Source code for verilog

Lots of code in this file could be shared between methods
and the VerilogInstance/Module classes. Maybe distill
at some point.

import os
import re
from math import ceil, floor, log
import logging
import inspect
import operator
from memory import Register
import pdb
from yellow_blocks.yellow_block_typecodes import *

logger = logging.getLogger('jasper.verilog')

[docs]class ImmutableWithComments(object): """ A class which you can add attributes to, but you can't change them once they're set. You are allowed to try and set them to the same value again. The ``comment`` attribute is special. Each time you try to set it, the comment string is appended to the existing comment attribute. """
[docs] def __init__(self): = 'default_name'
def __setattr__(self, x, y): if not hasattr(self, x): object.__setattr__(self, x, y) elif self.__getattribute__(x) is None: object.__setattr__(self, x, y) elif x == 'comment': object.__setattr__(self, x, self.__getattribute__(x) + ' | ', + y) elif self.__getattribute__(x) == y: pass else: logger.error('Tried to change attribute %s of %s from %s to %s'%(x,, self.__getattribute__(x), y)) raise Exception('Tried to change attribute %s of %s from %s to %s'%(x,, self.__getattribute__(x), y))
[docs]class WbDevice(object): """ A class to encapsulate the parameters (name, size, etc.) of a wishbone slave device. """
[docs] def __init__(self, regname, nbytes, mode, hdl_suffix='', hdl_candr_suffix='', memory_map=[], typecode=0xff): """ Class constructor. :param regname: Name of register (this name is the string used to access the register from software) :type regname: str :param nbytes: Number of bytes in this slave's memory space. :type nbytes: int :param mode: Permissions ('r': readable, 'w': writable, 'rw': read/writeable) :type mode: str :param hdl_suffix: Suffix given to wishbone port names. Eg. if ``hdl_suffix = foo``, ports have the form ``wbs_dat_i_foo`` :type hdl_suffix: str :param hdl_candr_suffix: Suffix given to wishbone clock and reset port names. Eg. if ``hdl_suffix = foo``, ports have the form ``wbs_clk_i_foo`` :type hdl_candr_suffix: str :param memory_map: A list or ``Register`` instances defining the contents of sub-blocks of this device's memory. :type memory_map: list :param typecode: Typecode number (0-255) identifying the type of this block. See ```` :type typecode: int """ self.typecode = typecode self.regname = regname self.nbytes = nbytes self.mode=mode #: Start (lowest) address of the memory space used by this device, in bytes. self.base_addr = None #: End (highest) address of the memory space used by this device, in bytes. self.high_addr = None self.hdl_suffix = hdl_suffix self.hdl_candr_suffix = hdl_candr_suffix self.memory_map = memory_map #: If using multiple bus arbiters, which arbiter should this slave attach to? self.sub_arb_id = 0
# TODO: This class is the same as the Wishbone class? What's the point of it?
[docs]class AXI4LiteDevice(object): """ A class to encapsulate the parameters (name, size, etc.) of a AXI4-Lite slave device. """
[docs] def __init__(self, regname, nbytes, mode, hdl_suffix='', hdl_candr_suffix='', memory_map=[], typecode=0xff, data_width=32): """ Class constructor. :param regname: Name of register (this name is the string used to access the register from software) :type regname: String :param nbytes: Number of bytes in this slave's memory space. :type nbytes: Integer :param mode: Permissions ('r': readable, 'w': writable, 'rw': read/writeable) :type mode: String :param hdl_suffix: Suffix given to wishbone port names. Eg. if `hdl_suffix = foo`, ports have the form `wbs_dat_i_foo` :type hdl_suffix: String :param hdl_candr_suffix: Suffix given to wishbone clock and reset port names. Eg. if `hdl_suffix = foo`, ports have the form `wbs_clk_i_foo` :type hdl_candr_suffix: String :param memory_map: A list or `Register` instances defining the contents of sub-blocks of this device's memory. :type memory_map: list :param typecode: Typecode number (0-255) identifying the type of this block. See `` :type typecode: Integer :param data_width: Width of the data to be stored in this device :type data_width: Integer """ self.typecode = typecode self.regname = regname self.nbytes = nbytes # Need this for variable-width BRAMs (in snapshot blocks) self.data_width = data_width self.mode = mode #: Start (lowest) address of the memory space used by this device, in bytes. self.base_addr = None #: End (highest) address of the memory space used by this device, in bytes. self.high_addr = None self.hdl_suffix = hdl_suffix self.hdl_candr_suffix = hdl_candr_suffix self.memory_map = memory_map
[docs]class Port(ImmutableWithComments): """ A simple class to hold port attributes. It is immutable, and will throw an error if multiple manipulation attempts are incompatible. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, signal=None, parent_port=False, parent_sig=True, **kwargs): """ Create a ``Port`` instance. :param name: Name of the port :type port: str :param signal: Signal to which this port is attached :type signal: str :param parent_port: When module 'A' instantiates the module to which this port is attached, should this port be connected to a similar port on 'A'. :type parent_port: bool :param parent_sig: When module 'A' instantiates the module to which this port is attached, should 'A' also instantiate a signal matching the one connected to this port. :type parent_sig: bool :param kwargs: Other keywords which should become attributes of this instance. """ self.update_attrs(name, signal=signal, parent_port=parent_port, parent_sig=parent_sig, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_attrs(self, name, signal=None, parent_port=False, parent_sig=True, **kwargs): """ Update the attributes of this block. :param name: Name of the port :type port: str :param signal: Signal to which this port is attached :type signal: str :param parent_port: When module 'A' instantiates the module to which this port is attached, should this port be connected to a similar port on 'A'. :type parent_port: bool :param parent_sig: When module 'A' instantiates the module to which this port is attached, should 'A' also instantiate a signal matching the one connected to this port. :type parent_sig: bool :param kwargs: Other keywords which should become attributes of this instance. """ = name.rstrip(' ') self.parent_sig = parent_sig and not parent_port self.parent_port = parent_port if type(signal) is str: signal.rstrip(' ') self.signal = signal for kw, val in list(kwargs.items()): self.__setattr__(kw, val)
[docs]class Parameter(ImmutableWithComments): """ A simple class to hold parameter attributes. It is immutable, and will throw an error if its attributes are changed after being set. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, value, comment=None): """ Create a ``Parameter`` instance. :param name: Name of this parameter :type name: str :param value: Value this parameter should be set to. :type value: Varies :param comment: User-assisting comment string to attach to this parameter. :type comment: str """ self.update_attrs(name, value=value, comment=comment)
[docs] def update_attrs(self, name, value, comment=None): """ Update the attributes of this block. :param name: Name of this parameter :type name: str :param value: Value this parameter should be set to. :type value: Varies :param comment: User-assisting comment string to attach to this parameter. :type comment: str """ = name.rstrip(' ') self.value = value if type(comment) is str: self.comment = comment.rstrip(' ') self.comment = comment
[docs]class Signal(ImmutableWithComments): """ A simple class to hold signal attributes. It is immutable, and will throw an error if its attributes are changed after being set. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, signal='', width=0, **kwargs): """ Create a 'Signal' instance. :param name: Name of this signal :type name: str :param signal: Name of this signal :type signal: str :param width: Bitwidth of this signal :type signal: int :param kwargs: Other keywords which should become attributes of this instance. """ self.update_attrs(name, width=width, **kwargs)
[docs] def update_attrs(self, name, width=0, **kwargs): = name.rstrip(' ') self.width = width for kw, val in list(kwargs.items()): self.__setattr__(kw, val)
[docs]def gen_wbs_master_arbiter(arbiters, max_devices_per_arb=32): """ Deliver a string defining the top level of a hierarchical Wishbone arbiter. This can be written to a file and then imported into an HDL project. Ideally (maybe) this instantiation would be made via a VerilogModule class. """ # Count up the devices on all the arbiters n_devices = 0 for arbiter in arbiters: n_devices += len(arbiter) n_sub_arbs = len(arbiters) #device_sizes =[slave_high[i]-slave_addr[i] for i in xrange(len(slave_addr))] #device_sizes = slave_addr - slave_high #total_addr_space = sum(device_sizes) ADDR = 0 HIGH = 1 wbs_parent_arbiter = '// AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY PYTHON\n\ // Please do not commit this file into git \n\n\ module wbs_master_arbiter #(\n\ parameter N_SLAVES = 7,\n\ parameter N_SUB_ARBS = 4,\n\ parameter SLAVE_ADDR = 0,\n\ parameter SLAVE_HIGH = 0,\n\ parameter TIMEOUT = 10\n\ ) (\n\ input wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i,\n\ \n\ input wbm_cyc_i,\n\ input wbm_stb_i,\n\ input wbm_we_i,\n\ input [3:0] wbm_sel_i,\n\ input [31:0] wbm_adr_i,\n\ input [31:0] wbm_dat_i,\n\ output [31:0] wbm_dat_o,\n\ output wbm_ack_o,\n\ output wbm_err_o,\n\ \n\ output [N_SLAVES - 1:0] wbs_cyc_o,\n\ output [N_SLAVES - 1:0] wbs_stb_o,\n\ output wbs_we_o,\n\ output [3:0] wbs_sel_o,\n\ output [N_SUB_ARBS*32-1:0] wbs_adr_o,\n\ output [31:0] wbs_dat_o,\n\ input [N_SLAVES*32 - 1:0] wbs_dat_i,\n\ input [N_SLAVES - 1:0] wbs_ack_i,\n\ input [N_SLAVES - 1:0] wbs_err_i\n\ );\n\ \n' # add the SUBARB localparams for i in range(n_sub_arbs): wbs_parent_arbiter += ' localparam SUBARB_%s = %s;\n' %(i,i) # add a new line wbs_parent_arbiter += '\n' # add the N_SLAVES_ARB localparams for i in range(n_sub_arbs): if i != n_sub_arbs-1: wbs_parent_arbiter += ' localparam N_SLAVES_ARB%s = %s;\n' %(i,max_devices_per_arb) else: # last one has only the remaining devices, not the max amount of devices wbs_parent_arbiter += ' localparam N_SLAVES_ARB%s = %s;\n\n' %(i,max_devices_per_arb if n_devices%max_devices_per_arb == 0 else n_devices%max_devices_per_arb) # add the SLAVE_ADDR_ARB localparams for each arbiter for i, arbiter in enumerate(arbiters): wbs_parent_arbiter += ' localparam SLAVE_ADDR_ARB%s = { ' %i for j, device in enumerate(reversed(arbiter)): wbs_parent_arbiter += '32\'h%s - 32\'h%s,' %(str(hex(device.base_addr))[2:], str(hex(arbiter[0].base_addr))[2:]) if j == len(arbiter)-1: wbs_parent_arbiter = wbs_parent_arbiter[:-1] wbs_parent_arbiter += '}; //%s\n' %(device.regname) else: wbs_parent_arbiter += '//%s\n' %(device.regname) wbs_parent_arbiter += ' localparam SLAVE_HIGH_ARB%s = { ' %i for j, device in enumerate(reversed(arbiter)): wbs_parent_arbiter += '32\'h%s - 32\'h%s,' %(str(hex(device.high_addr))[2:], str(hex(arbiter[0].base_addr)[2:])) if j == len(arbiter)-1: wbs_parent_arbiter = wbs_parent_arbiter[:-1] wbs_parent_arbiter += '}; //%s\n' %(device.regname) else: wbs_parent_arbiter += '//%s\n' %(device.regname) # add the wires for the parent arbiter wbs_parent_arbiter +='\n wire [N_SUB_ARBS - 1:0] wb_cyc_o;\n\ wire [N_SUB_ARBS - 1:0] wb_stb_o;\n\ wire wb_we_o;\n\ wire [3:0] wb_sel_o;\n\ wire [31:0] wb_adr_o;\n\ wire [31:0] wb_dat_o;\n\ wire [N_SUB_ARBS*32 - 1:0] wb_dat_i;\n\ wire [N_SUB_ARBS - 1:0] wb_ack_i;\n\ wire [N_SUB_ARBS - 1:0] wb_err_i;\n' # add the wires for the sub arbiters # I have used format here rather than %s as I can insert the same string into multiple locations more easily for i, arbiter in enumerate(arbiters): wbs_parent_arbiter += '\n wire [N_SLAVES_ARB{0} - 1:0] wbs_cyc_o_arb{0};\n\ wire [N_SLAVES_ARB{0} - 1:0] wbs_stb_o_arb{0};\n\ wire wbs_we_o_arb{0};\n\ wire [3:0] wbs_sel_o_arb{0};\n\ wire [31:0] wbs_adr_o_arb{0};\n\ wire [31:0] wbs_dat_o_arb{0};\n\ wire [N_SLAVES_ARB{0}*32 - 1:0] wbs_dat_i_arb{0};\n\ wire [N_SLAVES_ARB{0} - 1:0] wbs_ack_i_arb{0};\n\ wire [N_SLAVES_ARB{0} - 1:0] wbs_err_i_arb{0};\n\n'.format(i) # add the output signal assign statements output_signals = ['wbs_cyc_o', 'wbs_stb_o', 'wbs_we_o', 'wbs_sel_o', 'wbs_adr_o', 'wbs_dat_o'] for signal in output_signals: wbs_parent_arbiter += ' assign %s = {' %signal for i, arbiter in enumerate(arbiters): wbs_parent_arbiter += '%s_arb%s, ' %(signal, len(arbiters)-1-i) wbs_parent_arbiter = wbs_parent_arbiter[:-2] wbs_parent_arbiter += '};\n' # add the input signal assign statements input_signals = ['wbs_dat_i', 'wbs_ack_i', 'wbs_err_i'] for signal in input_signals: wbs_parent_arbiter += ' assign {' for i, arbiter in enumerate(arbiters): wbs_parent_arbiter += '%s_arb%s, ' %(signal, len(arbiters)-1-i) wbs_parent_arbiter = wbs_parent_arbiter[:-2] wbs_parent_arbiter += '} = %s;\n' %(signal) # add the master wbs_arbiter wbs_parent_arbiter += '\n wbs_arbiter #(\n\ .N_SLAVES(N_SUB_ARBS),\n\ .SLAVE_ADDR(SLAVE_ADDR),\n\ .SLAVE_HIGH(SLAVE_HIGH),\n\ .TIMEOUT(1024)\n\ ) wbs_arbiter_primary (\n\ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),\n\ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),\n\ \n\ .wbm_ack_o(wbm_ack_o),\n\ .wbm_adr_i(wbm_adr_i),\n\ .wbm_cyc_i(wbm_cyc_i),\n\ .wbm_dat_o(wbm_dat_o),\n\ .wbm_we_i ( wbm_we_i),\n\ .wbm_dat_i(wbm_dat_i),\n\ .wbm_sel_i(wbm_sel_i),\n\ .wbm_stb_i(wbm_stb_i),\n\ .wbm_err_o(wbm_err_o),\n\ \n\ .wbs_cyc_o(wb_cyc_o),\n\ .wbs_ack_i(wb_ack_i),\n\ .wbs_err_i(wb_err_i),\n\ .wbs_dat_i(wb_dat_i),\n\ .wbs_stb_o(wb_stb_o),\n\ .wbs_we_o ( wb_we_o),\n\ .wbs_sel_o(wb_sel_o),\n\ .wbs_dat_o(wb_dat_o),\n\ .wbs_adr_o(wb_adr_o)\n\ );\n' for i, arbiter in enumerate(arbiters): wbs_parent_arbiter += '\n wbs_arbiter #(\n\ .N_SLAVES(N_SLAVES_ARB{0}),\n\ .SLAVE_ADDR(SLAVE_ADDR_ARB{0}),\n\ .SLAVE_HIGH(SLAVE_HIGH_ARB{0}),\n\ .TIMEOUT(1024)\n\ ) wbs_arbiter_{0} (\n\ .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i),\n\ .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i),\n\ \n\ .wbm_we_i (wb_we_o),\n\ .wbm_sel_i(wb_sel_o),\n\ .wbm_ack_o(wb_ack_i[SUBARB_{0}]),\n\ .wbm_err_o(wb_err_i[SUBARB_{0}]),\n\ .wbm_stb_i(wb_stb_o[SUBARB_{0}]),\n\ .wbm_cyc_i(wb_cyc_o[SUBARB_{0}]),\n\ .wbm_dat_i(wb_dat_o),\n\ .wbm_dat_o(wb_dat_i[(SUBARB_{0}+1)*32-1:(SUBARB_{0})*32]),\n\ .wbm_adr_i(wb_adr_o),\n\ \n\ .wbs_adr_o(wbs_adr_o_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_cyc_o(wbs_cyc_o_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_ack_i(wbs_ack_i_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_err_i(wbs_err_i_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_dat_i(wbs_dat_i_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_stb_o(wbs_stb_o_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_we_o ( wbs_we_o_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_sel_o(wbs_sel_o_arb{0}),\n\ .wbs_dat_o(wbs_dat_o_arb{0})\n\ );\n\n'.format(i) wbs_parent_arbiter += 'endmodule' return wbs_parent_arbiter
[docs]def instantiate_wb_arb_module(module, n_slaves, n_sub_arbs=None): """ Instantiate a Wishbone Arbiter into a module. :param module: Module into which the arbiter should be instantiated. :type module: VerilogModule instance :param n_slaves: Number of slaves this arbiter is connected to. :type n_slaves: int :param n_sub_arbs: Number of sub-arbiters beneath the arbiter being instantiated here. If None, a non-hierarchical arbiter will be used. :type n_sub_arbs: int or None """ if n_sub_arbs is not None: inst = module.get_instance('wbs_master_arbiter', 'wbs_arbiter_inst') inst.add_parameter('N_SUB_ARBS', 'N_SUB_ARBS') else: inst = module.get_instance('wbs_arbiter', 'wbs_arbiter_inst') inst.add_parameter('N_SLAVES', 'N_WB_SLAVES') inst.add_parameter('SLAVE_ADDR', 'SLAVE_ADDR') inst.add_parameter('SLAVE_HIGH', 'SLAVE_HIGH') inst.add_parameter('TIMEOUT', 1024) inst.add_port('wb_clk_i' , 'wb_clk_i' , width=0) inst.add_port('wb_rst_i ', 'wb_rst_i' , width=0) inst.add_port('wbm_cyc_i', 'wbm_cyc_o', width=0) inst.add_port('wbm_stb_i', 'wbm_stb_o', width=0) inst.add_port('wbm_we_i ', 'wbm_we_o' , width=0) inst.add_port('wbm_sel_i', 'wbm_sel_o', width=4) inst.add_port('wbm_adr_i', 'wbm_adr_o', width=32) inst.add_port('wbm_dat_i', 'wbm_dat_o', width=32) inst.add_port('wbm_dat_o', 'wbm_dat_i', width=32) inst.add_port('wbm_ack_o', 'wbm_ack_i', width=0) inst.add_port('wbm_err_o', 'wbm_err_i', width=0) inst.add_port('wbs_cyc_o', 'wbs_cyc_o', width=n_slaves) inst.add_port('wbs_stb_o', 'wbs_stb_o', width=n_slaves) inst.add_port('wbs_we_o ', 'wbs_we_o' , width=0) inst.add_port('wbs_sel_o', 'wbs_sel_o', width=4) inst.add_port('wbs_adr_o', 'wbs_adr_o', width=32*(n_sub_arbs or 1)) inst.add_port('wbs_dat_o', 'wbs_dat_o', width=32) inst.add_port('wbs_dat_i', 'wbs_dat_i', width=32*n_slaves) inst.add_port('wbs_ack_i', 'wbs_ack_i', width=n_slaves) inst.add_port('wbs_err_i', 'wbs_err_i', width=n_slaves)
[docs]class VerilogModule(object): """ A Python object which knows how to represent itself in Verilog. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name='', topfile=None, comment=''): """ Construct a new module, named ``name``. You can either start with an empty module and add ports/signals/instances to it, or you can specify an existing top-level file topfile, which will be modified. If doing the latter, the construction of wishbone interconnect demands that the topfile has a ``localparam N_WB_SLAVES``, which specifies the number of wishbone slaves in the un-modified topfile. And ``SLAVE_BASE`` and ``SLAVE_HIGH`` localparams definiting the slave addresses. Eg: .. code-block:: verilog localparam N_WB_SLAVES = 2; localparam SLAVE_BASE = { 32'h00010000, // slave_1 32'h00000000 // slave_0 }; localparam SLAVE_HIGH = { 32'h00010003, // slave_1 32'hFFFFFFFF // slave_0 }; // This module will only tolerate // i/o declarations like: module top ( input sysclk_n, input sysclk_p, ... ); // I.e, NOT module top( sysclk_n, sysclk_p, ... ); input sysclk_n; input sysclk_p; ... // YMMV if your topfile doesn't use linebreaks as // shown above. I.e., for best chance of success don't do module top( sysclk_n, sysclk_p); localparam SLAVE_BASE = {32'h00000000}; :param name: Name of this module :type name: str :param topfile: The filename of an existing verilog file, if any, to which this module should add. :type topfile: str or None :param comment: A user-friendly comment to be inserted in Verilog where this module is instantiated. :type comment: str """ if len(name) != 0: = name else: raise ValueError("'name' must be a string of non-zero length") self.topfile = topfile self.ports = {} # top-level ports self.parameters = {} # top-level parameters self.localparams = {} # top-level localparams self.signals = {} # top-level wires self.instances = {} # top-level instances self.assignments = {} # top-level assign statements self.raw_str = '' # the verilog text describing this module self.comment = comment self.set_cur_blk(cur_blk='default') # wishbone stuff # number of wishbone slaves in the model. It will be overwritten # based on the N_WB_SLAVES localparam of a provided topfile, # and incremented when adding wishbone-enabled instances self.n_sub_arbs = 0 # sub arbiters added to this module programmatically self.n_wb_slaves = 0 # wb slaves added to this module programmatically self.wb_devices = [] self.n_wb_interfaces = 0 # wishbone interfaces to this module self.wb_ids = [] # Default to allowing as many devices on a WB arbiter as are necessary. # Change this to an integer to invoke a hierarchical arbiter self.max_devices_per_arb = None #self.wb_names = [] #self.wb_bytes = [] #self.wb_readable = [] #self.wb_writable = [] if self.topfile is not None: self.get_base_wb_slaves() else: self.base_wb_slaves = 0 #wb slaves in the topfile self.wb_base = [] self.wb_high = [] self.wb_name = [] # AXI4-Lite stuff self.n_axi4lite_slaves = 0 # axi4lite slaves added to this module programmatically self.axi4lite_devices = [] self.n_axi4lite_interfaces = 0 # axi4lite interfaces to this module self.memory_map = {} # sourcefiles required by the module (this is currently NOT # how the jasper toolflow implements source management) self.sourcefiles = [] # Gnerated submodules. A dictionary of module names and the verilog strings # which, if written to file, could be used to define them self.generated_sub_modules = {}
[docs] def set_cur_blk(self, cur_blk): """ Set the name of the block currently driving code generation. This is useful for grouping and commenting the ports / instances / signals associated with particular instances, so that the output Verilog is prettier. :param cur_blk: The name of the current block driving code generation. :type cur_blk: str """ self.cur_blk = cur_blk if cur_blk not in list(self.ports.keys()): logger.debug('Initializing second-layer dictionairies for: %s'%cur_blk) self.ports[cur_blk] = {} self.parameters[cur_blk] = {} self.localparams[cur_blk] = {} self.signals[cur_blk] = {} self.instances[cur_blk] = {} self.assignments[cur_blk] = {}
[docs] def has_instance(self, name): """ Check if this module has an instance called <name>. If so return True """ return name in list(self.instances.keys())
[docs] def wb_compute(self, base_addr=0x10000, alignment=4): """ Compute the appropriate wishbone address limits, based on the current wishbone-using instances instantiated in the module. Will NOT take into account wishbone memory space used by the template verilog file (but see base_addr, below) :param base_addr: The address from which indexing of instance wishbone interfaces will begin. Any memory space required by the template verilog file should be below this address. :type base_addr: int :param alignment: Alignment required by all memory start addresses. :type alignment: int """ # Now we have an instance name, we can assign the wb ports to # real signals wb_device_num = 0 for block in list(self.instances.keys()): for instname, inst in list(self.instances[block].items()): logger.debug("Looking for WB slaves for instance %s" for n, wb_dev in enumerate(inst.wb_devices): logger.debug("Assigning interface %d (%s)"%(n, wb_dev.regname)) if self.max_devices_per_arb is not None: wb_dev.sub_arb_id = wb_device_num // self.max_devices_per_arb wb_device_num += 1 inst.assign_wb_interface(instname, id=n, suffix=wb_dev.hdl_suffix, candr_suffix=wb_dev.hdl_candr_suffix, sub_arb_id=wb_dev.sub_arb_id) for n, wb_dev in enumerate(inst.wb_devices): logger.debug("Found new WB slave for instance %s" wb_dev.base_addr = base_addr wb_dev.high_addr = base_addr + (alignment*int(ceil(wb_dev.nbytes/float(alignment)))) - 1 #self.wb_name += [inst.wb_names[n]] self.add_localparam(name=inst.wb_ids[n], value=self.n_wb_slaves+self.base_wb_slaves) base_addr = wb_dev.high_addr + 1 self.n_wb_slaves += 1 self.wb_devices += [wb_dev] # If we are starting a file from scratch, we need the wishbone parameters # otherwise we assume they are in the file and rewrite_module_file will # modify them. if self.topfile is None: self.add_localparam('N_WB_SLAVES', self.n_wb_slaves) # If we are using a hierarchical arbiter, cut up the WB devices into blocks # and instantiate the appropriate address ranges in a top level arbiter if self.max_devices_per_arb is not None: arbiters = [self.wb_devices[i:i+self.max_devices_per_arb] for i in range(0, len(self.wb_devices), self.max_devices_per_arb)] self.add_localparam('N_SUB_ARBS', len(arbiters)) base_addrs = '{\n' high_addrs = '{\n' for i, arbiter in enumerate(reversed(arbiters)): if i < len(arbiters) - 1: base_addrs += " 32'h%08x,\n"%(arbiter[0].base_addr) high_addrs += " 32'h%08x,\n"%(arbiter[-1].high_addr) else: base_addrs += " 32'h%08x\n"%(arbiter[0].base_addr) high_addrs += " 32'h%08x\n"%(arbiter[-1].high_addr) base_addrs += ' }' high_addrs += ' }' instantiate_wb_arb_module(self, self.n_wb_slaves, len(arbiters)) self.generated_sub_modules['wbs_master_arbiter'] = gen_wbs_master_arbiter(arbiters, self.max_devices_per_arb) else: base_addrs = '{\n' high_addrs = '{\n' for sn, slave in enumerate(self.wb_devices[::-1]): if sn < len(self.wb_devices) - 1: base_addrs += " 32'h%08x, // %s\n"%(slave.base_addr, slave.regname) high_addrs += " 32'h%08x, // %s\n"%(slave.high_addr, slave.regname) else: base_addrs += " 32'h%08x // %s\n"%(slave.base_addr, slave.regname) high_addrs += " 32'h%08x // %s\n"%(slave.high_addr, slave.regname) base_addrs += ' }' high_addrs += ' }' instantiate_wb_arb_module(self, self.n_wb_slaves) self.add_localparam('SLAVE_ADDR', base_addrs) self.add_localparam('SLAVE_HIGH', high_addrs)
[docs] def axi4lite_memory_map(self, base_addr=0x10000, alignment=4): """ This function is only to be called by the 'top' verilog module after all other yellow blocks have called 'modify_top', but before the axi4lite_interconnect yellow block class has called 'modify_top' as that class requires the memory map this creates. :param base_addr: The address from which indexing of instance axi4lite interfaces will begin. Any memory space required by the template verilog file should be below this address. :type base_addr: int :param alignment: Alignment required by all memory start addresses. :type alignment: int memory map: keys: name of AXI4-Lite interfaces. values: - 'memory_map': internal memory map for this interface - 'size': size of internal memory map in bytes - 'absolute_address': actual address in memory determined by base_addr - 'relative_address': address relative to base_addr - 'axi4lite_devices': List of AXI4LiteDevice objects for core_info backwards compatibility """ #TODO: WHOEVER WROTE THIS CODE -- WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO? # Need to get the register map in size order for xmltovhdl # For this use odict import odict # I'm just going to go ahead and guess. :-S # All software registers get ganged together in one self.memory_map entry, # called 'sw_reg'. These ultimately become a bunch of ports in the AXI interconnect # Each Bram gets its own memory_map entry, with a name matching the one provided # when the ram was instantiated via YellowBlock.add_axi4lite_interface. for dev in self.axi4lite_devices: # add all software registers to one memory mapped AXI4-Lite interface if dev.typecode == TYPECODE_SWREG: # check to see if this is the first sw_reg in the memory_map dict if 'sw_reg' not in self.memory_map: # Make new interface dict for software registers self.memory_map['sw_reg'] = {} interface = self.memory_map['sw_reg'] interface['size'] = dev.nbytes interface['memory_map'] = dev.memory_map # erase dev.memory_map so that core_info doesn't add sw_regs twice # ????? dev.memory_map = [] interface['axi4lite_devices'] = [dev] else: # add another sw_reg to this interface dict interface = self.memory_map['sw_reg'] # adjust offset of register dev.memory_map[0].offset = interface['size'] # grow size of interface interface['size'] += dev.nbytes # append device memory_map interface['memory_map'] += dev.memory_map # # erase dev.memory_map so that core_info doesn't add sw_regs twice dev.memory_map = [] interface['axi4lite_devices'] += [dev] elif dev.typecode == TYPECODE_BRAM: # tell the axi_ic to generate a bram self.memory_map[dev.regname] = {} interface = self.memory_map[dev.regname] interface['size'] = dev.nbytes # seems brams need to be sized in bytes not words interface['memory_map'] = dev.memory_map interface['axi4lite_devices'] = [dev] # erase dev.memory_map so that core_info doesn't add brams twice # only a mad man would attempt to debug this! # And here I am. Please document this code better. dev.memory_map = [] else: # add all other yellow blocks to their own interface and make xml memory map self.memory_map[dev.regname] = {} interface = self.memory_map[dev.regname] interface['size'] = dev.nbytes interface['memory_map'] = dev.memory_map interface['axi4lite_devices'] = [dev] relative_address = 0 # Now loop over interfaces in memory_map to determine addresses. # A limitation / feature of the xml2vhdl axi generation code is that it expects # all memory-mapped devices of size N-bytes to by aligned on N-byte boundaries. # Thus, we can't put a 4-byte register at address 0x0, and then a 1kiB bram at address 0x4. # Though not foolproof, we try and coerce an acceptable layout by placing the devices # in size order with the largest first. Hopefully all the devices are 2^n bytes in size -- # this seems to be enforced by the xml2vhdl generator # First *we* round up the sizes so we agree with xml2vhdl for key in self.memory_map.keys(): self.memory_map[key]['size'] = 2**int(ceil(log(self.memory_map[key]['size'], 2))) ordered_memory_map = odict.odict() # quick sort be damned. Go slow. while(len(self.memory_map) > 0): max_size = 0 for key,val in list(self.memory_map.items()): if val['size'] > max_size: max_size = val['size'] max_key = key ordered_memory_map[max_key] = self.memory_map.pop(max_key) # Now replace the memory map with the ordered one and continue self.memory_map = ordered_memory_map.copy() # Now loop over interfaces in memory_map to determine addresses for key,val in list(self.memory_map.items()): val['relative_address'] = hex(relative_address) # this is really gross, but didn't want to rewrite anything in core_info... Sorry. if key == 'sw_reg': # loop over registers and axi4lite_devices, assign correct dev.base_addr for core_info # There could be a better python one-liner to do this but idk... for reg in val['memory_map']: for dev in val['axi4lite_devices']: # if names match, set base_addr from interface's base_addr + core addr + register offset if == dev.regname: dev.base_addr = base_addr + relative_address + reg.offset else: # 'base_addr' for interface (for core_info to reference later) val['axi4lite_devices'][0].base_addr = base_addr + relative_address # adjust addresses for next loop relative_address = relative_address + (alignment*int(ceil(val['size']/float(alignment))))
[docs] def get_base_wb_slaves(self): """ Look for the pattern ``localparam N_WB_SLAVES`` in this module's topfile, and use it to extract the number of wishbone slaves in the module. Update the base_wb_slaves attribute accordingly. Also extract the addresses. Names are auto-generated """ fh = open('%s'%self.topfile, 'r') while(True): line = fh.readline() if len(line) == 0: break elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('localparam N_WB_SLAVES'): logger.debug('Found N_WB_SLAVES declaration: %s'%line) declaration = line.split('//')[0] self.base_wb_slaves = int('\d+',declaration).group(0)) logger.debug('base_wb_slaves is now %d'%self.base_wb_slaves) fh.close() return # if we get to here something has gone wrong fh.close() logger.error('No N_WB_SLAVES localparam found in topfile %s!'%self.topfile) raise Exception('No N_WB_SLAVES localparam found in topfile %s!'%self.topfile)
[docs] def add_port(self, name, signal=None, parent_port=False, parent_sig=True, **kwargs): """ Add a port to the module. Only the parameter ``name`` is compulsory. Others may be required when instantiating this module in another. E.g., an instance of this module needs all ports to have a defined ``signal`` value. However, if this module is at the top level, this isn't necessary. Similarly, a port featuring in an instantiated module need not have a width or direction specified, but if you want to instantiate the module and propagate the port to the parent, the parent won't know what to do unless these port parameters are specified. :param name: name of the port :param signal: name of the signal to connect port to. Can include bit indexing, e.g. ``my_signal[15:8]`` :param dir: direction of signal :param width: width of signal :param parent_port: When instantiating this module, promote this port to a port of the parent :param parent_sig: When instantiating this module, add a signal named ``signal`` to the parent :param comment: Use this to add a comment string which will end up in the generated verilog """ name = name.rstrip(' ') # Catch cases where we don't want to infer either a parent port or signal declaration if (signal == '') or (signal is None): # port is not connected parent_port = False parent_sig = False elif signal[0].isdigit(): # port is connected to a constant parent_port = False parent_sig = False logger.debug('Attempting to add port "%s" (parent sig: %s, parent port: %s)'%(name,parent_sig,parent_port)) # check every nested dictionary to see if name is in it key = self.search_dict_for_name(self.ports, name) if (key is None): logger.debug(' Port "%s" is new'%name) self.ports[self.cur_blk][name] = Port(name, signal=signal, parent_port=parent_port, parent_sig=parent_sig, **kwargs) else: logger.debug(' Port "%s" already exists'%name) self.ports[key][name].update_attrs(name, signal=signal, parent_port=parent_port, parent_sig=parent_sig, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_parameter(self, name, value, comment=None): """ Add a parameter to the entity, with name ``parameter`` and value ``value``. You may add a comment that will end up in the generated verilog. """ # check every nested dictionary to see if name is in it key = self.search_dict_for_name(self.parameters, name) if (key is None): logger.debug(' Parameter "%s" is new'%name) self.parameters[self.cur_blk][name] = Parameter(name, value=value, comment=comment) else: logger.debug(' Parameter "%s" already exists'%name) self.parameters[key][name].update_attrs(name, value=value, comment=comment)
[docs] def add_localparam(self, name, value, comment=None): """ Add a parameter to the entity, with name ``parameter`` and value ``value``. You may add a comment that will end up in the generated verilog. """ # check every nested dictionary to see if name is in it key = self.search_dict_for_name(self.localparams, name) if (key is None): logger.debug(' Local Parameter "%s" is new'%name) self.localparams[self.cur_blk][name] = Parameter(name, value=value, comment=comment) else: logger.debug(' Local Parameter "%s" already exists'%name) self.localparams[key][name].update_attrs(name, value=value, comment=comment)
[docs] def add_signal(self, name, width=0, **kwargs): """ Add an internal signal to the entity, with name ``signal`` and width ``width``. You may add a comment that will end up in the generated verilog. """ name = name.rstrip(' ') # check every nested dictionary to see if name is in it key = self.search_dict_for_name(self.signals, name) if (key is None): logger.debug(' Signal "%s" is new'%name) self.signals[self.cur_blk][name] = Signal(name, width=width, **kwargs) else: logger.debug(' Signal "%s" already exists'%name) self.signals[key][name].update_attrs(name, width=width, **kwargs)
[docs] def assign_signal(self, lhs, rhs, comment=None): """ Assign one signal to another, or one signal to a port. i.e., generate lines of verilog like: ``assign lhs = rhs;`` ``lhs`` and ``rhs`` are strings that can represent port or signal names, and may include verilog-style indexing, eg ``[15:8]`` You may add a comment that will end up in the generated verilog. """ self.assignments[self.cur_blk][lhs] = {'lhs':lhs, 'rhs':rhs, 'comment':comment}
[docs] def get_instance(self, entity, name, comment=None): """ Instantiate and return a new instance of entity ``entity``, with instance name ``name``. You may add a comment that will end up in the generated verilog. """ new_inst = VerilogModule(name=entity, comment=comment) # check every nested dictionary to see if name is in it key = self.search_dict_for_name(self.instances, name) if (key is None): self.instances[self.cur_blk][name] = new_inst return new_inst else: return self.instances[key][name]
[docs] def add_sourcefile(self,file): self.sourcefiles.append(file)
[docs] def instantiate_child_ports(self): """ Add ports and signals associated with child instances """ for block in list(self.instances.keys()): self.set_cur_blk(block) for instname, inst in list(self.instances[block].items()): logger.debug('Instantiating child ports for %s'%instname) for blk in list(inst.ports.keys()): for pname, port in list(inst.ports[blk].items()): if port.parent_sig: logger.debug(' Adding instance port %s as signal %s to top'%(, port.signal)) if not hasattr(port, 'width'): port.width = 0 #default to non-vector signal self.add_signal(port.signal, width=port.width) if port.parent_port: logger.debug(' Adding instance port %s to top' if not hasattr(port, 'width'): port.width = 0 #default to non-vector signal self.add_port(port.signal, dir=port.dir, width=port.width) self.sourcefiles += inst.sourcefiles
[docs] def add_raw_string(self,s): self.raw_str += s
[docs] def gen_module_file(self, filename=None): self.instantiate_child_ports() if self.topfile is None: return self.write_new_module_file(filename=filename) else: return self.rewrite_module_file(filename=filename)
[docs] def rewrite_module_file(self, filename=None): """ Rewrite the intially supplied verilog file to include instance, signals, ports, assignments and wishbone interfaces added programmatically. The initial verilog file is backed up with a '.base' extension. """ os.system('cp %s %s.base'%(self.topfile,self.topfile)) fh_base = open('%s.base'%self.topfile,'r') fh_new = open('%s'%(filename or self.topfile), 'w') fh_new.write('// %s, AUTOMATICALLY MODIFIED BY PYTHON\n\n'%self.topfile) while(True): line = fh_base.readline() if len(line) == 0: break elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('module'): logger.debug('Found module declaration') fh_new.write(line) fh_new.write(self.gen_port_list()) fh_new.write(',\n') elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('localparam N_WB_SLAVES'): logger.debug('Found N_WB_SLAVES declaration: %s'%line) declaration = line.split('//')[0] s = re.sub('\d+','%s'%(self.n_wb_slaves+self.base_wb_slaves),declaration) logger.debug('Replacing declaration with: %s'%s) fh_new.write(s) elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('localparam SLAVE_ADDR = {'): logger.debug('Found slave_addr dec %s'%line) fh_new.write(line) for slave in self.wb_devices[::-1]: fh_new.write(" 32'h%08x, // %s\n"%(slave.base_addr, slave.regname)) elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('localparam SLAVE_HIGH = {'): logger.debug('Found slave_high dec: %s'%line) fh_new.write(line) for slave in self.wb_devices[::-1]: fh_new.write(" 32'h%08x, // %s\n"%(slave.high_addr, slave.regname)) elif line.lstrip(' ').startswith('endmodule'): fh_new.write(self.gen_top_mod()) fh_new.write(line) else: fh_new.write(line) fh_new.close() fh_base.close()
[docs] def write_new_module_file(self, filename=None): """ Write a verilog file from scratch, based on the programmatic additions of instances / signals / etc. to the VerilogModule instance. The jasper toolflow has been using ``rewrite_module_file()`` rather than this method, so it may or may not still work correctly. It used to, at least... """ default_nettype = self.gen_default_nettype_str() mod_dec = self.gen_mod_dec_str() # declare inputs/outputs with the module dec port_dec = ''#self.gen_ports_dec_str() param_dec = self.gen_params_dec_str() localparam_dec = self.gen_localparams_dec_str() sig_dec = self.gen_signals_dec_str() inst_dec = self.gen_instances_dec_str() assignments = self.gen_assignments_str() endmod = self.gen_endmod_str() s = '' s += '// MODULE %s, AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY PYTHON\n\n' if(self.comment is not None): s += '/*' s += self.comment s += '*/' s += '\n' s += default_nettype s += '\n' s += '\n' s += mod_dec s += '\n' s += port_dec s += '\n' s += param_dec s += '\n' s += localparam_dec s += self.gen_signals_ascii_art() s += sig_dec s += self.gen_instances_ascii_art() s += inst_dec s += self.gen_assignments_ascii_art() s += assignments s += '\n' s += self.raw_str s += '\n' s += endmod if filename is not None: with open(filename, 'w') as fh: fh.write(s) return s
[docs] def gen_top_mod(self): """ Return the code that needs to go in a top level verilog file to incorporate this module. I.e., everything except the module port declaration headers and endmodule lines. TODO: This is almost identical to write_new_module_file(). Combine? """ # don't need this if we declare ports with the module declaration port_dec = ''#self.gen_ports_dec_str() param_dec = self.gen_params_dec_str() localparam_dec = self.gen_localparams_dec_str() sig_dec = self.gen_signals_dec_str() inst_dec = self.gen_instances_dec_str() assignments = self.gen_assignments_str() s = '// INSTANCE %s, AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY PYTHON\n' s += '\n' s += port_dec s += '\n' s += param_dec s += '\n' s += localparam_dec s += '\n' s += sig_dec s += '\n' s += inst_dec s += '\n' s += assignments s += '\n' s += self.raw_str return s
[docs] def gen_mod_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to start a module declaration. """ kwm = {'in':'input','out':'output','inout':'inout'} s = 'module %s (\n' s += self.gen_port_list() s += ' );\n' return s
[docs] def gen_params_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to declare parameters """ s = '' for block in list(self.parameters.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.parameters[block]) for pn, parameter in sorted(self.parameters[block].items()): s += ' parameter %s = %s;'%(,parameter.value) if parameter.comment is not None: s += ' // %s'%parameter.comment s += '\n' return s
[docs] def gen_localparams_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to declare localparams """ s = '' for block in list(self.localparams.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.localparams[block]) for pn,parameter in sorted(self.localparams[block].items()): s += ' localparam %s = %s;'%(,parameter.value) if parameter.comment is not None: s += ' // %s'%parameter.comment s += '\n' return s
[docs] def gen_port_list(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to declare ports """ s = '' kwm = {'in':'input','out':'output','inout':'inout'} n_ports = 0 i = 1 # get total number of ports for block in list(self.ports.keys()): n_ports += len(list(self.ports[block].keys())) for block in list(self.ports.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.ports[block]) # sort by port type then alphabetically for port in sorted(list(self.ports[block].values()), key=operator.attrgetter('dir', 'name')): logger.debug('Generating port %s' if port.width == 0: s += ' %s %s'%(kwm[port.dir], else: s += ' %s [%d:0] %s'%(kwm[port.dir], (port.width-1), if i < n_ports: s += ',' if hasattr(port, 'comment'): s += ' // %s'%port.comment s += '\n' i += 1 logger.debug('i: %d n_ports: %d'%(i,n_ports)) return s
[docs] def gen_ports_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to declare ports with special attributes, eg LOCS, etc. """ # keyword map kwm = {'in':'input','out':'output','inout':'inout'} s = '' for block in list(self.ports.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.ports[block]) # sort port type then alphabetically for port in sorted(list(self.ports[block].values()), key=operator.attrgetter('dir', 'name')): # set up indentation nicely s += ' ' # first write attributes if hasattr(port, 'attr'): s += '(* ' n_keys = len(list(port.attr.keys())) for kn,key in enumerate(port.attr.keys()): if kn != (n_keys-1): s += '%s = "%s",'%(key,port.attr[key]) else: s += '%s = "%s"'%(key,port.attr[key]) s += ' *)' # declare port if port.width == 0: s += '%s %s;'%(kwm[port.dir], else: s += '%s [%d:0] %s;'%(kwm[port.dir], (port.width-1), if hasattr(port, 'comment'): s += ' // %s'%port.comment s += '\n' return s
[docs] def gen_signals_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to declare signals """ s = '' for block in list(self.signals.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.signals[block]) for name, sig in sorted(self.signals[block].items()): logger.debug('Writing verilog for signal %s'%name) if sig.width == 0: s += ' wire %s;'%(name) else: s += ' wire [%d:0] %s;'%((sig.width-1), name) if hasattr(sig, 'comment'): s += ' // %s'%sig.comment s += '\n' return s
[docs] def gen_instances_dec_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to instantiate the instances in this module """ s = '' for block in list(self.instances.keys()): n = 0 n_inst = len(self.instances[block]) s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.instances[block]) for instname, instance in sorted(self.instances[block].items()): s += instance.gen_instance_verilog(instname) if n != (n_inst - 1): s += '\n' n += 1 return s
[docs] def gen_assignments_str(self): """ Generate the verilog code required to assign a port or signal to another signal """ s = '' for block in list(self.assignments.keys()): s += self.gen_cur_blk_comment(block, self.assignments[block]) for n,assignment in sorted(self.assignments[block].items()): s += ' assign %s = %s;'%(assignment['lhs'], assignment['rhs']) if hasattr(assignment, 'comment'): s += ' // %s'%assignment['comment'] s += '\n' return s
[docs] def gen_endmod_str(self): return 'endmodule'
[docs] def gen_default_nettype_str(self): return "`default_nettype wire\n"
[docs] def gen_instance_verilog(self, instname): """ Generate a string corresponding to the instantiation of this instance, with instance name ``instname`` """ s = '' if self.comment is not None: s += ' // %s\n'%self.comment for block in list(self.parameters.keys()): n_params = len(self.parameters[block]) if n_params > 0: s += ' %s #(\n' n = 0 for paramname, parameter in sorted(self.parameters[block].items()): s += ' .%s(%s)'%(, parameter.value) if n != (n_params - 1): s += ',\n' else: s += '\n' n += 1 s += ' ) %s (\n'%instname else: s += ' %s %s (\n'%(, instname) for block in list(self.ports.keys()): n_ports = len(self.ports[block]) n = 0 for pn, port in sorted(self.ports[block].items()): s += ' .%s(%s)'%(, port.signal.rstrip(' ')) if n != (n_ports - 1): s += ',\n' else: s += '\n' n += 1 s += ' );\n\n' return s
[docs] def add_wb_interface(self, regname, mode, nbytes=4, suffix='', candr_suffix='', memory_map=[], typecode=0xff): """ Add the ports necessary for a wishbone slave interface. Wishbone ports that depend on the slave index are identified by a parameter that matches the instance name. This parameter must be given a value in a higher level of the verilog code! This function returns the WbDevice object, so the caller can mess with it's memory map if they so desire. """ if regname in [wb_dev.regname for wb_dev in self.wb_devices]: return else: wb_device = WbDevice(regname, nbytes=nbytes, mode=mode, hdl_suffix=suffix, hdl_candr_suffix=candr_suffix, memory_map=memory_map, typecode=typecode) self.wb_devices += [wb_device] self.n_wb_interfaces += 1 self.sub_arb_id = 0 self.add_port('wb_clk_i'+candr_suffix, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_rst_i'+candr_suffix, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_cyc_i'+suffix, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_stb_i'+suffix, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_we_i'+suffix, width=1, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_sel_i'+suffix, width=4, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_adr_i'+suffix, width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_dat_i'+suffix, width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_dat_o'+suffix, width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_ack_o'+suffix, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_err_o'+suffix, parent_sig=False) return wb_device
[docs] def assign_wb_interface(self,name,id=0,suffix='',candr_suffix='', sub_arb_id=0): """ Add the ports necessary for a wishbone slave interface. Wishbone ports that depend on the slave index are identified by a parameter that matches the instance name. This parameter must be given a value in a higher level of the verilog code! """ wb_id = name.upper() + '_WBID%d'%(id) #self.wb_names += [] self.wb_ids += [wb_id] self.add_port('wb_clk_i'+candr_suffix, signal='wb_clk_i', parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_rst_i'+candr_suffix, signal='wb_rst_i', parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_cyc_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_cyc_o[%s]'%wb_id, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_stb_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_stb_o[%s]'%wb_id, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_we_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_we_o', parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_sel_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_sel_o', width=4, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_adr_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_adr_o[(%s+1)*32-1:(%s)*32]'%(sub_arb_id,sub_arb_id), width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_dat_i'+suffix, signal='wbs_dat_o', width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_dat_o'+suffix, signal='wbs_dat_i[(%s+1)*32-1:(%s)*32]'%(wb_id,wb_id), width=32, parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_ack_o'+suffix, signal='wbs_ack_i[%s]'%wb_id,parent_sig=False) self.add_port('wb_err_o'+suffix, signal='wbs_err_i[%s]'%wb_id,parent_sig=False)
[docs] def add_axi4lite_interface(self, regname, mode, nbytes=4, default_val=0, suffix='', candr_suffix='', memory_map=[], typecode=0xff, data_width=32): """ Add the ports necessary for a AXI4-Lite slave interface. This function returns the AXI4LiteDevice object, so the caller can mess with it's memory map if they so desire. Added the (optional) data_width parameter to make provision for variable-size BRAMs """ if regname in [axi_dev.regname for axi_dev in self.axi4lite_devices]: return else: # Make single register in memory_map if memory_map is empty if not memory_map: memory_map = [Register(regname, nbytes=nbytes, offset=0, mode=mode, default_val=default_val, data_width=data_width, ram_size=nbytes if typecode==4 else -1, ram=True if typecode==4 else False)] axi4lite_device = AXI4LiteDevice(regname, nbytes=nbytes, mode=mode, hdl_suffix=suffix, hdl_candr_suffix=candr_suffix, memory_map=memory_map, typecode=typecode, data_width=data_width) self.axi4lite_devices += [axi4lite_device] self.n_axi4lite_interfaces += 1 return axi4lite_device
[docs] def search_dict_for_name(self, dict, name): """ This helper function searches each top level dictionary to see if it contains ``name`` and returns the key that does. """ for top_dict_key, top_dict_value in list(dict.items()): # does the second level dict keys contain name? if name in list(top_dict_value.keys()): return top_dict_key # return key as None if not in any dictionary return None
[docs] def gen_cur_blk_comment(self, cur_blk, dict): """ This helper function returns the current block string, if the dictionary is not empty and the current block is not ``default``. """ # is the dictionary empty? if dict and cur_blk != 'default': return ' // %s\n'%cur_blk else: return ''
[docs] def gen_signals_ascii_art(self): """ :return: Pretty ascii art "Signals" string. """ s = "" s += "\n/*\n" s += " _____ _ _ \n" s += " / ____(_) | | \n" s += "| (___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _| |___ \n" s += " \___ \| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` | / __|\n" s += " ____) | | (_| | | | | (_| | \__ \ \n" s += "|_____/|_|\__, |_| |_|\__,_|_|___/\n" s += " __/ | \n" s += " |___/ \n" s += "*/\n" return s
[docs] def gen_instances_ascii_art(self): """ :return: Pretty ascii art "Instances" string. """ s = "" s += "\n/*\n" s += " _____ _ \n" s += " |_ _| | | \n" s += " | | _ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ \n" s += " | | | '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \/ __|\n" s += " _| |_| | | \__ \ || (_| | | | | (_| __/\__ \ \n" s += " |_____|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\___\___||___/\n" s += "*/\n" return s
[docs] def gen_assignments_ascii_art(self): """ :return: Pretty ascii art "Assignments" string. """ s = "" s += "\n/*\n" s += " _ _ \n" s += " /\ (_) | | \n" s += " / \ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ ___ \n" s += " / /\ \ / __/ __| |/ _` | '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __|\n" s += " / ____ \\\\__ \__ \ | (_| | | | | | | | | | __/ | | | |_\__ \ \n" s += " /_/ \_\___/___/_|\__, |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___/\n" s += " __/ | \n" s += " |___/ \n" s += "*/\n" return s