( self.compile_dir, self.compile_dir) os.system(mkfpg_cmd2) # append the compressed binary file to the extended_info.kcpfpg file mkfpg_cmd3 = 'cat %s/system.bin.gz >> %s/extended_info.kcpfpg' % ( self.compile_dir, self.compile_dir) os.system(mkfpg_cmd3) # copy extended_info.kcpfpg and rename to time stamped file and # place in output directory with the bof file mkfpg_cmd4 = 'cp %s/extended_info.kcpfpg %s/%s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.output_dir, filename_fpg) os.system(mkfpg_cmd4)
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_checksum_using_bitstream(bitstream, packet_size=8192): """ Summing up all the words in the input bitstream, and returning a ``Checksum`` - Assuming that the bitstream HAS NOT been padded yet :param bitstream: The actual bitstream of the file in question :param packet_size: max size of image packets that we pad to :return: checksum """ size = len(bitstream) flash_write_checksum = 0x00 for i in range(0, size, 2): # This is just getting a substring, need to convert to hex two_bytes = bitstream[i:i + 2] one_word = struct.unpack('!H', two_bytes)[0] flash_write_checksum += one_word if (size % packet_size) != 0: # padding required num_padding_bytes = packet_size - (size % packet_size) for i in range(num_padding_bytes // 2): flash_write_checksum += 0xffff # Last thing to do, make sure it is a 16-bit word flash_write_checksum &= 0xffff return flash_write_checksum
[docs]class SimulinkFrontend(ToolflowFrontend): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, compile_dir='/tmp', target='/tmp/test.slx'): """ :param compile_dir: :param target: """ ToolflowFrontend.__init__(self, compile_dir=compile_dir, target=target) if target[-4:] not in ['.slx', '.mdl']: self.logger.warning('Frontend target %s does not look like a ' 'simulink file!' % target) self.modelpath = target self.modelname = target.split('/')[-1][:-4] # strip off extension
[docs] def gen_periph_file(self, fname='jasper.per'): """ generate the peripheral file. i.e., the list of yellow blocks and their parameters. It also generates the ```` file which is used to populate the fpg file header :param fname: The full path and name to give the peripheral file. :type fname: str """'Generating yellow block description file: %s' % fname) # change directory to the matlab script directory term_cmd = os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH') os.chdir(term_cmd) # The command to start matlab with appropriate libraries matlab_start_cmd = os.path.join(os.getenv('XILINX_PATH'), 'bin', 'sysgen') #matlab_start_cmd = os.getenv('SYSGEN_SCRIPT') # The matlab script responsible for generating the peripheral file # each script represents a matlab function script1 = 'open_system' script2 = 'set_param' script3 = 'gen_block_file' script4 = 'gen_xps_add_design_info' # The matlab syntax to call this script with appropriate args # This scripts runs open_system(), set_param(), gen_block_file() and # gen_xps_add_design_info(). # if open_system() and set_param() are not run then the peripheral # names will be incorrectly generated and the design will not compile. # Everything is run on a single matlab terminal line ml_cmd = "%s('%s');sys=gcs;%s(sys,'SimulationCommand','update');" \ "%s('%s','%s');mssge.xps_path='%s';" \ "%s(sys,mssge,'/');exit" % (script1, self.modelpath, script2, script3, self.compile_dir, fname, self.compile_dir, script4) # Complete command to run on terminal term_cmd = matlab_start_cmd + ' -nodesktop -nosplash -r "%s"' % ml_cmd'Running terminal command: %s' % term_cmd) os.system(term_cmd)
[docs] def write_git_info_file(self, fname=''): """ Get the git info for mlib_devel and the model file. :param fname: :return: """ fpath = '%s/%s' % (self.compile_dir, fname) fptr = open(fpath, 'w') if kat_get_version is None: fptr.close() return model_git = self.modelpath + '\t' + kat_get_version(self.modelpath) mlib_git = __file__ + '\t' + kat_get_version(__file__) fptr.write('?meta\t77777_git\trcs\t{}\n'.format(model_git)) fptr.write('?meta\t77777_git\trcs\t{}\n'.format(mlib_git)) fptr.close()
[docs] def compile_user_ip(self, update=False): """ Compile the users simulink design. The resulting netlist should end up in the location already specified in the peripherals file. :param update: Update the simulink model before running system generator :type update: bool """'Compiling user IP to module: %s' % self.modelname) # change directory to the matlab script directory term_cmd = os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH') os.chdir(term_cmd) # The command to start matlab with appropriate libraries # matlab_start_cmd = os.getenv('MLIB_DEVEL_PATH') + '/startsg' #matlab_start_cmd = os.getenv('SYSGEN_SCRIPT') matlab_start_cmd = os.path.join(os.getenv('XILINX_PATH'), 'bin', 'sysgen') # The matlab syntax to start a compile with appropriate args ml_cmd = "start_sysgen_compile('%s','%s',%d);exit" % ( self.modelpath, self.compile_dir, int(update)) term_cmd = matlab_start_cmd + ' -nodesktop -nosplash -r "%s"' % ml_cmd'Running terminal command: %s' % term_cmd) os.system(term_cmd)
[docs]class VivadoBackend(ToolflowBackend): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, plat=None, compile_dir='/tmp', periph_objs=None): """ :param plat: :param compile_dir: :param periph_objs: """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.toolflow.backend') self.compile_dir = compile_dir self.const_file_ext = 'xdc' # src_file parameters for non-project mode only self.src_file_vhdl_ext = 'vhd' self.src_file_ip_ext = 'xci' self.src_file_verilog_ext = 'v' self.src_file_sys_verilog_ext = 'sv' self.src_file_block_diagram_ext = 'bd' self.src_file_elf_ext = 'elf' self.src_file_coe_ext = 'coe' self.src_file_design_checkpoint_ext = 'dcp' self.manufacturer = 'xilinx' self.project_name = 'myproj' self.periph_objs = periph_objs self.tcl_cmd = '' # if project mode is enabled if plat.project_mode: self.binary_loc = '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bin' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name) self.hex_loc = '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.hex' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name) self.mcs_loc = '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.mcs' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name) self.prm_loc = '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.prm' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name) # if non-project mode is enabled else: self.binary_loc = '%s/%s/top.bin' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name) self.hex_loc = '%s/%s/top.hex' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name) self.mcs_loc = '%s/%s/top.mcs' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name) self.prm_loc = '%s/%s/top.prm' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name) = 'vivado' self.npm_sources = [] ToolflowBackend.__init__(self, plat=plat, compile_dir=compile_dir)
[docs] def initialize(self, plat): self.tcl_cmds = { 'init' : '', 'pre_synth' : '', 'synth' : '', 'post_synth' : '', 'pre_impl' : '', 'impl' : '', 'post_impl' : '', 'pre_bitgen' : '', 'bitgen' : '', 'post_bitgen' : '', 'promgen' : '', } if plat.manufacturer.lower() != self.manufacturer.lower(): self.logger.error('Trying to compile a %s FPGA using %s %s' % ( plat.manufacturer, self.manufacturer, self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "Starting tcl script"') # Create Vivado Project in project mode only if plat.project_mode: self.add_tcl_cmd('create_project -f %s %s/%s -part %s' % ( self.project_name, self.compile_dir, self.project_name, plat.fpga)) # Create the part in non-project mode (project runs in memory only) else: self.add_tcl_cmd('file mkdir %s/%s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name)) self.add_tcl_cmd('set_part %s' % plat.fpga) # Set the project to default to vhdl self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property target_language VHDL [current_project]')
[docs] def add_library(self, path): """ Add a library at <path> """ self.add_tcl_cmd('set repos [get_property ip_repo_paths [current_project]]') self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property ip_repo_paths "$repos %s" [current_project]' % path) self.add_tcl_cmd('update_ip_catalog')
[docs] def add_ip(self, ip): """ Add an ip core from a library """ self.add_tcl_cmd('create_ip -name %s -vendor %s -library %s -version %s -module_name %s' % (ip['name'], ip['vendor'], ip['library'], ip['version'], ip['module_name']))
[docs] def add_source(self, source, plat): """ Add a sourcefile to the project. Via a tcl incantation. In non-project mode, it is important to note that copies are not made of files. The files are read from their source directory. Project mode copies files from their source directory and adds them to the a new compile directory. """ self.logger.debug('Adding source file: %s' % source) # Project Mode is enabled if plat.project_mode: self.add_tcl_cmd('import_files -force %s' % source) # Non-Project Mode is enabled else: if os.path.basename(source) == 'top.v': # Convert from string to Lists and extract filenames from # the directory source self.npm_sources = os.path.basename(source).split() # extract file names from the directories listed in the source else: self.npm_sources = os.listdir(source) self.logger.debug('source %s' % source) self.logger.debug('npm_sources %s' % self.npm_sources) for item in self.npm_sources: ext = item.split('.')[-1] current_source = item self.logger.debug('extension: %s' % ext) self.logger.debug('current_source: %s' % current_source) # VHDL File if ext == self.src_file_vhdl_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_vhdl %s/%s' % ( source, current_source)) # Verilog File elif ext == self.src_file_verilog_ext: # Only read from source when reading the top.v file if os.path.basename(source) == 'top.v': self.add_tcl_cmd('read_verilog %s' % source) else: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_verilog %s/%s' % ( source, current_source)) # System Verilog File elif ext == self.src_file_sys_verilog_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_verilog -sv %s/%s' % (source,current_source)) # IP File elif ext == self.src_file_ip_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_ip %s/%s' % (source,current_source)) # Block Diagram File elif ext == self.src_file_block_diagram_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_bd %s/%s' % (source,current_source)) # ELF Microblaze File elif ext == self.src_file_elf_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('add_files %s/%s' % (source,current_source)) # Coefficient BRAM File elif ext == self.src_file_coe_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('add_files %s/%s' % (source,current_source)) # Design checkpoint files elif ext == self.src_file_design_checkpoint_ext: self.add_tcl_cmd('add_files %s' % current_source) else: self.logger.warning('unknown extension, ignoring source file %s' % current_source)
[docs] def add_const_file(self, constfile): """ Add a constraint file to the project. via a tcl incantation. In non-project mode, it is important to note that copies are not made of files. The files are read from their source directory. Project mode copies files from their source directory and adds them to the a new compile directory. :param constfile: """ if constfile.split('.')[-1] == self.const_file_ext: self.logger.debug('Adding constraint file: %s' % constfile) # Project Mode is enabled if self.plat.project_mode: self.add_tcl_cmd('import_files -force -fileset constrs_1 %s' % constfile) # Non-Project Mode is enabled else: self.add_tcl_cmd('read_xdc %s' % constfile) else: self.logger.debug('Ignore constraint file: %s, with wrong file ' 'extension' % constfile)
[docs] def add_tcl_cmd(self, cmd, stage='pre_synth'): """ Add a command to the tcl command list with a trailing newline. """ self.logger.debug('Adding tcl command: %s' % cmd) self.tcl_cmds[stage] += cmd self.tcl_cmds[stage] += '\n'
[docs] def eval_tcl(self): s = '' s += self.tcl_cmds['init'] s += self.tcl_cmds['pre_synth'] s += self.tcl_cmds['synth'] s += self.tcl_cmds['post_synth'] s += self.tcl_cmds['pre_impl'] s += self.tcl_cmds['impl'] s += self.tcl_cmds['post_impl'] s += self.tcl_cmds['pre_bitgen'] s += self.tcl_cmds['bitgen'] s += self.tcl_cmds['post_bitgen'] s += self.tcl_cmds['promgen'] return s
[docs] def add_compile_cmds(self, cores=8, plat=None, synth_strat=None, impl_strat=None): """ Add the tcl commands for compiling the design, and then launch vivado in batch mode """ tcl = self.add_tcl_cmd # Project Mode is enabled if plat.project_mode: # Pre-Synthesis Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property top top [current_fileset]', stage='pre_synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('update_compile_order -fileset sources_1', stage='pre_synth') # Hack to get the System generator RAMs to see their coefficient files. # Vivado (2016.1) doesn't seem to import the .coe and ram .xci files in the # correct relative directories as configured by System Generator. self.add_tcl_cmd('if {[llength [glob -nocomplain [get_property directory [current_project]]/myproj.srcs/sources_1/imports/*.coe]] > 0} {', stage='pre_synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('file copy -force {*}[glob [get_property directory [current_project]]/myproj.srcs/sources_1/imports/*.coe] [get_property directory [current_project]]/myproj.srcs/sources_1/ip/', stage='pre_synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('}', stage='pre_synth') # add the upgrade_ip command to the tcl file if the yaml file requrests it, default to upgrading the IP if "upgrade_ip" not in list(plat.conf.keys()) or plat.conf['upgrade_ip'] == True: self.add_tcl_cmd('upgrade_ip -quiet [get_ips *]', stage='pre_synth') self.logger.debug('adding the upgrade_ip command to the tcl script') else: self.logger.debug('The upgrade_ip command is not being added to the tcl script') # Add in if ILA is being used to prevent signal names from changing during synthesis #self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.ARGS.FLATTEN_HIERARCHY none [get_runs synth_1]') # Pre-Synthesis Commands if synth_strat is not None: # synth_strat must be error-checked before arriving here self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property strategy {} [get_runs synth_1]'.format(synth_strat), stage='pre_synth') # Synthesis Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('reset_run synth_1', stage='synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('launch_runs synth_1 -jobs %d' % cores, stage='synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('wait_on_run synth_1', stage='synth') # Post-Synthesis Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('open_run synth_1', stage='post_synth') # Pre-Implementation Commands if impl_strat is not None: # impl_strat must be error-checked before arriving here self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property strategy {} [get_runs impl_1]'.format(impl_strat), stage='pre_impl') self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property STEPS.WRITE_BITSTREAM.ARGS.BIN_FILE true [get_runs impl_1]', stage='pre_impl') self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property STEPS.PHYS_OPT_DESIGN.IS_ENABLED true [get_runs impl_1]', stage='pre_impl') self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property STEPS.POST_ROUTE_PHYS_OPT_DESIGN.IS_ENABLED true [get_runs impl_1]', stage='pre_impl') # Implementation Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('launch_runs impl_1 -jobs %d' % cores, stage='impl') self.add_tcl_cmd('wait_on_run impl_1', stage='impl') # Post-Implementation Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('open_run impl_1', stage='post_impl') # Pre-Bitgen Commands # Bitgen Commands self.add_tcl_cmd('launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream', stage='bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('wait_on_run impl_1', stage='bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('cd [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]', stage='bitgen') # Post-Bitgen Commands # Generate a binary file for SKARAB where the bits are reversed per byte. This is used by casperfpga for # configuring the FPGA try: if plat.conf['bit_reversal'] == True: self.add_tcl_cmd('write_cfgmem -force -format bin -interface bpix8 -size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 ' '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bit" -file %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name, self.binary_loc), stage='post_bitgen') # just ignore if key is not present as only some platforms will have the key. except KeyError: s = "" # Generate a hex and mcs file for SKARAB for the multiboot or golden image. This is used by # casperfpga and JTAG for configuring the FPGA try: if plat.conf['boot_image'] == 'multiboot': self.add_tcl_cmd('write_cfgmem -force -format hex -interface bpix16 -size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 ' '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bit" -file %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name, self.hex_loc), stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('write_cfgmem -force -format mcs -interface bpix16 -size 128 -loadbit "up 0x03000000 ' '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bit" -file %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name, self.mcs_loc), stage='post_bitgen') if plat.conf['boot_image'] == 'golden': self.add_tcl_cmd('write_cfgmem -force -format hex -interface bpix16 -size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 ' '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bit" -file %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name, self.hex_loc), stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('write_cfgmem -force -format mcs -interface bpix16 -size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 ' '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bit" -file %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name, self.mcs_loc), stage='post_bitgen') # just ignore if key is not present as only some platforms will have the key. except KeyError: s = "" # Determine if the design meets timing or not # Look for Worst Negative Slack self.add_tcl_cmd('if { [get_property STATS.WNS [get_runs impl_1] ] < 0 } {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "Found timing violations => Worst Negative Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.WNS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('} else {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "No timing violations => Worst Negative Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.WNS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('}', stage='post_bitgen') # Look for Total Negative Slack self.add_tcl_cmd('if { [get_property STATS.TNS [get_runs impl_1] ] < 0 } {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "Found timing violations => Total Negative Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.TNS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('} else {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "No timing violations => Total Negative Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.TNS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('}', stage='post_bitgen') # Look for Worst Hold Slack self.add_tcl_cmd('if { [get_property STATS.WHS [get_runs impl_1] ] < 0 } {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "Found timing violations => Worst Hold Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.WHS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('} else {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "No timing violations => Worst Hold Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.WHS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('}', stage='post_bitgen') # Look for Total Hold Slack self.add_tcl_cmd('if { [get_property STATS.THS [get_runs impl_1] ] < 0 } {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "Found timing violations => Total Hold Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.THS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('} else {', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('puts "No timing violations => Total Hold Slack:' ' [get_property STATS.THS [get_runs impl_1]] ns" ', stage='post_bitgen') self.add_tcl_cmd('}', stage='post_bitgen') # Let Yellow Blocks add their own tcl commands self.gen_yellowblock_tcl_cmds() # Let Yellow Blocks add their own HDL files self.gen_yellowblock_custom_hdl() # add source files to the project from the compile directory self.gen_add_compile_dir_source_tcl_cmds() # Non-Project mode is enabled # Options can be added to the *_design commands to change strategies # or meet timing else: proj_path = '%s/%s' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name) tcl('synth_design -top top -part %s' % plat.fpga) tcl('write_checkpoint -force %s/post_synth.dcp' % proj_path) tcl('report_timing_summary -file %s/post_synth_timing_summary.' 'rpt' % proj_path) tcl('report_utilization -file %s/post_synth_timing_summary.' 'rpt' % proj_path) tcl('opt_design') tcl('place_design') tcl('report_clock_utilization -file %s/clock_util.rpt' % proj_path) # Run power_opt_design and phys_opt_design if setup timing # violations occur tcl('if { [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 ' '-nworst 1 -setup] ] < 0 } {') tcl('puts "Found setup timing violations => running physical ' 'optimization" ') tcl('power_opt_design') tcl('phys_opt_design') tcl('}') # Run power_opt_design and phys_opt_design if hold timing # violations occur tcl('if { [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 ' '-nworst 1 -hold] ] < 0 } {') tcl('puts "Found hold timing violations => running physical ' 'optimization" ') tcl('power_opt_design') tcl('phys_opt_design') tcl('}') tcl('write_checkpoint -force %s/post_place.dcp' % proj_path) tcl('report_utilization -file %s/post_place_util.rpt' % proj_path) tcl('report_timing_summary -file %s/post_place_timing_summary.' 'rpt' % proj_path) tcl('route_design') tcl('write_checkpoint -force %s/post_route.dcp' % proj_path) tcl('report_route_status -file %s/post_route_status.' 'rpt' % proj_path) tcl('report_timing_summary -file %s/post_route_timing_summary.' 'rpt' % proj_path) tcl('report_power -file %s/post_route_power.rpt' % proj_path) tcl('report_drc -file %s/post_imp_drc.rpt' % proj_path) tcl('set_property SEVERITY {Warning} [get_drc_checks UCIO-1]') tcl('write_bitstream -force -bin_file %s/top.bit' % proj_path) # Generate a binary file for SKARAB where the bits are reversed # per byte. This is used by casperfpga for configuring the FPGA try: if plat.conf['bit_reversal']: tcl('write_cfgmem -force -format bin -interface bpix8 ' '-size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 %s/%s/top.bit" -file %s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.binary_loc)) # just ignore if key is not present as only some platforms # will have the key. except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(e.message) # Generate a hex and mcs file for SKARAB for the multiboot or golden # images. This is used by casperfpga and JTAG for configuring the FPGA try: if plat.conf['boot_image'] == 'multiboot': tcl('write_cfgmem -force -format hex -interface bpix16 ' '-size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 %s/%s/top.bit" -file %s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.hex_loc)) tcl('write_cfgmem -force -format mcs -interface bpix16 ' '-size 128 -loadbit "up 0x03000000 %s/%s/top.bit" -file %s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.mcs_loc)) if plat.conf['boot_image'] == 'golden': tcl('write_cfgmem -force -format hex -interface bpix16 ' '-size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 %s/%s/top.bit" -file %s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.hex_loc)) tcl('write_cfgmem -force -format mcs -interface bpix16 ' '-size 128 -loadbit "up 0x0 %s/%s/top.bit" -file %s' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.mcs_loc)) # just ignore if key is not present as only some platforms # will have the key. except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(e.message) # Determine if the design meets timing or not # Check for setup timing violations tcl('if { [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 ' '-nworst 1 -setup] ] < 0 } {') tcl('puts "Found setup timing violations => Worst Setup Slack: ' '[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 ' '-setup]] ns" ') tcl('} else {') tcl('puts "No setup timing violations => Worst Setup Slack: ' '[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 ' '-setup]] ns" ') tcl('}') # Check for hold timing violations tcl('if { [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 ' '-nworst 1 -hold] ] < 0 } {') tcl('puts "Found setup timing violations => Worst Hold Slack: ' '[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 ' '-hold]] ns" ') tcl('} else {') tcl('puts "No setup timing violations => Worst Hold Slack: ' '[get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 ' '-hold]] ns" ') tcl('}')
[docs] def compile(self, cores, plat, synth_strat=None, impl_strat=None): """ :param cores: :param plat: :param impl_strat: Implementation Strategy to use when carrying out the implementation run 'impl' """ self.add_compile_cmds(cores=cores, plat=plat, synth_strat=synth_strat, impl_strat=impl_strat) # write tcl command to file tcl_file = self.compile_dir+'/gogogo.tcl' helpers.write_file(tcl_file, self.eval_tcl()) rv = os.system('vivado -jou {cdir}/vivado.jou -log {cdir}/vivado.log ' '-mode batch -source ' '{cfile}'.format(cdir=self.compile_dir, cfile=tcl_file)) if rv: raise Exception('Vivado failed!')
[docs] def get_tcl_const(self, const): """ Pass a single toolflow-standard PortConstraint, and get back a tcl command to add the constraint to a vivado project. """ user_const = '' if isinstance(const, castro.PinConstraint): self.logger.debug('New PortConstraint instance found: %s -> %s' % ( const.portname, const.symbolic_name)) for idx, p in enumerate(const.symbolic_indices): self.logger.debug('Getting loc for port index %d' % idx) loc = const.location[idx] if loc is not None: self.logger.debug('LOC constraint found at %s' % loc) user_const += self.format_const( 'PACKAGE_PIN', loc, const.portname, index=const.portname_indices[idx] if const.portname_indices else None) for idx, p in enumerate(const.symbolic_indices): self.logger.debug('Getting iostd for port index %d' % idx) iostd = const.io_standard[idx] if iostd is not None: self.logger.debug('IOSTD constraint found: %s' % iostd) user_const += self.format_const( 'IOSTANDARD', iostd, const.portname, index=const.portname_indices[idx] if const.portname_indices else None) if isinstance(const, castro.ClkConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Clock constraint found') user_const += self.format_clock_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.GenClkConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Generated Clock constraint found') user_const += self.format_gen_clock_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.ClkGrpConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Clock group constraint found') user_const += self.format_clock_group_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.InDelayConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Input delay constraint found') user_const += self.format_input_delay_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.OutDelayConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Output delay constraint found') user_const += self.format_output_delay_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.MaxDelayConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Max delay constraint found') user_const += self.format_max_delay_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.MinDelayConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Min delay constraint found') user_const += self.format_min_delay_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.FalsePthConstraint): self.logger.debug('New False Path constraint found') user_const += self.format_false_path_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.MultiCycConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Multi Cycle constraint found') user_const += self.format_multi_cycle_const(const) if isinstance(const, castro.RawConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Raw constraint found') user_const += const.raw return user_const
[docs] @staticmethod def format_clock_const(c): if c.virtual_en: return 'create_clock -period %4.3f -name %s -waveform {%4.3f ' \ '%4.3f}\n' % (c.period_ns, c.clkname, c.waveform_min_ns, c.waveform_max_ns) elif c.port_en: return 'create_clock -period %4.3f -name %s -waveform {%4.3f ' \ '%4.3f} [get_ports {%s}]\n' % (c.period_ns, c.clkname, c.waveform_min_ns, c.waveform_max_ns, c.portname) else: return 'create_clock -period %4.3f -name %s -waveform {%4.3f ' \ '%4.3f} [get_pins {%s}]\n' % (c.period_ns, c.clkname, c.waveform_min_ns, c.waveform_max_ns, c.portname)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_gen_clock_const(c): return 'create_generated_clock -name %s -source [get_pins {%s}] ' \ '-divide_by %d [get_pins {%s}]\n' % (c.clkname, c.clksource, c.divide_by, c.pinname)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_clock_group_const(c): return 'set_clock_groups -%s -group [get_clocks %s] -group ' \ '[get_clocks %s]\n' % (c.clkdomaintype, c.clknamegrp1, c.clknamegrp2)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_input_delay_const(c): if c.add_delay_en: return 'set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks %s] -%s -add_delay ' \ '%4.3f [get_ports {%s}]\n' % (c.clkname, c.consttype, c.constdelay_ns, c.portname) else: return 'set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks %s] -%s %4.3f ' \ '[get_ports {%s}]\n' % (c.clkname, c.consttype, c.constdelay_ns, c.portname)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_output_delay_const(c): if c.add_delay_en: return 'set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks %s] -%s -add_delay ' \ '%4.3f [get_ports {%s}]\n' % (c.clkname, c.consttype, c.constdelay_ns, c.portname) else: return 'set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks %s] -%s %4.3f ' \ '[get_ports {%s}]\n' % (c.clkname, c.consttype, c.constdelay_ns, c.portname)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_max_delay_const(c): if c.sourcepath is None: return 'set_max_delay %s -to %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.destpath) elif c.destpath is None: return 'set_max_delay %s -from %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.sourcepath) else: return 'set_max_delay %s -from %s -to %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.sourcepath, c.destpath)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_min_delay_const(c): if c.sourcepath is None: return 'set_min_delay %s -to %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.destpath) elif c.destpath is None: return 'set_min_delay %s -from %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.sourcepath) else: return 'set_min_delay %s -from %s -to %s\n' % (c.constdelay_ns, c.sourcepath, c.destpath)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_false_path_const(c): if c.sourcepath is None: return 'set_false_path -to %s\n' % c.destpath elif c.destpath is None: return 'set_false_path -from %s\n' % c.sourcepath else: return 'set_false_path -from %s -to %s\n' % (c.sourcepath, c.destpath)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_multi_cycle_const(c): return 'set_multicycle_path -%s -from [%s] -to [%s] %d\n' % ( c.multicycletype, c.sourcepath, c.destpath, c.multicycledelay)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_const(attribute, val, port, index=None): """ Generate a tcl syntax command from an attribute, value and port (with indexing if required) """ return 'set_property %s %s [get_ports %s%s]\n' % ( attribute, val, port, '[%d]' % index if index is not None else '')
[docs] @staticmethod def format_cfg_const(attribute, val): """ Generate a configuration tcl syntax command from an attribute and value """ return 'set_property %s %s [current_design]\n' % (attribute, val)
[docs] def gen_yellowblock_tcl_cmds(self): """ Compose a list of tcl commands from each yellow block. To be added to the final tcl script. """'Extracting yellow block tcl commands' ' from peripherals') for obj in self.periph_objs: c = obj.gen_tcl_cmds() for key, val in c.items(): if val is not None: for v in val: self.add_tcl_cmd(v, stage=key)
[docs] def gen_yellowblock_custom_hdl(self): """ Create each yellowblock's custom hdl files and add them to the projects sources """'Generating yellow block custom hdl files') for obj in self.periph_objs: c = obj.gen_custom_hdl() for key, val in c.items(): # create file and write the source string to it f = open('%s/%s' %(self.compile_dir, key),"w") f.write(val) f.close() # add the tcl command to add the source to the project self.add_source('%s/%s' %(self.compile_dir, key), self.plat)
[docs] def gen_add_compile_dir_source_tcl_cmds(self): """ Run each blocks add_compile_dir_source functions and add them to the projects sources """'Generating yellow block custom hdl files') for obj in self.periph_objs: c = obj.add_build_dir_source() for d in c: #self.add_source('%s/%s' %(self.compile_dir, d['files']), self.plat) self.add_tcl_cmd('import_files %s/%s' %(self.compile_dir, d['files']), stage='pre_synth') #if d['library'] != '': # add the source to a library if the library key exists # self.add_tcl_cmd('set_property library %s [get_files {%s/%s%s}]' %(d['library'], self.compile_dir, d['files'], '*' if d['files'][-1]=='/' else ''), stage='pre_synth') self.add_tcl_cmd('update_compile_order -fileset sources_1')
[docs] def gen_constraint_file(self, constraints): """ Pass this method a toolflow-standard list of constraints which have already had their physical parameters calculated and it will generate a constraint file and add it to the current project. """ constfile = '%s/user_const.xdc' % self.compile_dir user_const = '' for constraint in constraints:'parsing constraint %s' % constraint) user_const += self.get_tcl_const(constraint)"Constraints: %s" % user_const) helpers.write_file(constfile, user_const)'Finished writing constraints file: %s' % constfile) self.add_const_file(constfile)
[docs]class ISEBackend(VivadoBackend): """ """
[docs] def __init__(self, plat=None, compile_dir='/tmp'): """ :param plat: :param compile_dir: """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.toolflow.backend') self.compile_dir = compile_dir self.const_file_ext = 'ucf' self.manufacturer = 'xilinx' self.project_name = 'myproj' = 'ise' self.binary_loc = '%s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/top.bin' % ( self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name) ToolflowBackend.__init__(self, plat=plat, compile_dir=compile_dir)
[docs] def add_compile_cmds(self, cores=8, plat=None): """ add the tcl commands for compiling the design, and then launch vivado in batch mode """ tcl = self.add_tcl_cmd tcl('set_property -name {steps.bitgen.args.More Options} -value ' '{-g Binary:Yes} -objects [get_runs impl_1]') tcl('reset_run synth_1') tcl('launch_runs synth_1') tcl('wait_on_run synth_1') tcl('launch_runs impl_1 -to_step BitGen') tcl('wait_on_run impl_1') # Generate timing report. There is no way to read back the timing paths. # 'get_timing_paths' is not recognised in ISE PlanAhead, so reports # are generated. The report will indicate whether the timing has # failed or not. tcl('open_run [get_runs impl_1]') tcl('puts "Report setup timing" ') tcl('report_timing -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -setup') tcl('report_timing -name setup1 -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -setup') tcl('write_timing setup1 -force %s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/setup_timing_' 'analysis.rpt' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name)) tcl('puts "Report hold timing" ') tcl('report_timing -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -hold') tcl('report_timing -name hold1 -max_paths 1 -nworst 1 -hold') tcl('write_timing hold1 -force %s/%s/%s.runs/impl_1/hold_timing_' 'analysis.rpt' % (self.compile_dir, self.project_name, self.project_name)) tcl('exit')
[docs] def compile(self, cores, plat): """ """ self.add_compile_cmds() # write tcl command to file tcl_file = self.compile_dir+'/gogogo.tcl' helpers.write_file(tcl_file, self.tcl_cmd) # os.system('vivado -mode batch -source %s'%(tcl_file)) os.system('planAhead -jou %s/planahead.jou -log %s/planahead.log ' '-mode tcl -source %s' % (self.compile_dir, self.compile_dir, tcl_file))
[docs] @staticmethod def format_const(attribute, val, port, index=None): """ Generate a tcl syntax command from an attribute, value and port (with indexing if required) """ if index is None: return 'NET "%s" %s = "%s";\n' % (port, attribute, val) else: return 'NET %s<%d> %s = "%s";\n' % (port, index, attribute, val)
[docs] def gen_constraint_file(self, constraints): """ Pass this method a toolflow-standard list of constraints which have already had their physical parameters calculated and it will generate a contstraint file and add it to the current project. """ constfile = '%s/user_const.ucf' % self.compile_dir user_const = '' for constraint in constraints:'parsing constraint %s' % constraint) user_const += self.get_ucf_const(constraint)"Constraints: %s" % user_const) helpers.write_file(constfile, user_const)'Finished writing constraints file: %s' % constfile) self.add_const_file(constfile)
[docs] def get_ucf_const(self, const): """ Pass a single toolflow-standard PortConstraint, and get back a tcl command to add the constraint to a vivado project. """ user_const = '' if isinstance(const, castro.PinConstraint): self.logger.debug('New PortConstraint instance found: %s -> ' '%s' % (const.portname, const.symbolic_name)) for idx, p in enumerate(const.symbolic_indices): self.logger.debug('Getting loc for port index %d' % idx) loc = const.location[idx] if loc is not None: self.logger.debug('LOC constraint found at %s' % loc) user_const += self.format_const( 'LOC', loc, const.portname, index=p if const.portname_indices else None) for idx, p in enumerate(const.symbolic_indices): self.logger.debug('Getting iostd for port index %d' % idx) iostd = const.io_standard[idx] if iostd is not None: self.logger.debug('IOSTD constraint found: %s' % iostd) user_const += self.format_const( 'IOSTANDARD', iostd, const.portname, index=p if const.portname_indices else None) if isinstance(const, castro.ClkConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Clock constraint found') user_const += self.format_clock_const(const) if isinstance(const, RawConstraint): self.logger.debug('New Raw constraint found') user_const += const.raw return user_const
[docs] @staticmethod def format_clock_const(c): return 'NET "%s" TNM_NET = "%s";\nTIMESPEC "TS_%s" = PERIOD ' \ '"%s" %f ns HIGH 50 %s;\n' % (c.portname, c.portname + '_grp', c.portname, c.portname + '_grp', c.period_ns, '%')
# end